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An Address To The Mason Brethren*.
flowing from the exercise of the social and benevolent affections , irr much greater perfection than other fraternal clubs ; because , to conscious innocence , and correct propriety of manners , there is joined , in your case , such ceremonies as tend to promote a sense of the design of your meeting , being that of improving the Temper of Mutual Affection and Brotherly Love . In your casethere are several
, peculiar circumstances which serve to heighten the hilarity of your social intercourse . But how must it deli g ht you to consider , that while many others are spending their vacant hours in scenes of riot and hurtful dissipation , or in the loose debasing haunts of gross vice , ye are cementing the sweet bonds of friendship to one another , and practising an Art which teaches you how to enliven the prosperity
of your friends and neighbours , and how to make the parent ' s wounded heart to bleed more gently , and how to soften the distresses of the widow and the fatherless , and how to taste every moral p leasure with greater delicac } ' and sensibility of mind .
As some take offence at your meetings , from their ignorance of fhe design of them , take good heed to yourselves , that ye may giva no just and real cause of being blamed . Walk according to the original and inherent principles of your Art ; and then will ye observe that virtuous decency and propriety of manners , both within and out ofthe Lodge , - which will prevent the prejudiced from having any " evil thing to say of you . " In a mixed assembly like yours , three things are more immediately necessary to the existence of true friendship ; condescension to
inferiors , becoming respect to superiors , and a power of secrecy . We have it declared by a great authority , that " He who revealeth secrets , sepuratetb chief est friends . " I congratulate you upon your appointing a Sermon to be preached to you on the Anniversary of ST . ANDREW , being the day of the Election of your Office-bearers . A discourse on anyone of the great principles of Christianityhas , always a good effect upon the hearts
of-, the serious ; and therefore it is a proper mean of pre-disposing yon to discern and to feel the spirit and moral influence of an institution , which has for its immediate object , a reverence for the GOD of the Universe , and sincere good-will to all your Brethren of mankind . I shall conclude this charge , which , in the spirit of a sincere concern for the honour and happiness of the Brethren , I have taken the
freedom of giving you , in" the words of two inspired men : " These six things doth the Lord hate , yea , seven are an abomination unto him : A proud look , a lying tongue , and hands that shed innocent blood ; an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations , feet that be swift in running to mischief , a false witness that telleth lies , and him that soweth discord among brethren * . "— " Let Love be without
dissimulation : Abhor that which is evil ; cleave to that which is good . Be kindly affectioned one to another , with brotherly love in honour preferring one another ; distributing to the necessity ofthe Saints , given to hospitality . Bless them who persecute you ; bless , and curse not . Rejoice with them that do rejoice , and weep with them that weep . Be of the same mind one towards another-f . " AMEN ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Address To The Mason Brethren*.
flowing from the exercise of the social and benevolent affections , irr much greater perfection than other fraternal clubs ; because , to conscious innocence , and correct propriety of manners , there is joined , in your case , such ceremonies as tend to promote a sense of the design of your meeting , being that of improving the Temper of Mutual Affection and Brotherly Love . In your casethere are several
, peculiar circumstances which serve to heighten the hilarity of your social intercourse . But how must it deli g ht you to consider , that while many others are spending their vacant hours in scenes of riot and hurtful dissipation , or in the loose debasing haunts of gross vice , ye are cementing the sweet bonds of friendship to one another , and practising an Art which teaches you how to enliven the prosperity
of your friends and neighbours , and how to make the parent ' s wounded heart to bleed more gently , and how to soften the distresses of the widow and the fatherless , and how to taste every moral p leasure with greater delicac } ' and sensibility of mind .
As some take offence at your meetings , from their ignorance of fhe design of them , take good heed to yourselves , that ye may giva no just and real cause of being blamed . Walk according to the original and inherent principles of your Art ; and then will ye observe that virtuous decency and propriety of manners , both within and out ofthe Lodge , - which will prevent the prejudiced from having any " evil thing to say of you . " In a mixed assembly like yours , three things are more immediately necessary to the existence of true friendship ; condescension to
inferiors , becoming respect to superiors , and a power of secrecy . We have it declared by a great authority , that " He who revealeth secrets , sepuratetb chief est friends . " I congratulate you upon your appointing a Sermon to be preached to you on the Anniversary of ST . ANDREW , being the day of the Election of your Office-bearers . A discourse on anyone of the great principles of Christianityhas , always a good effect upon the hearts
of-, the serious ; and therefore it is a proper mean of pre-disposing yon to discern and to feel the spirit and moral influence of an institution , which has for its immediate object , a reverence for the GOD of the Universe , and sincere good-will to all your Brethren of mankind . I shall conclude this charge , which , in the spirit of a sincere concern for the honour and happiness of the Brethren , I have taken the
freedom of giving you , in" the words of two inspired men : " These six things doth the Lord hate , yea , seven are an abomination unto him : A proud look , a lying tongue , and hands that shed innocent blood ; an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations , feet that be swift in running to mischief , a false witness that telleth lies , and him that soweth discord among brethren * . "— " Let Love be without
dissimulation : Abhor that which is evil ; cleave to that which is good . Be kindly affectioned one to another , with brotherly love in honour preferring one another ; distributing to the necessity ofthe Saints , given to hospitality . Bless them who persecute you ; bless , and curse not . Rejoice with them that do rejoice , and weep with them that weep . Be of the same mind one towards another-f . " AMEN ,