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A Charge
vantage , we then load it with commendations ; if it appears in the opposite view , or if we are ignorant of it , we then absurdly , as well as disingenuously , condemn , and pretend at least to despise it . This , nty brethren , has been the fate of the most valuable institution in the world , Christianity excepted , I mean Freemasonry . Those who are acquainted with the nature and design of it , cannot , if they have good heartsbut admire and espouse it ; and if those who are in the
, dark , or whose minds are disposed for evil , should slight or speak disrespectfully of it , it certainty is no disgrace . When on / cr shall produce confusion , when harmony shall give rise to discord ; and proportion shall be the source of irregularity , then , and not till then , will Freemasonry be unworthy the patronage of the great , the wise , and the £ 'ood . / \
To love as brethren , to be ready to communicate , to speak truth one to another , are the dictates of reason and revelation ; and 3 'ou know that they are likewise the foundation , the constituent parts of Freemasonry . None , therefore , who believe the divine Original of the sacred volume , and are influenced by a spirit of humanity , friendship , and
benevolence , can , with the least propriety , object to our ancient and venerable institution . For my own part , ever since I have had the honour to be enrolled in the list of Masons , as I knew it was my duty , so I have made it my business , to become acquainted with the principles on which our glorious superstructure is founded . Andlike the minerthe farther I
, , have advanced , the richer has been my discovery ; and the treasure constantly opening to my view , has proved a full and satisfactory reward of all my labours . By the rules of this Lodge I am now to resign this chair . But I cannot do this with entire satisfaction , until I have testified the grateful sense I feel of the honour I received in being-advanced to it .
Your generous and unanimous choice of me for your Master demands my thankful acknowledgments , though at the same time I sincerely wish , that my abilities had been more adequate to the charge which your kind partiality elected me to . But this has always been , and still is my greatest consolation , that however deficient I may have been in the discharge of my duty , no one can boast a heart more devoted to the good of the institution in generaland the reputation of
, of this Lodge in particular . Though I am apprehensive I have already trespassed on j'our patience , yet if I might be indulged , I would humbl y laybefore you a few reflections , adapted to the business of the day , which , being the effusions of a heart trul y masonic , will , it is hoped , be received with candour b y 3011 .
Every association of men , as well as this of Freemasons , must , for the sake of order and harmony , be regulated by certain laws , and for that purpose proper officers must be appointed , and empowered to carry those laws into execution , to preserve a degree of uniformity , at least to restrain any irregularity that mi ght render such associations inconsistent , For we may as reasonably suppose an army
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Charge
vantage , we then load it with commendations ; if it appears in the opposite view , or if we are ignorant of it , we then absurdly , as well as disingenuously , condemn , and pretend at least to despise it . This , nty brethren , has been the fate of the most valuable institution in the world , Christianity excepted , I mean Freemasonry . Those who are acquainted with the nature and design of it , cannot , if they have good heartsbut admire and espouse it ; and if those who are in the
, dark , or whose minds are disposed for evil , should slight or speak disrespectfully of it , it certainty is no disgrace . When on / cr shall produce confusion , when harmony shall give rise to discord ; and proportion shall be the source of irregularity , then , and not till then , will Freemasonry be unworthy the patronage of the great , the wise , and the £ 'ood . / \
To love as brethren , to be ready to communicate , to speak truth one to another , are the dictates of reason and revelation ; and 3 'ou know that they are likewise the foundation , the constituent parts of Freemasonry . None , therefore , who believe the divine Original of the sacred volume , and are influenced by a spirit of humanity , friendship , and
benevolence , can , with the least propriety , object to our ancient and venerable institution . For my own part , ever since I have had the honour to be enrolled in the list of Masons , as I knew it was my duty , so I have made it my business , to become acquainted with the principles on which our glorious superstructure is founded . Andlike the minerthe farther I
, , have advanced , the richer has been my discovery ; and the treasure constantly opening to my view , has proved a full and satisfactory reward of all my labours . By the rules of this Lodge I am now to resign this chair . But I cannot do this with entire satisfaction , until I have testified the grateful sense I feel of the honour I received in being-advanced to it .
Your generous and unanimous choice of me for your Master demands my thankful acknowledgments , though at the same time I sincerely wish , that my abilities had been more adequate to the charge which your kind partiality elected me to . But this has always been , and still is my greatest consolation , that however deficient I may have been in the discharge of my duty , no one can boast a heart more devoted to the good of the institution in generaland the reputation of
, of this Lodge in particular . Though I am apprehensive I have already trespassed on j'our patience , yet if I might be indulged , I would humbl y laybefore you a few reflections , adapted to the business of the day , which , being the effusions of a heart trul y masonic , will , it is hoped , be received with candour b y 3011 .
Every association of men , as well as this of Freemasons , must , for the sake of order and harmony , be regulated by certain laws , and for that purpose proper officers must be appointed , and empowered to carry those laws into execution , to preserve a degree of uniformity , at least to restrain any irregularity that mi ght render such associations inconsistent , For we may as reasonably suppose an army