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Memoirs Of The Rev. William Peters, L.L.B.
of Cumberland , the late Duke of Manchester , and Lord Petre . They are whole-lengths , and are at once distinguished as admirable likenesses and masterly productions of art . The church preferments and distinctions of Mr . Peters are as follow -. Batchelor of Laws in the University of Oxford ; Rector of Knipton in Leicestershire , and Woolsthorp in Lincolnshire ; Prebendary of Lincolnand Chaplain
, to his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales . We are favoured with the use cf the Portrait , a print of which accompanies the present article , by a friend who is happy in this opportunity of bearing testimony to the genius , the ' integrity , and domestic worth of the original .
Population Of The Globe.
THE aggregate population on the surface of the known habitable globe is estimated at 8 95 , 300 , 000 souls ; if we reckon with the antients , that a generation lasts thirty years , in that space 8 95 , 300 , 000 human beings will be born and die ; consequently eighty one thousand seven hundred and sixty must be dropping into eternity every day ; 3407 every hour ; or about 3 6 every minute 1 How awful a reflection !
ENGLAND AND ITS SUPPLY . ENGLAND contains 8 , 000 , 000 of inhabitants , and 39 , 000 , 000 acres of land , of which , 13 , 000 , 000 are inclosed in pasture , and 11 , 000 , 000 are arable ; but it is thought that the land really employed in tillage does not exceed 10 , 500 , 000 acres : allowing on an average = 100000 acres to the cultivation of wheatthe annual produce will
, , , beabout 5 , 250 , 000 quarters ; out of this 787 , 500 quarters are annuall y returned to the ground for seed , and 712 , 500 quarters are consumed in distilleries , manufactories , & c . or destroyed by vermin , damps , or casualties ; there remains then of the yearly produce 3 , 750 , 000 quarters , or , to be liberal , and . allowing for the rye , oatmeal , and barley , that may be used , and supposing it to be all fairly
converted into provision , the utmost that can be made will be in bread 2 , 000 , 000 , 000 pounds weight , being 350 pounds wei ght each person annually , or something less than 11 ounces per day . By the foregoing calculation the whole cultivation of wheat in England will not allow each person 11 ounces per day in bread . Of the produce of the pasture lands the following is a summary :
Pounds . Pounds . Veal , - 108 , 000 , 000 Bacon - 80 , 000 , 000 Beef , -r - 600 , 000 , 000 Fowl , fish , & c . - . 10 , 000 , 000 Lamb , - 81 , 000 , 000 Daily supplies tliiYvyn 7 Mutton , 3 60 , 000 , 000 into meat , £ 39 , , 000 Pork and pig , - 122 , 000 , 000 Total , . ( , 400 , 000 , 00 * Qr for each person per day 7 ^ ounces of meat ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Memoirs Of The Rev. William Peters, L.L.B.
of Cumberland , the late Duke of Manchester , and Lord Petre . They are whole-lengths , and are at once distinguished as admirable likenesses and masterly productions of art . The church preferments and distinctions of Mr . Peters are as follow -. Batchelor of Laws in the University of Oxford ; Rector of Knipton in Leicestershire , and Woolsthorp in Lincolnshire ; Prebendary of Lincolnand Chaplain
, to his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales . We are favoured with the use cf the Portrait , a print of which accompanies the present article , by a friend who is happy in this opportunity of bearing testimony to the genius , the ' integrity , and domestic worth of the original .
Population Of The Globe.
THE aggregate population on the surface of the known habitable globe is estimated at 8 95 , 300 , 000 souls ; if we reckon with the antients , that a generation lasts thirty years , in that space 8 95 , 300 , 000 human beings will be born and die ; consequently eighty one thousand seven hundred and sixty must be dropping into eternity every day ; 3407 every hour ; or about 3 6 every minute 1 How awful a reflection !
ENGLAND AND ITS SUPPLY . ENGLAND contains 8 , 000 , 000 of inhabitants , and 39 , 000 , 000 acres of land , of which , 13 , 000 , 000 are inclosed in pasture , and 11 , 000 , 000 are arable ; but it is thought that the land really employed in tillage does not exceed 10 , 500 , 000 acres : allowing on an average = 100000 acres to the cultivation of wheatthe annual produce will
, , , beabout 5 , 250 , 000 quarters ; out of this 787 , 500 quarters are annuall y returned to the ground for seed , and 712 , 500 quarters are consumed in distilleries , manufactories , & c . or destroyed by vermin , damps , or casualties ; there remains then of the yearly produce 3 , 750 , 000 quarters , or , to be liberal , and . allowing for the rye , oatmeal , and barley , that may be used , and supposing it to be all fairly
converted into provision , the utmost that can be made will be in bread 2 , 000 , 000 , 000 pounds weight , being 350 pounds wei ght each person annually , or something less than 11 ounces per day . By the foregoing calculation the whole cultivation of wheat in England will not allow each person 11 ounces per day in bread . Of the produce of the pasture lands the following is a summary :
Pounds . Pounds . Veal , - 108 , 000 , 000 Bacon - 80 , 000 , 000 Beef , -r - 600 , 000 , 000 Fowl , fish , & c . - . 10 , 000 , 000 Lamb , - 81 , 000 , 000 Daily supplies tliiYvyn 7 Mutton , 3 60 , 000 , 000 into meat , £ 39 , , 000 Pork and pig , - 122 , 000 , 000 Total , . ( , 400 , 000 , 00 * Qr for each person per day 7 ^ ounces of meat ,