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On The Abuses Practised By Millers And Dealers In Corn.
a mill , if the owner of it would , by a proper clause , oblige the miller to forfeit his lease the day he refuses to grind a grist brought him by a poor man ? O . Should not the profit of millers , be enquired into , and limited by law , as well as that of the bakers ? Q . Suppose that the grinders and flour-merchants do nothing more than mix grain with grain , one sort with another , the cheaper
with the dearer , ( which , by the bye , is the . most candid supposition that can be made ) yet if , by their arts , they are able to make these several mixtures specious and marketable , is here not an immense field for impositions upon the public , and exorbitant profits to themselves ?—And what is the nourishment of this s . tle-fiour , in comparison of pure and genuine meal produced from sound and good corn ? Q . Ought not the millers to be prohibited from dressing flour , orobliged to sell meal to be sifted by those who chuse it ?
Reflections On History.
O / un ' . ia tempera no ' . is Insiruit exemptis . Holt . TDXAMPLES are universally allowed to have a greater influence ¦ ^ A over the manners of mankind , than the bare authority of moral preceptsor philosophical demonstrations .
, I look upon the seeing a good man ( after having spent his life in the service of his Creator , andin promoting , as far as in him lay , the happiness of his fellow creatures ) go peaceably down to the grave , covered with grey hairs , and transmitting his virtues to his posterity , to be a greater incentive to good actions , than the most learned discourses on the rectitude of virtueand the beauty of holiness .
, On the other hand , when we see the abandoned profligate , after having ruined his health , character , and fortune , by a series of excess and debauchery , destitute of all comfort in this world , or hope in the next ; worn out by premature decay ; about to yield up his spirit to him who gave it for better ends;—does not this strike into o :. r hearts a greater dread of vice , than the most bitter invectives which have
been written against it ? The setting before our eyes the actions of great men , in former ages , is one great use of History , that we may thereby learn how to regulate our own . It shews us a Constantine and Justinian , crowned with power and prosperity when living ; and , when dead , remembered with veneration by all succeeding ages : the black conspiracy
of a Catiline detected , and himself , with his desperate associates , involved in one common ruin ; and Julius Cassar ( who , instead of employing his arms against the public enemies , made use of them tu . '¦ enslave his country ) slain by the avenging arm of liberty .
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On The Abuses Practised By Millers And Dealers In Corn.
a mill , if the owner of it would , by a proper clause , oblige the miller to forfeit his lease the day he refuses to grind a grist brought him by a poor man ? O . Should not the profit of millers , be enquired into , and limited by law , as well as that of the bakers ? Q . Suppose that the grinders and flour-merchants do nothing more than mix grain with grain , one sort with another , the cheaper
with the dearer , ( which , by the bye , is the . most candid supposition that can be made ) yet if , by their arts , they are able to make these several mixtures specious and marketable , is here not an immense field for impositions upon the public , and exorbitant profits to themselves ?—And what is the nourishment of this s . tle-fiour , in comparison of pure and genuine meal produced from sound and good corn ? Q . Ought not the millers to be prohibited from dressing flour , orobliged to sell meal to be sifted by those who chuse it ?
Reflections On History.
O / un ' . ia tempera no ' . is Insiruit exemptis . Holt . TDXAMPLES are universally allowed to have a greater influence ¦ ^ A over the manners of mankind , than the bare authority of moral preceptsor philosophical demonstrations .
, I look upon the seeing a good man ( after having spent his life in the service of his Creator , andin promoting , as far as in him lay , the happiness of his fellow creatures ) go peaceably down to the grave , covered with grey hairs , and transmitting his virtues to his posterity , to be a greater incentive to good actions , than the most learned discourses on the rectitude of virtueand the beauty of holiness .
, On the other hand , when we see the abandoned profligate , after having ruined his health , character , and fortune , by a series of excess and debauchery , destitute of all comfort in this world , or hope in the next ; worn out by premature decay ; about to yield up his spirit to him who gave it for better ends;—does not this strike into o :. r hearts a greater dread of vice , than the most bitter invectives which have
been written against it ? The setting before our eyes the actions of great men , in former ages , is one great use of History , that we may thereby learn how to regulate our own . It shews us a Constantine and Justinian , crowned with power and prosperity when living ; and , when dead , remembered with veneration by all succeeding ages : the black conspiracy
of a Catiline detected , and himself , with his desperate associates , involved in one common ruin ; and Julius Cassar ( who , instead of employing his arms against the public enemies , made use of them tu . '¦ enslave his country ) slain by the avenging arm of liberty .