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Anecdote Of The Celebrated Dr. Stukeley.
THE late Mr . Pine , the engraver and herald , who was a very sensible man , used to relate a fact which shewed Dr . Stukeley ' s character as an antiquary . As the Doctor and some other curious persons , among whom was Mr . Pine , were visiting certain antiquities in Herefordshire , they came to a place called Caesar ' s Stile , situated on the brow of an eminence , No sooner was the place named
, than the Doctor stopped all of a sudden , and after an , attentive survey of the neighbouring ground , pronounced it to be directly the scite of a fortified pass , which Ceesar had left behind him in his march from Covey-stakes to Verulam . Some of the company demurring to this opinion , a debate arose , and an aged labouring man coming the Doctor asked him with great confidence" Whethey
up , , that was not called Ctssar ' s Stile ? " " Aye , master ( said the old man ) , that it is ; I have good reason to know it , for many a day did I work upon it for old Bob Caesar , rest his soul . He lived in yonder farm , and a sad road it was before he made this stile . "
Anecdote Of The Late Alderman Beckford.
LORD E , who went a volunteer in the Russian service , was a relation of this true patriot and excellent man . Being one day at dinner with him , at his house in Soho-square , Lord E ¦ ¦ was a little more thoughtful than usual , which being observed by his kinsman , he asked him the cause of it . As the party only consisted , of a few chosen friends , the other ingenuousl y confessed , that fitting himself out for his expedition , and discharging his tradesmen ' s bills
, required ioool . more than he could at that time possibly spare ; " Poh , poh , my Lord ( says Mr . Beckford ) , what signifies a thousand pounds ! Apply to Lady E , she has been perhaps a greater economistthan you are aware of , and I dare say she can supply you . " This reply was looked upon by Lord E as sufficient to put an end to the subject , and the conversation immediately took another
turn . About an hour afterwards the Lord Mayor seemed to recollect some public business which demanded his instant attendance , hut previously insisted his Lordship should stay and spend the evening with him , as the business would soon be over . Having engaged his promise , he instantly drove to Lord E—; ' s house , and putting ioool . in Bank-notes into Lady E— ' s hands" begged her
: , acceptance of them , as it w . as probable his Lordship might have occasion for some ready money previous to his departure . " Without waiting for Lady E ' s reply , who was surprised at such an eccentric act of generosity , he instantly drove back , resumed his company , and enjoyed himself with that heart-felt vivacity , that is the constant attendant on generous minds . "
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Anecdote Of The Celebrated Dr. Stukeley.
THE late Mr . Pine , the engraver and herald , who was a very sensible man , used to relate a fact which shewed Dr . Stukeley ' s character as an antiquary . As the Doctor and some other curious persons , among whom was Mr . Pine , were visiting certain antiquities in Herefordshire , they came to a place called Caesar ' s Stile , situated on the brow of an eminence , No sooner was the place named
, than the Doctor stopped all of a sudden , and after an , attentive survey of the neighbouring ground , pronounced it to be directly the scite of a fortified pass , which Ceesar had left behind him in his march from Covey-stakes to Verulam . Some of the company demurring to this opinion , a debate arose , and an aged labouring man coming the Doctor asked him with great confidence" Whethey
up , , that was not called Ctssar ' s Stile ? " " Aye , master ( said the old man ) , that it is ; I have good reason to know it , for many a day did I work upon it for old Bob Caesar , rest his soul . He lived in yonder farm , and a sad road it was before he made this stile . "
Anecdote Of The Late Alderman Beckford.
LORD E , who went a volunteer in the Russian service , was a relation of this true patriot and excellent man . Being one day at dinner with him , at his house in Soho-square , Lord E ¦ ¦ was a little more thoughtful than usual , which being observed by his kinsman , he asked him the cause of it . As the party only consisted , of a few chosen friends , the other ingenuousl y confessed , that fitting himself out for his expedition , and discharging his tradesmen ' s bills
, required ioool . more than he could at that time possibly spare ; " Poh , poh , my Lord ( says Mr . Beckford ) , what signifies a thousand pounds ! Apply to Lady E , she has been perhaps a greater economistthan you are aware of , and I dare say she can supply you . " This reply was looked upon by Lord E as sufficient to put an end to the subject , and the conversation immediately took another
turn . About an hour afterwards the Lord Mayor seemed to recollect some public business which demanded his instant attendance , hut previously insisted his Lordship should stay and spend the evening with him , as the business would soon be over . Having engaged his promise , he instantly drove to Lord E—; ' s house , and putting ioool . in Bank-notes into Lady E— ' s hands" begged her
: , acceptance of them , as it w . as probable his Lordship might have occasion for some ready money previous to his departure . " Without waiting for Lady E ' s reply , who was surprised at such an eccentric act of generosity , he instantly drove back , resumed his company , and enjoyed himself with that heart-felt vivacity , that is the constant attendant on generous minds . "