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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature .
by fhe hand Divine , so , in one affection , all are bound by Masonie Love . ' If this is not a prevailing principle of Masonry , I h-ave hitherto erred . greatly in the ideas I have formed concerning it ; nor do I ever fear a censure for this opinion , from the many thousands who are my superiors , both in wisdom and in age , in the Royal . Craft : Let not this great and noble principlethenof your Masonic Good
, , be evil spoken of : cherish the divine principle in your hearts , and manifest it through all your lives , and in all your actions . It is the transcript of the Divine Nature , beautifully formed in the human soul , and it will make your life comfortable ,.- your death easy and pleasant - , and it will add abundantly to the . g lory and felicity of that future world , where men of all nations , languages , . colour , and state ,
will form one general aud undistinguished society ; where human distinctions shall have no place ; where the Tyler and the Master , who have been faithful , at the door and in the chair , shall sit down together in unfeigned unity , and undissembled brotherly esteem ; where the king and the subject , the prince and the peasant , will weareachthe unenvied crownand wave the undistinguished
scep-, , , tre ; where the brightness of glory shall change even the Ethiop ' s skin ; and where the glory of Divine wisdom shall thoroughly instruct even the most unenli ghtened mind . ' Again , also , would I stir up your remembrance as citizens of this your'own peculiar country . Once more , my friends , as I observed
to you last year , again we meet unsuspected by the state , unwatched by that political scrutiny , which , in the present day , such a numerous meeting must have undergone , in almost every state in the world , besides our own . Why , I would ask , do we enjoy such unsuspected , such undisturbed liberty , of assembling ourselves together ? I answer , because the state supposes it may safely join Loyalty and Masonry in one single idea . Yesrhy Brethrenthe Majesty of the country
, , canriot suppose otherwise : for his eldest son is our Grand Master ; and all his sons , as they arrive to years of maturity , become Brethren in our Order . The ministry of the country cannot suppose otherwise : for most of the greatest , and the best of them , are our Brethren also . The laws of the country cannot suppose otherwise :- for . the laws and ordinances of Masonry are as congenial with the laws
of our cotmtry , as they are with these of the Jewish or the Christian religion- ; and the very same obligations , which bind us in brotherly union , bind us , also , in the most arclent Jove and loyalty to the King aiid his family ; submission to the magistracy of the kingdom " ; and to ¦ all the other appendages of political and of social order . 'Let notthenthis loyal Goodof your Royal Orderby any
, , , , mean's of disaffection , either in word or action , be evil spoken of . 'Cherish -and increase your attachment to your King : for he richly deserves it in every character he sustains in the nation . Submit to ¦ cheerfully , and obey readily , the laws and the magistracy of your country : for these , united , are the defence both of your-lives and your property ; yes , under the . defence of these , your lands are culti-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature .
by fhe hand Divine , so , in one affection , all are bound by Masonie Love . ' If this is not a prevailing principle of Masonry , I h-ave hitherto erred . greatly in the ideas I have formed concerning it ; nor do I ever fear a censure for this opinion , from the many thousands who are my superiors , both in wisdom and in age , in the Royal . Craft : Let not this great and noble principlethenof your Masonic Good
, , be evil spoken of : cherish the divine principle in your hearts , and manifest it through all your lives , and in all your actions . It is the transcript of the Divine Nature , beautifully formed in the human soul , and it will make your life comfortable ,.- your death easy and pleasant - , and it will add abundantly to the . g lory and felicity of that future world , where men of all nations , languages , . colour , and state ,
will form one general aud undistinguished society ; where human distinctions shall have no place ; where the Tyler and the Master , who have been faithful , at the door and in the chair , shall sit down together in unfeigned unity , and undissembled brotherly esteem ; where the king and the subject , the prince and the peasant , will weareachthe unenvied crownand wave the undistinguished
scep-, , , tre ; where the brightness of glory shall change even the Ethiop ' s skin ; and where the glory of Divine wisdom shall thoroughly instruct even the most unenli ghtened mind . ' Again , also , would I stir up your remembrance as citizens of this your'own peculiar country . Once more , my friends , as I observed
to you last year , again we meet unsuspected by the state , unwatched by that political scrutiny , which , in the present day , such a numerous meeting must have undergone , in almost every state in the world , besides our own . Why , I would ask , do we enjoy such unsuspected , such undisturbed liberty , of assembling ourselves together ? I answer , because the state supposes it may safely join Loyalty and Masonry in one single idea . Yesrhy Brethrenthe Majesty of the country
, , canriot suppose otherwise : for his eldest son is our Grand Master ; and all his sons , as they arrive to years of maturity , become Brethren in our Order . The ministry of the country cannot suppose otherwise : for most of the greatest , and the best of them , are our Brethren also . The laws of the country cannot suppose otherwise :- for . the laws and ordinances of Masonry are as congenial with the laws
of our cotmtry , as they are with these of the Jewish or the Christian religion- ; and the very same obligations , which bind us in brotherly union , bind us , also , in the most arclent Jove and loyalty to the King aiid his family ; submission to the magistracy of the kingdom " ; and to ¦ all the other appendages of political and of social order . 'Let notthenthis loyal Goodof your Royal Orderby any
, , , , mean's of disaffection , either in word or action , be evil spoken of . 'Cherish -and increase your attachment to your King : for he richly deserves it in every character he sustains in the nation . Submit to ¦ cheerfully , and obey readily , the laws and the magistracy of your country : for these , united , are the defence both of your-lives and your property ; yes , under the . defence of these , your lands are culti-