Article THE COLLECTOR. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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The Collector.
and they defeated John Sinclair and his party . Several were killed , and John Sinclair was wounded in the engagement . This shews that Robert Gun was both a tyrant and an usurper . Young William ' s mother lived the remainder of her life with Robert Gun , and had two sons by him . After these sons had arrived at maturity , young William and they went one day a hunting ; and William , being more successful than the other twokilled a roewhich he
de-, , sired his two brothers to carry home . They objected to this drudgery , and said that he mi ght carry home his own prey himself . But William , who by this time had heard of his father ' s tiagical end , told them , with a menacing aspect , that , if they would not cany home the roe , he would revenge some of their father ' s actions upon them , which intimidated them greatly , ( though they were ignorant of the cause of
his threatening ) as they knew he had more personal strength than them both , he being then about nine feet hi gh , and stout in proportion : they accordingly carried home the roe , and told their mother that William had threatened them in such a manner . She communicated this circumstance to their father , Robert Gun , adding , that she suspected William had heard of his father ' s deat ' ti . Robert Gun
being afiaid of young William ' s personal strength , ' wished to be in friendship with him , and proposed that he should marry his ( Gun ' s ) sister , who resided with them in the character of a housekeeper . William did not relish the match , and would not accept of her . Soon afterwards Robert Gun made a feast at his house , where he collected several of his friends , and by some means or other got young
William so much intoxicated , that he was carried to bed , and Robert Gun put his sister to bed with him . When William awakened next morning , he was surprised to find Gun ' s sister in bed with him . She fold him , he might recollect that the ceremonies of marriage passed betwixt them the preceding evening , and that she was now his lawful spouse . He got up in a passion , and declared that he was imposed uponand ( hat he would hold no such bargain .
, Robert Gun flattered him , and said , that as he was now married to his sister , he would make the match as agreeable to him as possible , by putting him in possession of the estate , of Langwell ; and , in order to accomplish his promise , he , with a few of his connections , concealed themselves near Hector Mo re ' s castle on the said rock , until early in the morning : when the draw-bridge was let downthey
, forced their way into the castle , and carried Hector More ( who was then an old feeble man ) out of his castle , and left him in a cot-house in the nei g hbourhood , where he remained for some little time , and afterwards went to Sutherland , and passed the remainder of his days with one of his relations , Sutherland of Jlearchar . Robert Gun then returned in triumph to Braemoreand conducted
, William Sutherland and his-espoused wife tothe said castle , and gave them also possession of ihe estate of Langwell . William being very much dissatisfied will ; Robert Gun ' s conduct , and not liking the company of his sister as a spouse , went and complained of his grievances to the Earl of Caithness , who promised him redress as soon as he re . turned from the Orkneys , where he was going to quell a rebellion ,
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The Collector.
and they defeated John Sinclair and his party . Several were killed , and John Sinclair was wounded in the engagement . This shews that Robert Gun was both a tyrant and an usurper . Young William ' s mother lived the remainder of her life with Robert Gun , and had two sons by him . After these sons had arrived at maturity , young William and they went one day a hunting ; and William , being more successful than the other twokilled a roewhich he
de-, , sired his two brothers to carry home . They objected to this drudgery , and said that he mi ght carry home his own prey himself . But William , who by this time had heard of his father ' s tiagical end , told them , with a menacing aspect , that , if they would not cany home the roe , he would revenge some of their father ' s actions upon them , which intimidated them greatly , ( though they were ignorant of the cause of
his threatening ) as they knew he had more personal strength than them both , he being then about nine feet hi gh , and stout in proportion : they accordingly carried home the roe , and told their mother that William had threatened them in such a manner . She communicated this circumstance to their father , Robert Gun , adding , that she suspected William had heard of his father ' s deat ' ti . Robert Gun
being afiaid of young William ' s personal strength , ' wished to be in friendship with him , and proposed that he should marry his ( Gun ' s ) sister , who resided with them in the character of a housekeeper . William did not relish the match , and would not accept of her . Soon afterwards Robert Gun made a feast at his house , where he collected several of his friends , and by some means or other got young
William so much intoxicated , that he was carried to bed , and Robert Gun put his sister to bed with him . When William awakened next morning , he was surprised to find Gun ' s sister in bed with him . She fold him , he might recollect that the ceremonies of marriage passed betwixt them the preceding evening , and that she was now his lawful spouse . He got up in a passion , and declared that he was imposed uponand ( hat he would hold no such bargain .
, Robert Gun flattered him , and said , that as he was now married to his sister , he would make the match as agreeable to him as possible , by putting him in possession of the estate , of Langwell ; and , in order to accomplish his promise , he , with a few of his connections , concealed themselves near Hector Mo re ' s castle on the said rock , until early in the morning : when the draw-bridge was let downthey
, forced their way into the castle , and carried Hector More ( who was then an old feeble man ) out of his castle , and left him in a cot-house in the nei g hbourhood , where he remained for some little time , and afterwards went to Sutherland , and passed the remainder of his days with one of his relations , Sutherland of Jlearchar . Robert Gun then returned in triumph to Braemoreand conducted
, William Sutherland and his-espoused wife tothe said castle , and gave them also possession of ihe estate of Langwell . William being very much dissatisfied will ; Robert Gun ' s conduct , and not liking the company of his sister as a spouse , went and complained of his grievances to the Earl of Caithness , who promised him redress as soon as he re . turned from the Orkneys , where he was going to quell a rebellion ,