Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 8 of 8
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Monthly Chronicle.
entered the city , and mounted guard with the Venetian troops who had sworn fidelity tothe New Government . The Tree of Liberty was immediately planted in St . Mark's Place . General Baraguay D'Hilliers thus relates the capture of Venice , in a letterdated May 20 . ' Great news . —These consist ofthe capture of Venice by the French , who had not set foot there before since the time of Pepin ; the destruction of an execrable Oligarchy ; and the substitution of a patriotic Municipality . I am here with 6000 men and a superb fleet . The slaves in the pay of the British
Minister , and of M . Entragues , have attempted to raise a commotion ; they have pillaged and devastated five houses belonging to the best citizens : but I arrived in time . At this moment all is tranquil , and I hope that every thing here will assume a Democratic face . ' The new Municipality published a Manifesto importing , that till the provinces shall have chosen Representatives , the Provisional Municipality of sixty members shall be charged with the government ; that there shall be a general amnesty
for the past ; that the Ex-nobles of small fortunes shall receive pensions , in return for the privileges they have so chcarfully renounced ; that all persons who suffered in the insurrection of the 12 th shall be idemnified ; that the nation shall pay the debts ofthe old Government ; and that the Bank , Mint , and Treasury , shall remain as they were . Among the first acts of the new Municipality , was a deputation of two Members to General Buonaparte , intreating him to pardon the three State
Inquisitors , and such persons as were accused of offences against the French 11 ation . On the 17 th , they repealed all the taxes on wheat , wine , and meat . On the 18 th , they ordered , by proclamation , every citizen to wear the National cockade , of three colours , green , white , and red . They have besides diminished the price of a great number of articles of food , forbidden the exportation of corn , and created a Military Committee , consisting of five members . Instead of these words on the Venetian standards , " Pax libi , Maree , " we read these
, — " / diritti del uomo et del cittadino ;" ---that is , " The Rights of Man and of a Citizen . " The New Government having so far established theirown power , they dispatched two Commissaries to Buonaparte to negotiate a peace , which they obtained under the following conditions : 1 . The Venetian territory on the Terra Firma , or main land of Italy , shall remain in the possession of the French ; a part of which shall be restored when the Political System of Italy is finally settled . 2 . The Fort of Venice shall be
put in possession of the French troops . 3 . The French shall have apart of the arsenal , and the Venetian fleet at their disposal . 4 . The Republic of Venice shall pay So millions of livres . 5 . All persons who have been arrested on account of political opinions shall be set at liberty . 6 . Tlie Venetian form of Government shall be intirely changed . The last article has already been carried into execution . '
KKVOLUriON IK GENOA . June 3 . At Genoa the question , whether the Democratic Government shall be established , and all titles abolished as at Venice , has been determined in the affirmative . The revolution extends along the whole western coast . A large body of French troops have entered Genoa . Immediately after the receipt of dispatches from General Buonaparte on tlie 26 th , 30 or 40 persons , in custody for exciting the late insurrection , were enlarged . Picquet guards
are stationed iu all quarters , and in order to appease the populace , bread and wine have been distributed to them in the great square . ¦ A Democratic Committee of Government is now appointed , which consists of both Nobles and Citizens , and whose President is the Ex-Doge , Jos . Doria . 6 . Four couriers have just arrived at Genoa , with information-that the Revolution had broken out at Port Maurice , Ceriana , Finale , Pietra , and several other towns along the coast . The opposite parties had fought , much blood had been spilt , and the Tree of Liberty was planted in several places .
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Monthly Chronicle.
entered the city , and mounted guard with the Venetian troops who had sworn fidelity tothe New Government . The Tree of Liberty was immediately planted in St . Mark's Place . General Baraguay D'Hilliers thus relates the capture of Venice , in a letterdated May 20 . ' Great news . —These consist ofthe capture of Venice by the French , who had not set foot there before since the time of Pepin ; the destruction of an execrable Oligarchy ; and the substitution of a patriotic Municipality . I am here with 6000 men and a superb fleet . The slaves in the pay of the British
Minister , and of M . Entragues , have attempted to raise a commotion ; they have pillaged and devastated five houses belonging to the best citizens : but I arrived in time . At this moment all is tranquil , and I hope that every thing here will assume a Democratic face . ' The new Municipality published a Manifesto importing , that till the provinces shall have chosen Representatives , the Provisional Municipality of sixty members shall be charged with the government ; that there shall be a general amnesty
for the past ; that the Ex-nobles of small fortunes shall receive pensions , in return for the privileges they have so chcarfully renounced ; that all persons who suffered in the insurrection of the 12 th shall be idemnified ; that the nation shall pay the debts ofthe old Government ; and that the Bank , Mint , and Treasury , shall remain as they were . Among the first acts of the new Municipality , was a deputation of two Members to General Buonaparte , intreating him to pardon the three State
Inquisitors , and such persons as were accused of offences against the French 11 ation . On the 17 th , they repealed all the taxes on wheat , wine , and meat . On the 18 th , they ordered , by proclamation , every citizen to wear the National cockade , of three colours , green , white , and red . They have besides diminished the price of a great number of articles of food , forbidden the exportation of corn , and created a Military Committee , consisting of five members . Instead of these words on the Venetian standards , " Pax libi , Maree , " we read these
, — " / diritti del uomo et del cittadino ;" ---that is , " The Rights of Man and of a Citizen . " The New Government having so far established theirown power , they dispatched two Commissaries to Buonaparte to negotiate a peace , which they obtained under the following conditions : 1 . The Venetian territory on the Terra Firma , or main land of Italy , shall remain in the possession of the French ; a part of which shall be restored when the Political System of Italy is finally settled . 2 . The Fort of Venice shall be
put in possession of the French troops . 3 . The French shall have apart of the arsenal , and the Venetian fleet at their disposal . 4 . The Republic of Venice shall pay So millions of livres . 5 . All persons who have been arrested on account of political opinions shall be set at liberty . 6 . Tlie Venetian form of Government shall be intirely changed . The last article has already been carried into execution . '
KKVOLUriON IK GENOA . June 3 . At Genoa the question , whether the Democratic Government shall be established , and all titles abolished as at Venice , has been determined in the affirmative . The revolution extends along the whole western coast . A large body of French troops have entered Genoa . Immediately after the receipt of dispatches from General Buonaparte on tlie 26 th , 30 or 40 persons , in custody for exciting the late insurrection , were enlarged . Picquet guards
are stationed iu all quarters , and in order to appease the populace , bread and wine have been distributed to them in the great square . ¦ A Democratic Committee of Government is now appointed , which consists of both Nobles and Citizens , and whose President is the Ex-Doge , Jos . Doria . 6 . Four couriers have just arrived at Genoa , with information-that the Revolution had broken out at Port Maurice , Ceriana , Finale , Pietra , and several other towns along the coast . The opposite parties had fought , much blood had been spilt , and the Tree of Liberty was planted in several places .