Article THE FREEMASONS' REPOSITORY. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Freemasons' Repository.
yet more glorious , more capacious temple for the in-dwelling of the spirit of God . It is an edifice , the foundations and basis of " which shall never tremble ; neither shall - the materials , with which the superstructure is raised and cemented , ever shrink , or moulder , or decay . Innocency is an adamantean covering . It is an edifice , that at once displays all that wisdom can contrive , strength execute ' , and beauty adorn the materials
. Even of which the ornamental part of it is composed , are all alike costly and perdurable . They do not consist of" wood , hay , or stubble . " * They are not like those perishable materials , those paltry compositions of human art , brought together for shew and ostentation , which no attention , no care , can perpetuate or preserve . They are not those fictitious virtues which men have foisted togetherand to
, agreed palm one upon another to their mutual injury and inconvenience . They are not like those stones and metals ot abase and inferior quality , which are made to assume indeed an outwardly fair appearance , but which have in reality littieor no intrinsic worth , or inherent lustre . They are all of « gold , and silver , and precious stones . " - | - They are the cardinal virtues of for
prudence , - titude , temperance , and justice ; from whence are respectfully derived the moral graces of industry , application , circumspection , and care — patience , perseverance , contentedness of mind , forgiveness of injuries —sobriety , continence , moderation ;—honesty , fidelity , uoriV- ' htiiess ' and the like . These are the base and shaft of the column ,- ' on which are placed—as its capital—benevolence , friendship , brotherlv i-, ve
Such are the ornaments of the admirable edifice we have i mperfectly delrneafed . Such the virtues and graces that are cherish-d in the breast of every good Mason ; and the fruit is worthy the tree and the cultivation . » Ye are God ' s husbandry , " if ye abide in Iris love;— " Ye are God ' s building . " If regard be had to some of the virtues which have been enumerated , rather than to others the dispositions to benevolence
secrecy , , and brotherl y love , are remarkably conspicuous : n the Masonic character . Overtalktiveness hypocrisy , whisperings , backbitings , are—as you well know—in ' no wise convenient . To admit of these into your fraternity , would be as if one should build a wall , and daub it with untempered mortar t \ Vith the genera ! order of this your spiritual building , pride and vain lory inadmissible
g are . Wherever these are unhappily observable they must be considered as absurd and ridiculous projections which disfigure and deform it . Envy , malice , revenge , impatience of controul , have no place here . The happiness of the individual is undisturbed by these restless passions . And whatever can be supposed inimical to order and good government-civil domesticwhatever
or ; is in opposition to the laws ; whatever tends to foment discord ^ in societies , or 1 , 1 families ; to destroy the equipoise betwixt obligation and gratitude and to superinduce violence , rapine , and insubordination , is here discountenanced . - - . >
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The Freemasons' Repository.
yet more glorious , more capacious temple for the in-dwelling of the spirit of God . It is an edifice , the foundations and basis of " which shall never tremble ; neither shall - the materials , with which the superstructure is raised and cemented , ever shrink , or moulder , or decay . Innocency is an adamantean covering . It is an edifice , that at once displays all that wisdom can contrive , strength execute ' , and beauty adorn the materials
. Even of which the ornamental part of it is composed , are all alike costly and perdurable . They do not consist of" wood , hay , or stubble . " * They are not like those perishable materials , those paltry compositions of human art , brought together for shew and ostentation , which no attention , no care , can perpetuate or preserve . They are not those fictitious virtues which men have foisted togetherand to
, agreed palm one upon another to their mutual injury and inconvenience . They are not like those stones and metals ot abase and inferior quality , which are made to assume indeed an outwardly fair appearance , but which have in reality littieor no intrinsic worth , or inherent lustre . They are all of « gold , and silver , and precious stones . " - | - They are the cardinal virtues of for
prudence , - titude , temperance , and justice ; from whence are respectfully derived the moral graces of industry , application , circumspection , and care — patience , perseverance , contentedness of mind , forgiveness of injuries —sobriety , continence , moderation ;—honesty , fidelity , uoriV- ' htiiess ' and the like . These are the base and shaft of the column ,- ' on which are placed—as its capital—benevolence , friendship , brotherlv i-, ve
Such are the ornaments of the admirable edifice we have i mperfectly delrneafed . Such the virtues and graces that are cherish-d in the breast of every good Mason ; and the fruit is worthy the tree and the cultivation . » Ye are God ' s husbandry , " if ye abide in Iris love;— " Ye are God ' s building . " If regard be had to some of the virtues which have been enumerated , rather than to others the dispositions to benevolence
secrecy , , and brotherl y love , are remarkably conspicuous : n the Masonic character . Overtalktiveness hypocrisy , whisperings , backbitings , are—as you well know—in ' no wise convenient . To admit of these into your fraternity , would be as if one should build a wall , and daub it with untempered mortar t \ Vith the genera ! order of this your spiritual building , pride and vain lory inadmissible
g are . Wherever these are unhappily observable they must be considered as absurd and ridiculous projections which disfigure and deform it . Envy , malice , revenge , impatience of controul , have no place here . The happiness of the individual is undisturbed by these restless passions . And whatever can be supposed inimical to order and good government-civil domesticwhatever
or ; is in opposition to the laws ; whatever tends to foment discord ^ in societies , or 1 , 1 families ; to destroy the equipoise betwixt obligation and gratitude and to superinduce violence , rapine , and insubordination , is here discountenanced . - - . >