Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
the Venetian provinces . lis whole population will be about four . millions . It will be in close alliance with France , and have a park of artillery of 503 pieces of cannon . Milan is 10 be the seat ol" government . The inhabitants of Bergamo requested that they might be annexed to the Cispadane Republic . Oh the 1 5 th of March a Proclamation , addressed to the other Venetian Provinces , was published at Bergamo , in which the people announced their newly acquired liberty ,, and stated the oppressions they bad hitherto suffered from the VenetiansOut of 220000 inhabitants of the
-. , pro vince , 500 were aiitituifly put to death by the sentence of tlie Courts : they were continually surrounded by sbirri and spies ; and justice was shamefully abused . Taxes to the amount . of three millions of livres annually were not sufficient to satisfy the despotic avarice of their masters ; which money will now be employed for the benefit of trade and manufactures within the country . Two of the principal towns of the Venetian Republic , Verona and Brescia , the former of which contains 60 , 0000 , and the latter 4 8 , 000 , inhabitants , ' . together with the of have thrown themselves oti the of the
Town Cr . ema , protection French , and solicited to be annexed to the new Republic of Lbmbardyl In the latter City there has been some bloody contests . A part of the inhabitants joined tlie Venetian troops , arid opposed the Revolutionists by force . The latter , however , having been reinforced by 1500 of their friends from Bergamo , attacked tlie Venetian troops , some of whom they took prisoners ; and drove the rest out of the town . In this contest the diplomas of Nobility of above 106 Venetian families were burnt ; and six villages within that territorywhich were
, in a state of insurrection , plundered by the French , and reduced to ashes , and the ringleaders of the insurgents shot- . .. The City of Vicenza , containing 30 , 000 souls , has also adopted the same measure . The papal towns of Ravenna , Gubbio , and the Duchy of Gubbio ,.. are likewise desirous of being united to the Cispadane Republic ; arid , their Central Assembly has abolished the torture .
REVOLUTION IN VENICE . When the French Army of Italy entered a considerable way irito Germany , in the month of April last , . the Venetian troops took advantage of their distance ^ and massacred in every direction the small garrisons of Frenchmen left behind . In consequence of which Buonaparte addressed to the Doge of Venice a veryspirited and menacing letter , denouncing vengeance against his government as soon as he had settled affairs in Germany . [ . For Ibis Utter see our Magazine for June last . - ] And having accomplished that object , the French Army made a retrogade
motion towards Italy . On the 1 st . of May he issued a long proclamation against the government of Venice , in which he recapitulates the causes of complaint which the Republic had against that Stale , and the numerous assassinations and murders that had been committed among the French troops under the immediate sanction of the Officers of Venice . He concludes , by requiring the French Minister at Venice to leave that City , and all the Venetian Agents in Lombard ) ' and Terra Firma to depart those districts , and by ordering the different Generals of Division to
treat as enemies the troops of the Venetian Republic , and to beat down the Lion of St . Mark in all the cities of Terra Firms . The Senate of Venice ; afraid of his formidable approach ; made a reply to the above , in which they declared that they always wished to keep agood understanding with the French Republic . They assured the French General that they would take tlie most efficacious measures to discover and arrest the authors of the assassinations , committed upon individuals ofthe French Army . Buonapartewho was regardless of the further promises of the Venetians '
or-, , dered a , strong detachment of his Army to march direct for their capital . This so terrified the Government , that the Doge published a paper , declaring that he gave \ ip his dignity on the 14 th of Mvty , and the Aristocratic Government was succeeded by a Democracy . The Great Council gave up their authority to a , committee of thirty persons . Of 600 Nobles who met , 593 voted for a Democracy fJidoiUy- seven were tor the old Government , On the rnli . 6000 French soldiers
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
the Venetian provinces . lis whole population will be about four . millions . It will be in close alliance with France , and have a park of artillery of 503 pieces of cannon . Milan is 10 be the seat ol" government . The inhabitants of Bergamo requested that they might be annexed to the Cispadane Republic . Oh the 1 5 th of March a Proclamation , addressed to the other Venetian Provinces , was published at Bergamo , in which the people announced their newly acquired liberty ,, and stated the oppressions they bad hitherto suffered from the VenetiansOut of 220000 inhabitants of the
-. , pro vince , 500 were aiitituifly put to death by the sentence of tlie Courts : they were continually surrounded by sbirri and spies ; and justice was shamefully abused . Taxes to the amount . of three millions of livres annually were not sufficient to satisfy the despotic avarice of their masters ; which money will now be employed for the benefit of trade and manufactures within the country . Two of the principal towns of the Venetian Republic , Verona and Brescia , the former of which contains 60 , 0000 , and the latter 4 8 , 000 , inhabitants , ' . together with the of have thrown themselves oti the of the
Town Cr . ema , protection French , and solicited to be annexed to the new Republic of Lbmbardyl In the latter City there has been some bloody contests . A part of the inhabitants joined tlie Venetian troops , arid opposed the Revolutionists by force . The latter , however , having been reinforced by 1500 of their friends from Bergamo , attacked tlie Venetian troops , some of whom they took prisoners ; and drove the rest out of the town . In this contest the diplomas of Nobility of above 106 Venetian families were burnt ; and six villages within that territorywhich were
, in a state of insurrection , plundered by the French , and reduced to ashes , and the ringleaders of the insurgents shot- . .. The City of Vicenza , containing 30 , 000 souls , has also adopted the same measure . The papal towns of Ravenna , Gubbio , and the Duchy of Gubbio ,.. are likewise desirous of being united to the Cispadane Republic ; arid , their Central Assembly has abolished the torture .
REVOLUTION IN VENICE . When the French Army of Italy entered a considerable way irito Germany , in the month of April last , . the Venetian troops took advantage of their distance ^ and massacred in every direction the small garrisons of Frenchmen left behind . In consequence of which Buonaparte addressed to the Doge of Venice a veryspirited and menacing letter , denouncing vengeance against his government as soon as he had settled affairs in Germany . [ . For Ibis Utter see our Magazine for June last . - ] And having accomplished that object , the French Army made a retrogade
motion towards Italy . On the 1 st . of May he issued a long proclamation against the government of Venice , in which he recapitulates the causes of complaint which the Republic had against that Stale , and the numerous assassinations and murders that had been committed among the French troops under the immediate sanction of the Officers of Venice . He concludes , by requiring the French Minister at Venice to leave that City , and all the Venetian Agents in Lombard ) ' and Terra Firma to depart those districts , and by ordering the different Generals of Division to
treat as enemies the troops of the Venetian Republic , and to beat down the Lion of St . Mark in all the cities of Terra Firms . The Senate of Venice ; afraid of his formidable approach ; made a reply to the above , in which they declared that they always wished to keep agood understanding with the French Republic . They assured the French General that they would take tlie most efficacious measures to discover and arrest the authors of the assassinations , committed upon individuals ofthe French Army . Buonapartewho was regardless of the further promises of the Venetians '
or-, , dered a , strong detachment of his Army to march direct for their capital . This so terrified the Government , that the Doge published a paper , declaring that he gave \ ip his dignity on the 14 th of Mvty , and the Aristocratic Government was succeeded by a Democracy . The Great Council gave up their authority to a , committee of thirty persons . Of 600 Nobles who met , 593 voted for a Democracy fJidoiUy- seven were tor the old Government , On the rnli . 6000 French soldiers