Article MERMAIDS NOT FABULOUS, ← Page 2 of 7 →
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Mermaids Not Fabulous,
They were all above the waist , shaped exactly as ahunjan creature "; but from thence downwards , they seemed to go tapering off to a point . About six weeks afterwards , near the same place , the like appearance was seen by the sa'id Smallen , and ' upwards of fifty people that were with him . " Alkert Herporf , in his Account of India , fol . 147 , says , On the 39 th of April , at Taynannear the New Workin the afternoon ,
, , a man appeared three times above water ; and , on immediate examination , nobody was missing . In the afternoon , he appeared in like manner three times near to the bulwark , called Hollandia ; his hair was long , and a mixture of green and grey colour . "In 1712 , it is said a Mermaid , or Sea-woman , was taken alive ( near the island of Booro ) , which was fifty-nine inches , or five feet
long . She lived four days and seven hours , and then died , as she would not eat any thing . She was never heard to articulate any noise . It is said that one Samuel Falvers in Amboyna preserved the bod y for some time , and made out an exact description of it , by which it appears that her . head was like a woman ' s , | properly proportionedwith eyesnoseand mouth ; only the which
, , , eyes , were light blue , seemed to differ a little from those of the human species . The hair that just reached over the neck , appeared oi * a sea-green and greyish colour . She had breasts , long aims , hands , and alb the upper parts of the body , almost as white as a woman ' s , but leaning somewhat to the sea-grey . Her body below the navel
appeared like the hinder part of a fish . " It is well known that many writers have handed down to us an account of what happened in the year 1403 or 1404 , in the time of a great storm in Europe . Many dikes in Holland were broken down , betwixt Kampen and Edam , in the Zuyder Zee . A wild or sea-woman was drove from ' thence , through a breach in the dike , into the Parmer Seaand there taken by the boors of Edam to
, , which place they brought her , cleared her of sea-ware , and put clothes on her . The people of Harlem heard of it , and requested to have her ; which was granted . She had in the mean time learned to eat victuals , and they afterwards-taught her to spin . She lived many years , and , as the priests said , had been observed to pay reverence to the Holy Cross . She was allowed at her death a
Christian burial . Many writers declare that they had spoken to people who had seen the sea-woman . " Pliny ( Book ix . Chap . 5 . ) says , that the ambassadors to Augustus froni Gau ! declared that such sea-woman were often seen in their neighbourhood . " Itis worthy ofnoticewhat Alexander of Alexandria ( Bookiii
, , Chap . 1 . Genial . Dier . ) says of such sea-peo ;;! e : He was informed by Draconitas Bonifacius , aNeapolitan nobleman , aman of greathonour , that , when he served in Spain , he saw a sea-man preserved in honey ,, which was sent to the King from the neighbourhood of Mauritania ; that it looked like an old man , with a very rough head and beard , of " a sky-blue colour , much larger than the common run of men ; a-n £
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mermaids Not Fabulous,
They were all above the waist , shaped exactly as ahunjan creature "; but from thence downwards , they seemed to go tapering off to a point . About six weeks afterwards , near the same place , the like appearance was seen by the sa'id Smallen , and ' upwards of fifty people that were with him . " Alkert Herporf , in his Account of India , fol . 147 , says , On the 39 th of April , at Taynannear the New Workin the afternoon ,
, , a man appeared three times above water ; and , on immediate examination , nobody was missing . In the afternoon , he appeared in like manner three times near to the bulwark , called Hollandia ; his hair was long , and a mixture of green and grey colour . "In 1712 , it is said a Mermaid , or Sea-woman , was taken alive ( near the island of Booro ) , which was fifty-nine inches , or five feet
long . She lived four days and seven hours , and then died , as she would not eat any thing . She was never heard to articulate any noise . It is said that one Samuel Falvers in Amboyna preserved the bod y for some time , and made out an exact description of it , by which it appears that her . head was like a woman ' s , | properly proportionedwith eyesnoseand mouth ; only the which
, , , eyes , were light blue , seemed to differ a little from those of the human species . The hair that just reached over the neck , appeared oi * a sea-green and greyish colour . She had breasts , long aims , hands , and alb the upper parts of the body , almost as white as a woman ' s , but leaning somewhat to the sea-grey . Her body below the navel
appeared like the hinder part of a fish . " It is well known that many writers have handed down to us an account of what happened in the year 1403 or 1404 , in the time of a great storm in Europe . Many dikes in Holland were broken down , betwixt Kampen and Edam , in the Zuyder Zee . A wild or sea-woman was drove from ' thence , through a breach in the dike , into the Parmer Seaand there taken by the boors of Edam to
, , which place they brought her , cleared her of sea-ware , and put clothes on her . The people of Harlem heard of it , and requested to have her ; which was granted . She had in the mean time learned to eat victuals , and they afterwards-taught her to spin . She lived many years , and , as the priests said , had been observed to pay reverence to the Holy Cross . She was allowed at her death a
Christian burial . Many writers declare that they had spoken to people who had seen the sea-woman . " Pliny ( Book ix . Chap . 5 . ) says , that the ambassadors to Augustus froni Gau ! declared that such sea-woman were often seen in their neighbourhood . " Itis worthy ofnoticewhat Alexander of Alexandria ( Bookiii
, , Chap . 1 . Genial . Dier . ) says of such sea-peo ;;! e : He was informed by Draconitas Bonifacius , aNeapolitan nobleman , aman of greathonour , that , when he served in Spain , he saw a sea-man preserved in honey ,, which was sent to the King from the neighbourhood of Mauritania ; that it looked like an old man , with a very rough head and beard , of " a sky-blue colour , much larger than the common run of men ; a-n £