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Description Of Egypt: With Observations On The Expedition Of Buonaparte;
shall not be able to recover , and give us a death wound abroad , which he could not perpetrate at home . *
An Historical And Geographical Account Of The Kingdom Of Ireland.
f T now became absolutely necessary that vigorous measures should - " ¦ be enforced in order to check the spirit of insurrection , and stop , in some measure , that thirst for blood and murder , which seemed daily to increase , and had spread itself over the face of the kingdom . To eiFedt this purpose the Attorney-general , in the beginning of March of this year , ( 179 8 ) stated , on account of the daring spirit of outrage and assassination which pervaded the kingdomand the
re-, tention of unusual weapons by suspected persons in proclaimed districts , obviously for the purposes of assassination and rebellion , contrary to the proclamations made by magistrates for the surrender of all arms by every person in such districts , not authorized by law to retain the same , it became a matter of the hi ghest importance that such steps should be taken as would ( Jeter secret and . clandestine
murder . He therefore moved , that from and after the passing of this bill into a law , if any pike , pike-head , spear , dirk , dagger , or other such weapon , should be ( bund in the possession of any " person or persons , in any proclaimed district , after such person shall have been duly called on and required by any magistrate to deliver up all arms , such persons should be liable to the punishment prescribed in the act ; and , oa conviction , sent to serve on board of the King ' s fleets , or in his armies .
About this time it was resolved in England that O'Connor , Favey , and the other prisoners confined in the Tower , should be arraigned on the 1 oth of April ; but as they were allowed b y law ten days to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Description Of Egypt: With Observations On The Expedition Of Buonaparte;
shall not be able to recover , and give us a death wound abroad , which he could not perpetrate at home . *
An Historical And Geographical Account Of The Kingdom Of Ireland.
f T now became absolutely necessary that vigorous measures should - " ¦ be enforced in order to check the spirit of insurrection , and stop , in some measure , that thirst for blood and murder , which seemed daily to increase , and had spread itself over the face of the kingdom . To eiFedt this purpose the Attorney-general , in the beginning of March of this year , ( 179 8 ) stated , on account of the daring spirit of outrage and assassination which pervaded the kingdomand the
re-, tention of unusual weapons by suspected persons in proclaimed districts , obviously for the purposes of assassination and rebellion , contrary to the proclamations made by magistrates for the surrender of all arms by every person in such districts , not authorized by law to retain the same , it became a matter of the hi ghest importance that such steps should be taken as would ( Jeter secret and . clandestine
murder . He therefore moved , that from and after the passing of this bill into a law , if any pike , pike-head , spear , dirk , dagger , or other such weapon , should be ( bund in the possession of any " person or persons , in any proclaimed district , after such person shall have been duly called on and required by any magistrate to deliver up all arms , such persons should be liable to the punishment prescribed in the act ; and , oa conviction , sent to serve on board of the King ' s fleets , or in his armies .
About this time it was resolved in England that O'Connor , Favey , and the other prisoners confined in the Tower , should be arraigned on the 1 oth of April ; but as they were allowed b y law ten days to