Article MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM PERFECT, M. D. ← Page 5 of 5 Article SKETCH OF HIGH LIFE. Page 1 of 1
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Memoirs Of William Perfect, M. D.
rf himself amongst the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , and is deservedly considered as one of their strongest pillars and bri ghtest ornaments . As a proof of the high estimation in which he is held by the Royal Craft , on the resignation of Colonel Jacob Sawbridge as Provincial Grand Master for the county of Kent , at a provincial GrandLodo-e of Emergency held at Maidstone on the 7 th of July 1794 he was
una-, nimously nominated and returned to the Grand Lodge , who confirmed the choice of the Brethren , and , b 3 ' permission of his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , he was invested with full powers by patent for that important office ; the patent is dated December 21 st , 1794 , andsigned by the Right Honourable the Earl of Moira , A . G . M . aud Sir Peter ParkerD . G . M . and all that need be added to this circumstance is
, , that titles of honour add not to his worth who is an honour to his title . We have given a Portrait of this Gentleman , who has deservedly engrossed so much of our praise , and who , though he never suffers the whispers of vanity to approach his ear , we hope will not be offended with our just comments on his private , public , literary , medical , and masonic character . The biographer can never do any justice
person while he acts with timidity and a fear to displease ; nor is that page deserving of perusal which , in defiance ofthe best information , underrates abilities that should command general respect , and virtues that are entitled to universal esteem .
Sketch Of High Life.
From Mil . JERXIXGIIAM ' * Comedy of " THE WELCH HEIRESS .. " SIR PEPPER PLINXIJrMOJT , LORD MELCOURT , and ZADY BELLAIR . Sir P . Pliu . ^ rOXldon ' t appear , Lord Melcourt , tobe struck with-J _ the artless manner of my girl ! Lord Mel . I ask your pardon , I am exceedingly struck !
Sir P . Plin . She has a few rusticities adhering to her , all which will drop from her , like dross from gold . Lord Mel . In the crucible of Lady Bellair ' s refining conversation .. Sir P . Plin . Very true . I am certain Lady Bellair would perform miracles on my daughter—if she pleased . LadyB . But wh y . Sir Pepper ,- do you doubt my inclination ?
Sir P . Plin . Because you fine ladies dislike trouble . I will be bold to say , that , iu the course ofthe winter , you never do any thin" - that your inclination , that is to say your vanity , does not prompt you todo . Lady B . I ask your pardon , Sir Pepper . Sir P . Plin . Indulge for once an old man ' s curiosity , and edify
me by recording some instances where you act in opposition to the ' dictates of your inclination . Lord Met . This is a perfect challenge .
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Memoirs Of William Perfect, M. D.
rf himself amongst the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , and is deservedly considered as one of their strongest pillars and bri ghtest ornaments . As a proof of the high estimation in which he is held by the Royal Craft , on the resignation of Colonel Jacob Sawbridge as Provincial Grand Master for the county of Kent , at a provincial GrandLodo-e of Emergency held at Maidstone on the 7 th of July 1794 he was
una-, nimously nominated and returned to the Grand Lodge , who confirmed the choice of the Brethren , and , b 3 ' permission of his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , he was invested with full powers by patent for that important office ; the patent is dated December 21 st , 1794 , andsigned by the Right Honourable the Earl of Moira , A . G . M . aud Sir Peter ParkerD . G . M . and all that need be added to this circumstance is
, , that titles of honour add not to his worth who is an honour to his title . We have given a Portrait of this Gentleman , who has deservedly engrossed so much of our praise , and who , though he never suffers the whispers of vanity to approach his ear , we hope will not be offended with our just comments on his private , public , literary , medical , and masonic character . The biographer can never do any justice
person while he acts with timidity and a fear to displease ; nor is that page deserving of perusal which , in defiance ofthe best information , underrates abilities that should command general respect , and virtues that are entitled to universal esteem .
Sketch Of High Life.
From Mil . JERXIXGIIAM ' * Comedy of " THE WELCH HEIRESS .. " SIR PEPPER PLINXIJrMOJT , LORD MELCOURT , and ZADY BELLAIR . Sir P . Pliu . ^ rOXldon ' t appear , Lord Melcourt , tobe struck with-J _ the artless manner of my girl ! Lord Mel . I ask your pardon , I am exceedingly struck !
Sir P . Plin . She has a few rusticities adhering to her , all which will drop from her , like dross from gold . Lord Mel . In the crucible of Lady Bellair ' s refining conversation .. Sir P . Plin . Very true . I am certain Lady Bellair would perform miracles on my daughter—if she pleased . LadyB . But wh y . Sir Pepper ,- do you doubt my inclination ?
Sir P . Plin . Because you fine ladies dislike trouble . I will be bold to say , that , iu the course ofthe winter , you never do any thin" - that your inclination , that is to say your vanity , does not prompt you todo . Lady B . I ask your pardon , Sir Pepper . Sir P . Plin . Indulge for once an old man ' s curiosity , and edify
me by recording some instances where you act in opposition to the ' dictates of your inclination . Lord Met . This is a perfect challenge .