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Thus we see we are totally at a loss to account for the commox productions of Nature , the ) ' being all mysteries to our finite capacities ; other mysteries are proposed to us as trials of our Faith , and we ' must either believe what God commands us in Holy Scripture , or we must reject that Scripture altogether , and with it our profession of Christianity ; but that , it is to be hoped , is too desperate a step for any reasonable man to take .
Divine Truths have been intimated to the human race by various means . Sometimes by the immediate voice of God , or by the mediation of inspired men ; of which we have numbers of instances in the lives of the Patriarchs , and in the Jewish history . But the clearest revelation of the Divine intentions ever vouchsafed to mankind was by the message and mediation of his own son our Lord Jesus Christ ; and the belief of his Gospel , or receiving as certain Truths those things declared to us in God ' s name , is called the Christian Faith .
Mermaids Not Fabulous,
BYLORDMONBODDO . THE account I am . to-give of Mermaids is taken from a Dutch book , which is very rare , and not translated , as far as I know , either into French or English ; and therefore I -will give it in the
words of the author , who is one Valentyn , Minister of the Gospel in Amboyna and Banda . He lived in the beginning of this century , and has written a natural history of India , which I am told is the best extant . A friend of mine , who has favoured me with a translation of the passages from it that follow , assures me that the author was a man esteemed by the Dutch of Batavia ( among whom
my friend lived for several years ) to be a man of perfect veracity , and , from what he has collected concerning the Mermaid , appears to have been a man of learning , and of great curiosity and industry . In his third volume , which treats of Amboyna , and the islands in its neighbourhood , he says , "It seems very certain , hat , in
former times , Mermaids have been seen here . " " In the Company ' s Daily Register for the year 16 53 , there is inserted , That Lieutenant Trans Male or Smallen saw , at the time he was sent with some men on an expedition in the Bay of Houndelo , as did all the people that were with him , in clear day time , two Mermaids , the one greater , the other smaller , which they took to be man and wife , swimming together : that the hair of her head hung over the neck , and that it appeared between a green and . greyish colour ; and that they could see they had breasts .
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Thus we see we are totally at a loss to account for the commox productions of Nature , the ) ' being all mysteries to our finite capacities ; other mysteries are proposed to us as trials of our Faith , and we ' must either believe what God commands us in Holy Scripture , or we must reject that Scripture altogether , and with it our profession of Christianity ; but that , it is to be hoped , is too desperate a step for any reasonable man to take .
Divine Truths have been intimated to the human race by various means . Sometimes by the immediate voice of God , or by the mediation of inspired men ; of which we have numbers of instances in the lives of the Patriarchs , and in the Jewish history . But the clearest revelation of the Divine intentions ever vouchsafed to mankind was by the message and mediation of his own son our Lord Jesus Christ ; and the belief of his Gospel , or receiving as certain Truths those things declared to us in God ' s name , is called the Christian Faith .
Mermaids Not Fabulous,
BYLORDMONBODDO . THE account I am . to-give of Mermaids is taken from a Dutch book , which is very rare , and not translated , as far as I know , either into French or English ; and therefore I -will give it in the
words of the author , who is one Valentyn , Minister of the Gospel in Amboyna and Banda . He lived in the beginning of this century , and has written a natural history of India , which I am told is the best extant . A friend of mine , who has favoured me with a translation of the passages from it that follow , assures me that the author was a man esteemed by the Dutch of Batavia ( among whom
my friend lived for several years ) to be a man of perfect veracity , and , from what he has collected concerning the Mermaid , appears to have been a man of learning , and of great curiosity and industry . In his third volume , which treats of Amboyna , and the islands in its neighbourhood , he says , "It seems very certain , hat , in
former times , Mermaids have been seen here . " " In the Company ' s Daily Register for the year 16 53 , there is inserted , That Lieutenant Trans Male or Smallen saw , at the time he was sent with some men on an expedition in the Bay of Houndelo , as did all the people that were with him , in clear day time , two Mermaids , the one greater , the other smaller , which they took to be man and wife , swimming together : that the hair of her head hung over the neck , and that it appeared between a green and . greyish colour ; and that they could see they had breasts .