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Review Of New Publications.
A Letter most humbl y and respeflfully addressed lo his Royal Hig hne-. s the Pnna of Wales , upon the present Stale of Ireland ; ivith Strictures u / cn Catholic Emancipation , & c . most earnestl y supplicating his Royal Highness ' s serious Perusal and Interference upon the SuhjeS . Svo . zs . Cawf horn . THIS dispassionate review of the history of Ireland from the commencement ofthe present reign , throws much light upon the origin of those parties and principles which have at various times prevailed in that country . While
the writer , however exposes , without reserve , the aits of unconstitutional policy which have been introduced , and the rise and progress of a system of gross corruption ; and while he advises the coui . t to p lace the trade of Ireland upon a reciprocity with Great Briaain , to do away her trade of parliament , and to give her the enjoyment ofthe constitution which she had in 1782 ; he is a decided enemy to any farther emancipation of the catholics ; for which opinion he offers some reasons that are valid , and others that are not so .
Although this pamphlet was written when danger impended , we recommend the perusal of it to every person who wishes to discover tlie real origin ¦ of the rebellion , where only it can . be found , in events that have long been , very improperly consigned to oblivion . What has happened since the publication of it does not render it useless in this respeCt . Whatever set of men project the full pacification of Ireland , must study the genius , ofthe people as it showed itself in the tumultuous assemblies from 1769 to 1774 , and in the
¦ volunteer associations from 1778 to 17 S 4 . A wise physician will not boast of" the efficacy of his medicines ; until-he has informed himself of the : habits and constitution of his patient . Speech of R . Goodloc Harper , Esq . in . the House of . Representatives of'the United States , on Friday , Mayzd , 379 S . Svo . is . 6 d . Wright . IN this pamphlet Mr . Harper developes the treachery ofthe _ French . He
exposes their prredatory system , and being convinced of a conspiracy in America , whereby its independence is threatened ; he exposes it with zeal , and lays open their machinations with an easy iiow of eloquence and argumentative reasoning . A Reply to some Parts of the Bishop of Landajf ' s Address to the People of Great Britain . By Gilbert Wakefield , £ . A . - ^ d edition , is . Sold b y the Author at Hackney
. IT is necessary to inform our readers that the original pertinacious reply has received some additions , some alterations , and , some retrenchments , which are less offensive , but full of spleen .
Appeal tothe Men of Great Britain 111 behalf cf Women . % vo . lis . boards . Johnson . TWO female writers * of the present age have shown themselves conspicuous for originality of sentiment , however we may deny them the tribute of dciicitcy of expression . To the champions for the liberty of the fair sex- a third has appeared , not demanding , merely as a right , admittance to equal franchises with those enjoyed by the men , but substantiating that demand by an appeal- to their
understanding . ' I address myself to you , Oh man ! ' says she , clothed with authority of your own assuming , and clothed with strength , to maintain what you have assumed . You , maintain it b y the . same law b y which the . strong oppress the w . eak , a » d the rich the poor- ; ami b y which the great and powerful'crush the friendless and him who has none to help him . ' - P-. iS . Pld BE CONCLUDED ]>' . OUI . MEXT . ||
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
A Letter most humbl y and respeflfully addressed lo his Royal Hig hne-. s the Pnna of Wales , upon the present Stale of Ireland ; ivith Strictures u / cn Catholic Emancipation , & c . most earnestl y supplicating his Royal Highness ' s serious Perusal and Interference upon the SuhjeS . Svo . zs . Cawf horn . THIS dispassionate review of the history of Ireland from the commencement ofthe present reign , throws much light upon the origin of those parties and principles which have at various times prevailed in that country . While
the writer , however exposes , without reserve , the aits of unconstitutional policy which have been introduced , and the rise and progress of a system of gross corruption ; and while he advises the coui . t to p lace the trade of Ireland upon a reciprocity with Great Briaain , to do away her trade of parliament , and to give her the enjoyment ofthe constitution which she had in 1782 ; he is a decided enemy to any farther emancipation of the catholics ; for which opinion he offers some reasons that are valid , and others that are not so .
Although this pamphlet was written when danger impended , we recommend the perusal of it to every person who wishes to discover tlie real origin ¦ of the rebellion , where only it can . be found , in events that have long been , very improperly consigned to oblivion . What has happened since the publication of it does not render it useless in this respeCt . Whatever set of men project the full pacification of Ireland , must study the genius , ofthe people as it showed itself in the tumultuous assemblies from 1769 to 1774 , and in the
¦ volunteer associations from 1778 to 17 S 4 . A wise physician will not boast of" the efficacy of his medicines ; until-he has informed himself of the : habits and constitution of his patient . Speech of R . Goodloc Harper , Esq . in . the House of . Representatives of'the United States , on Friday , Mayzd , 379 S . Svo . is . 6 d . Wright . IN this pamphlet Mr . Harper developes the treachery ofthe _ French . He
exposes their prredatory system , and being convinced of a conspiracy in America , whereby its independence is threatened ; he exposes it with zeal , and lays open their machinations with an easy iiow of eloquence and argumentative reasoning . A Reply to some Parts of the Bishop of Landajf ' s Address to the People of Great Britain . By Gilbert Wakefield , £ . A . - ^ d edition , is . Sold b y the Author at Hackney
. IT is necessary to inform our readers that the original pertinacious reply has received some additions , some alterations , and , some retrenchments , which are less offensive , but full of spleen .
Appeal tothe Men of Great Britain 111 behalf cf Women . % vo . lis . boards . Johnson . TWO female writers * of the present age have shown themselves conspicuous for originality of sentiment , however we may deny them the tribute of dciicitcy of expression . To the champions for the liberty of the fair sex- a third has appeared , not demanding , merely as a right , admittance to equal franchises with those enjoyed by the men , but substantiating that demand by an appeal- to their
understanding . ' I address myself to you , Oh man ! ' says she , clothed with authority of your own assuming , and clothed with strength , to maintain what you have assumed . You , maintain it b y the . same law b y which the . strong oppress the w . eak , a » d the rich the poor- ; ami b y which the great and powerful'crush the friendless and him who has none to help him . ' - P-. iS . Pld BE CONCLUDED ]>' . OUI . MEXT . ||