Article ON FRIENDSHIP. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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On Friendship.
with a profligate ? their dispositions , their joys , and their pleasures re as opposite as lig ht is unto darkness . Hence , it is self-evident , that without a similarity of sentiment , there can be no real Friendship . Endued with this noble virtue , possessed of a real friend , we may ronsider ourselves as highly favoured above many cf our ienow-Lrtals ; but , alas ! our joys must have a period ; separation must live in to meet
againtake place for a time . May we then hopes , where sorrow never entereth , and where are pleasures for evermore . To conclude , although Friendship in itself is pleasing , yet its duration being short , as subject either to mutability or dissohition , we must say of this , as of all other sublunary blessings , They are less than nothing , and altogether vanish . " Edinburgh , July 15 , 1793 . FRAT ' 2 ' « 1 ¦¦¦ Mam . BiflSEtMawjm *""" ' ' ¦¦¦
AT the south end of Renton , a small town within about a mile and a half of Dumbarton , the Traveller ' s notice is attracted bv a Monument erected in a field , on the rig ht hand of the road 2 the banks of the Levin , inclosed within an iroc . railing , about twenty feet square . The pedestal is about twelve feet , attic base , ? ttic ital with round ball on the top of itfour
ioTXr , cap a , ste , leading up to the gate of the railing exactly opposite to the Inscription , which is well known to be the production of the lata Dr = Samuel Johnson . SISTE V IATOR ! Si Lepores , ingentiq : venam benignant , Si iriorum callidissimum pictorem , ruiratus
Unquam es : Immorare paululum memorise TOBIAS SMOLLET , M . D . Viri virtutibus hisce , " Quas in Homine et Cive Et laudes et imiteris , _ Haud mediocriter ornati s variis versatus
Qui in Uteris , Postquam felicitate sibi propria Sese posteris commendaverat , Mo ' rte acerba raptus Anno / Etatis 51 . Eheu ! quam procbl a Patria t Liburni portum in Italia
Prope * Jacet Sepultus . Tali , tantoq : viro , patrueli suoA Cui in decursu lampada Se potius tradidisse decuit , Amoris , eheu ! inane monumentum , In ipsis Levinias Rip is , versiculis sub exitu vitas illustrates
Quas , , Primis infans vagitibus personuit Ponendam curavit J ACOBUS SMOLLET de Bonhill . 3 H
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Friendship.
with a profligate ? their dispositions , their joys , and their pleasures re as opposite as lig ht is unto darkness . Hence , it is self-evident , that without a similarity of sentiment , there can be no real Friendship . Endued with this noble virtue , possessed of a real friend , we may ronsider ourselves as highly favoured above many cf our ienow-Lrtals ; but , alas ! our joys must have a period ; separation must live in to meet
againtake place for a time . May we then hopes , where sorrow never entereth , and where are pleasures for evermore . To conclude , although Friendship in itself is pleasing , yet its duration being short , as subject either to mutability or dissohition , we must say of this , as of all other sublunary blessings , They are less than nothing , and altogether vanish . " Edinburgh , July 15 , 1793 . FRAT ' 2 ' « 1 ¦¦¦ Mam . BiflSEtMawjm *""" ' ' ¦¦¦
AT the south end of Renton , a small town within about a mile and a half of Dumbarton , the Traveller ' s notice is attracted bv a Monument erected in a field , on the rig ht hand of the road 2 the banks of the Levin , inclosed within an iroc . railing , about twenty feet square . The pedestal is about twelve feet , attic base , ? ttic ital with round ball on the top of itfour
ioTXr , cap a , ste , leading up to the gate of the railing exactly opposite to the Inscription , which is well known to be the production of the lata Dr = Samuel Johnson . SISTE V IATOR ! Si Lepores , ingentiq : venam benignant , Si iriorum callidissimum pictorem , ruiratus
Unquam es : Immorare paululum memorise TOBIAS SMOLLET , M . D . Viri virtutibus hisce , " Quas in Homine et Cive Et laudes et imiteris , _ Haud mediocriter ornati s variis versatus
Qui in Uteris , Postquam felicitate sibi propria Sese posteris commendaverat , Mo ' rte acerba raptus Anno / Etatis 51 . Eheu ! quam procbl a Patria t Liburni portum in Italia
Prope * Jacet Sepultus . Tali , tantoq : viro , patrueli suoA Cui in decursu lampada Se potius tradidisse decuit , Amoris , eheu ! inane monumentum , In ipsis Levinias Rip is , versiculis sub exitu vitas illustrates
Quas , , Primis infans vagitibus personuit Ponendam curavit J ACOBUS SMOLLET de Bonhill . 3 H