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Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
% , * This Magazine will in future be published for the PROPRIETOR by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 , PATERNOSTERRow ; but may be had of all Booksellers in Town and Count ' ry , as well as in Scotland , Ireland , and America .
Amicus , of the Union Lodge , Exeter , has our Thanks for his Brotherly Kindness in promoting this Publication — he will shortly find his wishes in some measure complied with . The Plan , Elevation , and Section , of the Freemasons' Charily School now building , are in the Hands of the Engraver . Di . Perfect's Poem on Madness is unavoidably postponed on Account of its Length . The Favours of the R . W . M . of the Cambrian Lodge will be very acceptable ; he
will perceive in this Number Marks of our Attention . We hope our Brother Somerville has received the Letter sent with the 16 th No . of the Magazine to Edinburgh . To Ruslicus we arc greatly obliged for his flattering attentions ; but there is a Want of Interest in his Subjects , of Novelty in the Ideas , and of Elegance , if not of Accuracy , in the Style , of which we think he will himself be sensible on a Revisal of his two Essays , which shall be carefully transmitted to him if he
will favour us with his Address . A large Supply of the Masonic Tokens , for which the Applications have been so numerous , has been received by the Proprietor , and may be had at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , . Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery-Lane , London . [ Sec an Account of them , with Engravings , No . XVI . Page 212 . X Y . is informed that the Portraits in Freemasons Hall are intended to be given as Frontispieces to our Volumes .
No . III . of Select Papers read before a Literary Society in London , came too late for Insertion this Month , but shall certainly appear in our next . The Proprietor begs his Brother yi . —R . TV . Master of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Walworth , will accept his best Thanks for his very kind Attentions . It is intended to continue the Insertion of Masonic Songs set to Music . Erratum in our last , P . 192 , line 44 , dele the Word "innate . "
Any of the PORTBAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . ( id . each , by applying at the BRITISH LETTER-F OUNDRY , BHEAM ' S BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PROPRIETOR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending , them as above . I 11111111 I « l 'M I IU I IIIIMIMII II II
Prices Of Binding Per Volume.
s . d . Half-bound , Russia back - - ----20 Calf , lettered - - ------. 30 Ditto , gilt -- - -------3 6 Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - - 4 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
% , * This Magazine will in future be published for the PROPRIETOR by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 , PATERNOSTERRow ; but may be had of all Booksellers in Town and Count ' ry , as well as in Scotland , Ireland , and America .
Amicus , of the Union Lodge , Exeter , has our Thanks for his Brotherly Kindness in promoting this Publication — he will shortly find his wishes in some measure complied with . The Plan , Elevation , and Section , of the Freemasons' Charily School now building , are in the Hands of the Engraver . Di . Perfect's Poem on Madness is unavoidably postponed on Account of its Length . The Favours of the R . W . M . of the Cambrian Lodge will be very acceptable ; he
will perceive in this Number Marks of our Attention . We hope our Brother Somerville has received the Letter sent with the 16 th No . of the Magazine to Edinburgh . To Ruslicus we arc greatly obliged for his flattering attentions ; but there is a Want of Interest in his Subjects , of Novelty in the Ideas , and of Elegance , if not of Accuracy , in the Style , of which we think he will himself be sensible on a Revisal of his two Essays , which shall be carefully transmitted to him if he
will favour us with his Address . A large Supply of the Masonic Tokens , for which the Applications have been so numerous , has been received by the Proprietor , and may be had at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , . Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery-Lane , London . [ Sec an Account of them , with Engravings , No . XVI . Page 212 . X Y . is informed that the Portraits in Freemasons Hall are intended to be given as Frontispieces to our Volumes .
No . III . of Select Papers read before a Literary Society in London , came too late for Insertion this Month , but shall certainly appear in our next . The Proprietor begs his Brother yi . —R . TV . Master of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Walworth , will accept his best Thanks for his very kind Attentions . It is intended to continue the Insertion of Masonic Songs set to Music . Erratum in our last , P . 192 , line 44 , dele the Word "innate . "
Any of the PORTBAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . ( id . each , by applying at the BRITISH LETTER-F OUNDRY , BHEAM ' S BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PROPRIETOR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending , them as above . I 11111111 I « l 'M I IU I IIIIMIMII II II
Prices Of Binding Per Volume.
s . d . Half-bound , Russia back - - ----20 Calf , lettered - - ------. 30 Ditto , gilt -- - -------3 6 Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - - 4 6