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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature .
avoided as dangerous ; and , in his Lodge , he is become a pest to the Society , a disgrace to the Fraternity . ' Such changes , you must all be sensible , are not unfrequent in all the societies of this changing , transitory world ; and Masonry has not been free from these mortif ying wounds , these sore disgraces . But , my friends , whether such disasters should justly stigmatize the system itselfor whether such defective members should reasonabldisgrace
, y the community at large , I leave to the decision of common sense , and the judgment of candour : for , I doubt not , there is much of both in this audience , even amongst those who are yet strangers to Masonry . ' ' 1 shall now proceed to exhort more particularly you , my Brethrento be peculiarly carefulnot only in the present momentbut
, , , in all your future undertakings , not to let your Good be evil spoken of . It was the punctual practice , I doubt not , in each and every of those societies into which you have been admitted , that due care was taken-, by all the presiding officers , that you were well and truly recommended , by some Brother , whose truth and faithfulness was fully confided in , as possessing every characteristic of a good and virtuous
man , before yon received your initiation into the Royal Craft . Ifj then , in this recommendation , there was any deception , either your own conscience was engaged in the deception of your friend , who recommended you ; or he , who recommended you , had his conscience engaged in deceiving the Community at large . A state of mind this , ' niy friendsno ways desirablecould you or your friend have gained
, , the world by such ' a bargain . And though the Community may truly lament'its unfortunate possession and acquirement of such members , yet the system itself , pure as the unclouded sky , still retains all its native purity ; and ifj through your means , it is evil spoken o £ the wound will rankle in . your' bwn bosom , but Masoiuy itself will remain unpolluted . '
' I shall spend the rest of the 'fe-iv minutes , which remain to our present exercise , in stirring up your pure minds , by way of putting you in remembrance of those moral engagements which , as men , by the laws of Christianity , you are fully engaged to perform , and which , as Mason ' s , by the law ' s of Masonry , you a : re bound most solemnty'to fulfil . • ' First'as citizen ' s of " the worldlet not your Good be evil spoken
, , of . —Love , as it is the transcript of the Deity , arid the fulfilment oi all the laws of God , " so also is it the universal banner of our Royal "Order . This garment , which an inspired apostle , in the system of Christianity-, says , coveretH a multitude of sins , extends , in the system of Masonry , its flowing borders also , and hides , from the eye of censure and disgustthe more manifest defects of all mankind ; and
, , either with endearing complacency , or with tender pity , unites , in the arms of fraternal affection , the blackened Ethiopian , or the whiter European ; the unconverted Jew , or the more ignorant and anenlightened Mahometan ; and , as of one blood , all are formed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature .
avoided as dangerous ; and , in his Lodge , he is become a pest to the Society , a disgrace to the Fraternity . ' Such changes , you must all be sensible , are not unfrequent in all the societies of this changing , transitory world ; and Masonry has not been free from these mortif ying wounds , these sore disgraces . But , my friends , whether such disasters should justly stigmatize the system itselfor whether such defective members should reasonabldisgrace
, y the community at large , I leave to the decision of common sense , and the judgment of candour : for , I doubt not , there is much of both in this audience , even amongst those who are yet strangers to Masonry . ' ' 1 shall now proceed to exhort more particularly you , my Brethrento be peculiarly carefulnot only in the present momentbut
, , , in all your future undertakings , not to let your Good be evil spoken of . It was the punctual practice , I doubt not , in each and every of those societies into which you have been admitted , that due care was taken-, by all the presiding officers , that you were well and truly recommended , by some Brother , whose truth and faithfulness was fully confided in , as possessing every characteristic of a good and virtuous
man , before yon received your initiation into the Royal Craft . Ifj then , in this recommendation , there was any deception , either your own conscience was engaged in the deception of your friend , who recommended you ; or he , who recommended you , had his conscience engaged in deceiving the Community at large . A state of mind this , ' niy friendsno ways desirablecould you or your friend have gained
, , the world by such ' a bargain . And though the Community may truly lament'its unfortunate possession and acquirement of such members , yet the system itself , pure as the unclouded sky , still retains all its native purity ; and ifj through your means , it is evil spoken o £ the wound will rankle in . your' bwn bosom , but Masoiuy itself will remain unpolluted . '
' I shall spend the rest of the 'fe-iv minutes , which remain to our present exercise , in stirring up your pure minds , by way of putting you in remembrance of those moral engagements which , as men , by the laws of Christianity , you are fully engaged to perform , and which , as Mason ' s , by the law ' s of Masonry , you a : re bound most solemnty'to fulfil . • ' First'as citizen ' s of " the worldlet not your Good be evil spoken
, , of . —Love , as it is the transcript of the Deity , arid the fulfilment oi all the laws of God , " so also is it the universal banner of our Royal "Order . This garment , which an inspired apostle , in the system of Christianity-, says , coveretH a multitude of sins , extends , in the system of Masonry , its flowing borders also , and hides , from the eye of censure and disgustthe more manifest defects of all mankind ; and
, , either with endearing complacency , or with tender pity , unites , in the arms of fraternal affection , the blackened Ethiopian , or the whiter European ; the unconverted Jew , or the more ignorant and anenlightened Mahometan ; and , as of one blood , all are formed