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To The Printer Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
RELIGION beinsr the Basis of Free Masonry and FAITH one of the principal tenets of the Profession , you will perhaps consider any obser-2 aris in ..- from those subjects as not incompat . bie with the nature If your undertaking ; if then you should believe they might be acceptable to some of your readers , I submit to you for insertion a lew CURSORY THOUGHT S ON HAPPINESS ,
f \ J ? which ^"^ " Each has his share ; and who would more obtain « Shall find—the pleasure pays not half the pain * . " As it is essential to the order of sublunary things that Riches ( too often termed the good things of this world ) should be unwiselto have ordainedthat
ecii ' a'Iy distributed , Providence seems y , they should not be indispensably necessary to our Happiness . _ Happiness , like the Passions , is implanted in all ; it 1 ? best derived from Hope , and seems indeed incompatible only with i << wr .- I know not if I should err were I to say , that true-Happmess can only . subsist in the hope of something / irf «« ; it is very certain , however , that a the of the present moment
superficial kind only attends on gratification . Since , ' then , Happiness is not confined to any condition or circumstance of life ; but " The Learn d is happy Nature to explore , " The Fool is happy that he knows no more , foe Rich is happy with the plenty
iven" g , ^ „ " The Poor is happy w ith the care oflleavn f ;" the plain inference is , that every one must look for it within his own breast . If we would enjoy it unallayed with Care , we had best seek it in that moderate proportion winch is called Content ; for the supreme degree , however fascinating in prospect , is seldom durable , and never to be depended on ; but Content may be the lot of the princeLet
of whosoever seeks it , of the peasant equally as . this suffice to prove my first position , and indulge me in a few more observations . _ _ . 1 _ ¦ I have thought much on this subject , Mr . Printer , and from no other did I ever derive such full conviction . In whatever light I bco-an my argument I ever found it tend to one grand point , beyond which I neither had power nor desire to pursue it : this conclusion was * that Happiness could in no degree be enjoyed by man but through
AN UNLIMITED FAITH IN THE POWER , THE WISDOM , AND THE GOODNESS OF GOD . Thanks to that God ! the proof does not require my arguments of tire actual existence of such a Being , nor does it remain with me to-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Printer Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
RELIGION beinsr the Basis of Free Masonry and FAITH one of the principal tenets of the Profession , you will perhaps consider any obser-2 aris in ..- from those subjects as not incompat . bie with the nature If your undertaking ; if then you should believe they might be acceptable to some of your readers , I submit to you for insertion a lew CURSORY THOUGHT S ON HAPPINESS ,
f \ J ? which ^"^ " Each has his share ; and who would more obtain « Shall find—the pleasure pays not half the pain * . " As it is essential to the order of sublunary things that Riches ( too often termed the good things of this world ) should be unwiselto have ordainedthat
ecii ' a'Iy distributed , Providence seems y , they should not be indispensably necessary to our Happiness . _ Happiness , like the Passions , is implanted in all ; it 1 ? best derived from Hope , and seems indeed incompatible only with i << wr .- I know not if I should err were I to say , that true-Happmess can only . subsist in the hope of something / irf «« ; it is very certain , however , that a the of the present moment
superficial kind only attends on gratification . Since , ' then , Happiness is not confined to any condition or circumstance of life ; but " The Learn d is happy Nature to explore , " The Fool is happy that he knows no more , foe Rich is happy with the plenty
iven" g , ^ „ " The Poor is happy w ith the care oflleavn f ;" the plain inference is , that every one must look for it within his own breast . If we would enjoy it unallayed with Care , we had best seek it in that moderate proportion winch is called Content ; for the supreme degree , however fascinating in prospect , is seldom durable , and never to be depended on ; but Content may be the lot of the princeLet
of whosoever seeks it , of the peasant equally as . this suffice to prove my first position , and indulge me in a few more observations . _ _ . 1 _ ¦ I have thought much on this subject , Mr . Printer , and from no other did I ever derive such full conviction . In whatever light I bco-an my argument I ever found it tend to one grand point , beyond which I neither had power nor desire to pursue it : this conclusion was * that Happiness could in no degree be enjoyed by man but through
AN UNLIMITED FAITH IN THE POWER , THE WISDOM , AND THE GOODNESS OF GOD . Thanks to that God ! the proof does not require my arguments of tire actual existence of such a Being , nor does it remain with me to-