Article REVIEW OP NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Review Op New Publications.
/ I Letter to William Wilberforce , Esq . on the Subject of his late Publication , by Gilbert Wakefield , B . A . late Fclicui of Jesus College , Cambridge , Svo . zs . Kearsley . „ MR . Wilberforce has called forth all the venom of this furious controversialist , by publishing an elaborate < Treatise en Practical Christianity , ' in which he has endeavoured , at great length , and with great force , to prove , that faith in the essential doctrinesof the "
a , . gospel is-thebnly just foundation of morality ; and that , without this faith , men cannot be considered as Christians . The opinions of Mr . Wilberforce are strictly those commonly called orthodox , or agreeable tothe doctrines , articles , and liturgy of the Church of England . He explains and defends these doctrines with a temperate zea h and enforces a belief in them with philanthropic earnestness . He evidently writes under a lively apprehension of the truth and importance of his subject ; and publishes from the best of all possible motives , that of promoting the everlasting benefit of mankind .
Now it is well known , that Mr . Gilbert Wakefield differs most essentially from Mr . Wiiberfoice on reli gious subjects . It is : t ) so universally known , that he has the pen of a ready writer ; and that he never omits any opportunity of calumniating better men than himself . According to this spirit , he has published this angry letter to Mr .. Wilberforce , in which he very contemptuously passes over the subject cf religion , and amply abuses that respectable gentleman for his political opinions and connections . His language is indeed foul foul
, very ; and he betrays all the fury' of a demoniacal , or , shall we say , a republican spirit ? He denounces the most horrible anathemas on the minister , and all who support him . From thence he proceeds to paint to his imagination the approaching glories of an universal revolution . This angry philippic has called forth on the author the animadversions of another gentleman , in a pamphlet entitled , st Word of Gentle sJdmonition to Mr . Gilbert Wakefieldoccasioned b c hit
, y Letter to W . Wilberforce , Esq . ' on the SuhjeSl of his late Publication , ' by J . Watkins , L . L . D . % -vo . is . " Cawthorn . DR . Watkins writes with temperate dignity , and chastises in the spirit of a Christian . He vindicates closely those doctrines which Mr . Wakefield has treated with rude contempt , and challenges him to the discussion of them . His arguments are certainly very strong , and deserve a candid and careful examination .
The Doctor concludes his letter in these modest and pious terms : ' If any apology were necessary for my interfering between Mr . Wilberforce and his angry assailant , it might be sufficient to say , that in a public character every man is interested . Here , however , is not oaiy a great character attacked with violence , but a sacred cause itself misrepresented and abused ; they , therefore , who are devoted to this cause , cannot but have their zeal kindled into activity on the occasion . I have carefully avoided the discussion of the in letter
political points your , except as far as was connected with the main subject . The world has had enough of such speculations , but it has not been much amended by them ; and there must evidently be a great moral change among mankind , ere your pleasing dreams can be realized . Whether such a change is likely to be brought about by relaxing authority , and destroying subordination , refining religion into mora ! philosophy , and encouraging the people to regulate their practice upon abstract RIGHTS , I shall leave tothe examination of yourself , and of those political writers who are so greatly the objefts of your approbation .
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Review Op New Publications.
/ I Letter to William Wilberforce , Esq . on the Subject of his late Publication , by Gilbert Wakefield , B . A . late Fclicui of Jesus College , Cambridge , Svo . zs . Kearsley . „ MR . Wilberforce has called forth all the venom of this furious controversialist , by publishing an elaborate < Treatise en Practical Christianity , ' in which he has endeavoured , at great length , and with great force , to prove , that faith in the essential doctrinesof the "
a , . gospel is-thebnly just foundation of morality ; and that , without this faith , men cannot be considered as Christians . The opinions of Mr . Wilberforce are strictly those commonly called orthodox , or agreeable tothe doctrines , articles , and liturgy of the Church of England . He explains and defends these doctrines with a temperate zea h and enforces a belief in them with philanthropic earnestness . He evidently writes under a lively apprehension of the truth and importance of his subject ; and publishes from the best of all possible motives , that of promoting the everlasting benefit of mankind .
Now it is well known , that Mr . Gilbert Wakefield differs most essentially from Mr . Wiiberfoice on reli gious subjects . It is : t ) so universally known , that he has the pen of a ready writer ; and that he never omits any opportunity of calumniating better men than himself . According to this spirit , he has published this angry letter to Mr .. Wilberforce , in which he very contemptuously passes over the subject cf religion , and amply abuses that respectable gentleman for his political opinions and connections . His language is indeed foul foul
, very ; and he betrays all the fury' of a demoniacal , or , shall we say , a republican spirit ? He denounces the most horrible anathemas on the minister , and all who support him . From thence he proceeds to paint to his imagination the approaching glories of an universal revolution . This angry philippic has called forth on the author the animadversions of another gentleman , in a pamphlet entitled , st Word of Gentle sJdmonition to Mr . Gilbert Wakefieldoccasioned b c hit
, y Letter to W . Wilberforce , Esq . ' on the SuhjeSl of his late Publication , ' by J . Watkins , L . L . D . % -vo . is . " Cawthorn . DR . Watkins writes with temperate dignity , and chastises in the spirit of a Christian . He vindicates closely those doctrines which Mr . Wakefield has treated with rude contempt , and challenges him to the discussion of them . His arguments are certainly very strong , and deserve a candid and careful examination .
The Doctor concludes his letter in these modest and pious terms : ' If any apology were necessary for my interfering between Mr . Wilberforce and his angry assailant , it might be sufficient to say , that in a public character every man is interested . Here , however , is not oaiy a great character attacked with violence , but a sacred cause itself misrepresented and abused ; they , therefore , who are devoted to this cause , cannot but have their zeal kindled into activity on the occasion . I have carefully avoided the discussion of the in letter
political points your , except as far as was connected with the main subject . The world has had enough of such speculations , but it has not been much amended by them ; and there must evidently be a great moral change among mankind , ere your pleasing dreams can be realized . Whether such a change is likely to be brought about by relaxing authority , and destroying subordination , refining religion into mora ! philosophy , and encouraging the people to regulate their practice upon abstract RIGHTS , I shall leave tothe examination of yourself , and of those political writers who are so greatly the objefts of your approbation .