Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
always flowed from the mounatin of Regis to the village , suddenly changed iis course ; its new course was followed , and it was perceived that it flowed into a deep gulph of the mountain . At the same time it was perceived that in several places near the village the earth sunk , and that the steeple tottered . The inhabitants immediately carried away their effects . In a few hours the ground , on which the village was situated , gave way towards the lake , and at the same moment a part of the mountain fell and covered the village , not a vestige of which remains .
The island of Corsica is likely to become a prey to the violence of party . Several districts of the island have brought charges against Signor Colonna , adjutant to Gen . Elliot , and Signor Pozzodiborgo , president of the council of state . Improper administration of the public money , and neglect in other departments , are among the subjects of discontent . Some districts are in a state of insurrection . Paoli , the inveterate enemy of Colonna and Pozzodiborgo , is considered asthe fomentcr of the commotion . BRUSSELS , Aug . 12 .
The river'Scheld , which has been blocked up for more than ' 200 years by tho Dutch , in order that the trade of the Netherlands might be carried on through the ports of their Republic , is now declared by the French to be free from every obstruction to commerce . VIENNA , Jug . 14 . The entire dismemberment of Poland is considered here as being finally settled . According to the agreement entered into between the dividing powers ,
PRUSSIA is to have the town of Warsaw , and from thence to the confines o . f Sendomir ; the Vistula is to become the boundary of its dominions . AUSTRIA is to have the town and palatinate of Cracow , to commence at Sen- , domir ; theright ' and left banks of the Vistula , together with Praga , the suburb of Warsaw , as far as the conflux-of that river with the Bog ; the Woywodships of Lublin and Chelm , and a part of Bierc . ¦ RUSSIA is to retain all Volhynia . Podolia , and Lithuania . The dividing powers are to grant the King of Poland a reasonable yearly sum for his subsistence , and to contribute to it in proportion to the territory which has fallen to their share .
^ POTSDAM . Sfpt . 4 . A terrible firehas . just reduced to ashes the church of St . Nicholas , situated in Palace-square , together with surrounding houses , towards which the wind directed the flames . The fire broke out yesterday at four in the afternoon , in the tower , which was repairing , through the negligence of a workman who was melting lead . . The flames , fed by a high wind , consumed in the space of an hour this very lofty tower , the fall . of which communicated the fire to the church and the adjacent
houses . The atmosphere being inflamed by this immense mass of fire , it became very difficult and hazardous to make any efforts to extinguish the flames , His Majesty directed the operations in person . At eleven at night the fire was still burning , and there remained npthing pf the beautiful church except the masonry and facade . HAMBURGH , Sept . ir . The French have at last effected the passage of the Rhine . The news of this
important event reached us this morning by an express sent to the Imperial minister here . It appears that , in the night between the 5 U 1 and 6 th instant , the French troops assembled at Cologne , crossed the Rhine near Dusseldorlf , drove back the Austrians who defended the opposite banks , . and pursued them for three hours . The town and citadel of Dusseldorlf surrendered on the morning of the 6 th . The alarm is great all along the right banks of the Rhine , field Marshal Clairfayt , who arrived' near Dusseldorff , sent couriers to Mentz for reinforcements , but we fear they will arrive too late . This event is likely to accelerate the peace , -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
always flowed from the mounatin of Regis to the village , suddenly changed iis course ; its new course was followed , and it was perceived that it flowed into a deep gulph of the mountain . At the same time it was perceived that in several places near the village the earth sunk , and that the steeple tottered . The inhabitants immediately carried away their effects . In a few hours the ground , on which the village was situated , gave way towards the lake , and at the same moment a part of the mountain fell and covered the village , not a vestige of which remains .
The island of Corsica is likely to become a prey to the violence of party . Several districts of the island have brought charges against Signor Colonna , adjutant to Gen . Elliot , and Signor Pozzodiborgo , president of the council of state . Improper administration of the public money , and neglect in other departments , are among the subjects of discontent . Some districts are in a state of insurrection . Paoli , the inveterate enemy of Colonna and Pozzodiborgo , is considered asthe fomentcr of the commotion . BRUSSELS , Aug . 12 .
The river'Scheld , which has been blocked up for more than ' 200 years by tho Dutch , in order that the trade of the Netherlands might be carried on through the ports of their Republic , is now declared by the French to be free from every obstruction to commerce . VIENNA , Jug . 14 . The entire dismemberment of Poland is considered here as being finally settled . According to the agreement entered into between the dividing powers ,
PRUSSIA is to have the town of Warsaw , and from thence to the confines o . f Sendomir ; the Vistula is to become the boundary of its dominions . AUSTRIA is to have the town and palatinate of Cracow , to commence at Sen- , domir ; theright ' and left banks of the Vistula , together with Praga , the suburb of Warsaw , as far as the conflux-of that river with the Bog ; the Woywodships of Lublin and Chelm , and a part of Bierc . ¦ RUSSIA is to retain all Volhynia . Podolia , and Lithuania . The dividing powers are to grant the King of Poland a reasonable yearly sum for his subsistence , and to contribute to it in proportion to the territory which has fallen to their share .
^ POTSDAM . Sfpt . 4 . A terrible firehas . just reduced to ashes the church of St . Nicholas , situated in Palace-square , together with surrounding houses , towards which the wind directed the flames . The fire broke out yesterday at four in the afternoon , in the tower , which was repairing , through the negligence of a workman who was melting lead . . The flames , fed by a high wind , consumed in the space of an hour this very lofty tower , the fall . of which communicated the fire to the church and the adjacent
houses . The atmosphere being inflamed by this immense mass of fire , it became very difficult and hazardous to make any efforts to extinguish the flames , His Majesty directed the operations in person . At eleven at night the fire was still burning , and there remained npthing pf the beautiful church except the masonry and facade . HAMBURGH , Sept . ir . The French have at last effected the passage of the Rhine . The news of this
important event reached us this morning by an express sent to the Imperial minister here . It appears that , in the night between the 5 U 1 and 6 th instant , the French troops assembled at Cologne , crossed the Rhine near Dusseldorlf , drove back the Austrians who defended the opposite banks , . and pursued them for three hours . The town and citadel of Dusseldorlf surrendered on the morning of the 6 th . The alarm is great all along the right banks of the Rhine , field Marshal Clairfayt , who arrived' near Dusseldorff , sent couriers to Mentz for reinforcements , but we fear they will arrive too late . This event is likely to accelerate the peace , -