Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 5 of 8 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
Duj . ont , in the name of Dr . Scltoult , presented to the Council of Elders a Chinese Manuscript , written on the bark of the palm-tree . This work , containing the political rights ofthe Chinese , was composed only of 145 lines . A newspaper is set up at Constantinople , which is considered a great novelty in that country , ^ In the hospital of the School of Health , in this capital , there is a phenomenon well worthy all the attention and researches of Physicians and Naturalists . It is an Englishman , whose limbs are partially petrified , at the same time that the
blood continues to circulate in all parts which are not in a petrified state . From a statement which has been made of the Campaigns of the French , and distribu-ed to the Members of the Council of Five Hundred , it appears , that from the 8 th of Sept . 1793 10 the 19 th of Feb . 1797 the Republic has gained 261 victories , including 31 pitched battles—killed 152 , 600 men ofthe enemy—» . taken 197 , 78 4 prisoners—23 S strong places—319 forts , camps , or redoubts—7 , 963 pieces of cannon—1 S 6 , 762 ^ ghns—4 , 388 , 159 pounds of powder—207 standards- —5 , 486 horses . " ^ Citizen St . Aubin has made the following comparative Statement of the Public Debt of France and that of England .
England . France . T 9 , 600 , 000 , 000 francs r 4 , 820 , 008 , 000 francs - Capital of the Debt > or , 1 or , J 400 , 000 , 000 ! . sterl . L 200 , 833 , 666 ) . steri . " Population of the three kingdoms for England , and for France including Belgium , about 10 millions 28 millions
Shares of each individual in the 7 9 ° francs f . ^ francs Debt f . or > j or > J 30 ] - sterl . C 7 I . 3 s . 4 d . sterl Surface , about 6 4 millions ¦¦ 121 millions . Each arpent * is loaded with a por- 7 . ' ° francs f 4 ° francs
tion of the capital about ( ,, or ' . , " l , ° ' r J 61 . 5 s . sterl . t il . 13 s . 4 d . sterl . Effective specie in circulation , ? 6 oo > °°° francs f 1 , 600 , 000 , 000 francs about \ or > A r , > j 25 , 000 , 000 sterl . I 66 , 000 , 000 sterl .
Quota of the debt for 1 franc or 7 15 francs r 2 francs lod . circulating specie I ,, ' , ) „ , > , s ¦ ' J 12 s . 6 d . sterl . t Vs . 8 d . sterl . T 34 8 , 000 , 000 francs r 241 , 000 , 000 francs Interest of the debt 5- or , ^ or , 3 14 , 500 , 000 ! . sterl . I 10 , 024 , 000 ! . sterl . - ) 516 , 000 , 000 francs r 1 , 200 , 000 , 000 francs Net and landed
product revenue V or , i or , J 21 , 200 , 000 ! . sterl . C 50 , 000 , 000 ! . sterl . Proportion of the interest ofthe debt to the landed Revenue , 3 to 4 i to 5 Share of each individual inthe pay- 7 ^ , 6 s ' fr- f 8 fratlcs mentof the interest of the debt {* . or ' , ' , ) „ , ' J il . gs . sterl . C 7 s 8 d . sterl .
. . Each arpent is loaded with an an- 7 5 l 9 S ' ' f , J - 9 S - fr ' nual charge of f ,, ° ' , , i . ° > 0 J 4 s . 6 d . halfp . sterl . t is . 8 d . sterl . "N . B . Alt the statements have been made to the advantage of England and disadvantage of France . * The arpent is equal to . the Scots acre , one-fifth more than the English acre . VOL . IX , D d
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
Duj . ont , in the name of Dr . Scltoult , presented to the Council of Elders a Chinese Manuscript , written on the bark of the palm-tree . This work , containing the political rights ofthe Chinese , was composed only of 145 lines . A newspaper is set up at Constantinople , which is considered a great novelty in that country , ^ In the hospital of the School of Health , in this capital , there is a phenomenon well worthy all the attention and researches of Physicians and Naturalists . It is an Englishman , whose limbs are partially petrified , at the same time that the
blood continues to circulate in all parts which are not in a petrified state . From a statement which has been made of the Campaigns of the French , and distribu-ed to the Members of the Council of Five Hundred , it appears , that from the 8 th of Sept . 1793 10 the 19 th of Feb . 1797 the Republic has gained 261 victories , including 31 pitched battles—killed 152 , 600 men ofthe enemy—» . taken 197 , 78 4 prisoners—23 S strong places—319 forts , camps , or redoubts—7 , 963 pieces of cannon—1 S 6 , 762 ^ ghns—4 , 388 , 159 pounds of powder—207 standards- —5 , 486 horses . " ^ Citizen St . Aubin has made the following comparative Statement of the Public Debt of France and that of England .
England . France . T 9 , 600 , 000 , 000 francs r 4 , 820 , 008 , 000 francs - Capital of the Debt > or , 1 or , J 400 , 000 , 000 ! . sterl . L 200 , 833 , 666 ) . steri . " Population of the three kingdoms for England , and for France including Belgium , about 10 millions 28 millions
Shares of each individual in the 7 9 ° francs f . ^ francs Debt f . or > j or > J 30 ] - sterl . C 7 I . 3 s . 4 d . sterl Surface , about 6 4 millions ¦¦ 121 millions . Each arpent * is loaded with a por- 7 . ' ° francs f 4 ° francs
tion of the capital about ( ,, or ' . , " l , ° ' r J 61 . 5 s . sterl . t il . 13 s . 4 d . sterl . Effective specie in circulation , ? 6 oo > °°° francs f 1 , 600 , 000 , 000 francs about \ or > A r , > j 25 , 000 , 000 sterl . I 66 , 000 , 000 sterl .
Quota of the debt for 1 franc or 7 15 francs r 2 francs lod . circulating specie I ,, ' , ) „ , > , s ¦ ' J 12 s . 6 d . sterl . t Vs . 8 d . sterl . T 34 8 , 000 , 000 francs r 241 , 000 , 000 francs Interest of the debt 5- or , ^ or , 3 14 , 500 , 000 ! . sterl . I 10 , 024 , 000 ! . sterl . - ) 516 , 000 , 000 francs r 1 , 200 , 000 , 000 francs Net and landed
product revenue V or , i or , J 21 , 200 , 000 ! . sterl . C 50 , 000 , 000 ! . sterl . Proportion of the interest ofthe debt to the landed Revenue , 3 to 4 i to 5 Share of each individual inthe pay- 7 ^ , 6 s ' fr- f 8 fratlcs mentof the interest of the debt {* . or ' , ' , ) „ , ' J il . gs . sterl . C 7 s 8 d . sterl .
. . Each arpent is loaded with an an- 7 5 l 9 S ' ' f , J - 9 S - fr ' nual charge of f ,, ° ' , , i . ° > 0 J 4 s . 6 d . halfp . sterl . t is . 8 d . sterl . "N . B . Alt the statements have been made to the advantage of England and disadvantage of France . * The arpent is equal to . the Scots acre , one-fifth more than the English acre . VOL . IX , D d