Article COMMENTS ON STERNE. Page 1 of 5 →
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Comments On Sterne.
BY JOaSi FSRS 1 AK , M- t >„ ¦ ' ^ rr 7- * - — ~ — - i sssa iFSS HVZ . KKS iUsiJS ,, StAMBiTiJi ? SOr / LCEA-. » T ££ , IL-nsus , L ^ syxura . ? : FACETa . ^^ tT ^ ^ . fef . S 3 JKS . JC 3 » JjJi ; a i ~ f aHECE 32 L £
, . i Bce & aitasE . f ¥ ^ . I-aS 5 s almas * 'tfee only satirical zni -ethical writer of note , jf _ who- -s-raists a commentator . The works of Rabelais , Butler , P « ope Swift , . arid many othersare over-loaded with explanations
, , Vi'hjle Sterne ff-einaino , is many places , nrunielli gibJe to the greater Biuabeif efbis s-taslexr ,. I . would g ladly discharge this debt of grati-Et . > de to an ats thos-who has afforded roe much deli ght ; but any \ pU stute koss . s caft Iw .-ir . produce . some general traces , or occasional hints , EkataBvsuni QB . IV to ail airmsiog relaxation . Some person 4 vho . se »? a-J . isgr & iteiv and his literary reposec & mplete , may work the mine k
1 -divi opened , witfe profit and splendor . . Jn .. dee 4 i ibere is some danger in attempting to detect the sources ii-om whirk Sterne , drew his rich singularities ^ It has been fashionabJeof late , is decry the analysis of objects ofadiniration , and those wlm vniek to trace lie mysteries of wit anri literary pleasure , are held -to he profane dissectorswho mangle the carcase of learning
, , est of -spleen and idle curiosity * . Besides , the originality of Sterne ftasscM-celykiserc ms & ea problem : ; on the contrary , he is ' considered as the Inventor of * « ew styse in our language- I cannot help thinking , ijowfis-fir , with hoKest Mango in the farce , that it imports us little tijiisiar what -art : < 5 e not Knderstan-d ; ami tltough fer beneath ifee-d / grctty af I-f . GK . -oa or Pope f , who professed to admire nothingI
, ii / ink it very unphifosophic . sl , to iet wonder conquer reason , especially in the ctaset , TJS be too cunous in the survey of beautlfu . 1 . performances , is to ittvite disgust . The colossal statues of Phidias , though polished to ' f terlec-tioii ivifl-oat , bore . a rude appearance to those who examined
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Comments On Sterne.
BY JOaSi FSRS 1 AK , M- t >„ ¦ ' ^ rr 7- * - — ~ — - i sssa iFSS HVZ . KKS iUsiJS ,, StAMBiTiJi ? SOr / LCEA-. » T ££ , IL-nsus , L ^ syxura . ? : FACETa . ^^ tT ^ ^ . fef . S 3 JKS . JC 3 » JjJi ; a i ~ f aHECE 32 L £
, . i Bce & aitasE . f ¥ ^ . I-aS 5 s almas * 'tfee only satirical zni -ethical writer of note , jf _ who- -s-raists a commentator . The works of Rabelais , Butler , P « ope Swift , . arid many othersare over-loaded with explanations
, , Vi'hjle Sterne ff-einaino , is many places , nrunielli gibJe to the greater Biuabeif efbis s-taslexr ,. I . would g ladly discharge this debt of grati-Et . > de to an ats thos-who has afforded roe much deli ght ; but any \ pU stute koss . s caft Iw .-ir . produce . some general traces , or occasional hints , EkataBvsuni QB . IV to ail airmsiog relaxation . Some person 4 vho . se »? a-J . isgr & iteiv and his literary reposec & mplete , may work the mine k
1 -divi opened , witfe profit and splendor . . Jn .. dee 4 i ibere is some danger in attempting to detect the sources ii-om whirk Sterne , drew his rich singularities ^ It has been fashionabJeof late , is decry the analysis of objects ofadiniration , and those wlm vniek to trace lie mysteries of wit anri literary pleasure , are held -to he profane dissectorswho mangle the carcase of learning
, , est of -spleen and idle curiosity * . Besides , the originality of Sterne ftasscM-celykiserc ms & ea problem : ; on the contrary , he is ' considered as the Inventor of * « ew styse in our language- I cannot help thinking , ijowfis-fir , with hoKest Mango in the farce , that it imports us little tijiisiar what -art : < 5 e not Knderstan-d ; ami tltough fer beneath ifee-d / grctty af I-f . GK . -oa or Pope f , who professed to admire nothingI
, ii / ink it very unphifosophic . sl , to iet wonder conquer reason , especially in the ctaset , TJS be too cunous in the survey of beautlfu . 1 . performances , is to ittvite disgust . The colossal statues of Phidias , though polished to ' f terlec-tioii ivifl-oat , bore . a rude appearance to those who examined