Article TO THE PRINTER OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 3 →
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To The Printer Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
SIR , - THE person \ o whom the following letter -was sent , has been sumjnoned to appear before that Eternal Being , in whose hands are the issues of life and death > consequently neither his name nor that of his correspondent shall be here mentioned . On visiting the place of the former ' s residence the letter-writer observed some pernicious effects produced by
the book in question ; and as he had a knowledge of the Aiithdr , he conceived it a duty incumbent upon him to reprove him sharply for such a miserable endeavour to i"ob men of their best hopes , and society of its best security . Whether this remonstrance had the salutary effect of rousing bis mind to repentance for this and his other enormities is unknown ; but it is apprehended that the publication of the letter , through the channel of your useful Work ) may be serviceable to the interests of Virtue and Masonry . I am , See . ' AN OCCASIONAL COR . RES £ 'OKDEN * T »
y < 9 & # ********** # SIR , IT was not till a ' few days since that I Was favoured With the perusal of a certain delectable morsel of infidelityentitled The
, . Philosophy of Masons , which the voice of the public unanimously attributes to your refined understanding , and regard for the interests of mankind . The stale , unsupported ) unaltered objections to the Christian Revelation , which diversify your performance are totally unworthy of any notice ) because they are even beneath contempt . Wretched indeed must be that intellect , that cab be pleased with the
same unmeaning witticisms which have been uniformly repeated against the sacred cause of Religion , by every buffoon who has mounted the exalted stage of scepticism . Had you , Sir , confined yourself to the mischievous ariiUsementj like the fool in Solomon , of burlesquing not only Christianity ) but also the doctrine of a future state of rewards and punishmentsI
, might not , probably ) have troubled you with my strictures on your conduct . Considering } r ou as abandoned to the very verge of absurdity , 1 should have . left you in quiet possession of your miserable delusion , and to the mercies of that Being who gave yoit those talents which you have perverted , for a different purpose . What has occasioned this remonstrance is your endeavouring td
impose the squallid figure of Infidelity upon the world , under the ; dress of Masoriry -, thereby attempting , no doubtj eitherto weaken the principles of religion in the . mindsof Free Masons * or , to render the order itself still more unpopular than vulgar prejudices have alread y made it .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Printer Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
SIR , - THE person \ o whom the following letter -was sent , has been sumjnoned to appear before that Eternal Being , in whose hands are the issues of life and death > consequently neither his name nor that of his correspondent shall be here mentioned . On visiting the place of the former ' s residence the letter-writer observed some pernicious effects produced by
the book in question ; and as he had a knowledge of the Aiithdr , he conceived it a duty incumbent upon him to reprove him sharply for such a miserable endeavour to i"ob men of their best hopes , and society of its best security . Whether this remonstrance had the salutary effect of rousing bis mind to repentance for this and his other enormities is unknown ; but it is apprehended that the publication of the letter , through the channel of your useful Work ) may be serviceable to the interests of Virtue and Masonry . I am , See . ' AN OCCASIONAL COR . RES £ 'OKDEN * T »
y < 9 & # ********** # SIR , IT was not till a ' few days since that I Was favoured With the perusal of a certain delectable morsel of infidelityentitled The
, . Philosophy of Masons , which the voice of the public unanimously attributes to your refined understanding , and regard for the interests of mankind . The stale , unsupported ) unaltered objections to the Christian Revelation , which diversify your performance are totally unworthy of any notice ) because they are even beneath contempt . Wretched indeed must be that intellect , that cab be pleased with the
same unmeaning witticisms which have been uniformly repeated against the sacred cause of Religion , by every buffoon who has mounted the exalted stage of scepticism . Had you , Sir , confined yourself to the mischievous ariiUsementj like the fool in Solomon , of burlesquing not only Christianity ) but also the doctrine of a future state of rewards and punishmentsI
, might not , probably ) have troubled you with my strictures on your conduct . Considering } r ou as abandoned to the very verge of absurdity , 1 should have . left you in quiet possession of your miserable delusion , and to the mercies of that Being who gave yoit those talents which you have perverted , for a different purpose . What has occasioned this remonstrance is your endeavouring td
impose the squallid figure of Infidelity upon the world , under the ; dress of Masoriry -, thereby attempting , no doubtj eitherto weaken the principles of religion in the . mindsof Free Masons * or , to render the order itself still more unpopular than vulgar prejudices have alread y made it .