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Authentic And Interesting Narrative Of The Adventures Of The Mutineers
hogs in all the nei ghbouring islands . In consequence of this theywere confined to dog ' s flesh , fish , and poultry , for seme time . Stewart was the first who adopted the natives' manner of dressing meat , which he did in an entertainment he gave to several chiefs who were introduced by his father-in-law . He had a dog dressed in the following manner : A pit was dug about three yards wideand half a
, foot deep , the bottom whereof was neatly paved with large pebblestones ; in this a fire was kindled by rubbing a piece of dry wood upon the side of another , and which was kept in with husks of the cocoanuts , leaves , & c . & c . The fuel was taken out and the ashes raked up on each side as soon as the stones were sufficiently heated , and which were then covered with a layer of green cocoa-nut tree leaveswhile
, the animal intended to be baked was carefully wrapt up in the leaves of the plantain , and placed in this oven . It was then covered with the hot embers , and on these were likewise placed yams and breadfruit , wrapt up in the same manner with leaves of the plantain , over which additional embers , hot stones with combustibles were-laid , and the heat preserved by ' covering the pit close . If the beast designed
thus to be drest is very large it is split , if not , it is put in whole . A stated time is allotted for the baking according to the size of the dish , which when expired they open the pit and take out the meat , which , as allowed by many navigators , is better dressed than if under the care of an English cook . Water being the chief drink of the island it was not much relished
by our English heroes , who frequently wished for spirits or wine , as by this time the liquors which they had on board were all used , except a little that was reserved for occasional drinking . Coleman was frequently upbraided for breaking the still , and as frequently courted to renew his labour ; but this he peremptorily refused , being too well convinced of the disposition of his partnerswhoif they had had an
, , opportunity , would certainly have indulged their intemperance . After dinner and supper they had sugar canes to chew , which ths natives used in the same manner . With this they were obliged to content themselves instead of a bottle and-glass .
The chief who had made Churchill his Tyo was now taken ill , and notwithstanding all the assistance that was administered to him ( for the people of this island are exceedingly skilful ) he died . Their cures in surgery arewonderfu ] , but their physical knowledge is more confined . The chief was attended . by one of the priests , who are also their physicians ; but after he applied the juice . of some herbs he shook his head in order to indicate that dissolution was inevitable .
The title and estate of this chief descended to Churchill according to the law of Tyoship ; and a day being appointed for the ceremonyj Churchill received all the . honours which are paid upon this occasions About this time several of the mutineers disagreed among themselves , and that jealousy and envy which Christian so much dreaded ; began now to spread their baneful influence among them , and be productive of continual dissention . The respect which the . natives paid to some more than others was the occasion of much private
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Authentic And Interesting Narrative Of The Adventures Of The Mutineers
hogs in all the nei ghbouring islands . In consequence of this theywere confined to dog ' s flesh , fish , and poultry , for seme time . Stewart was the first who adopted the natives' manner of dressing meat , which he did in an entertainment he gave to several chiefs who were introduced by his father-in-law . He had a dog dressed in the following manner : A pit was dug about three yards wideand half a
, foot deep , the bottom whereof was neatly paved with large pebblestones ; in this a fire was kindled by rubbing a piece of dry wood upon the side of another , and which was kept in with husks of the cocoanuts , leaves , & c . & c . The fuel was taken out and the ashes raked up on each side as soon as the stones were sufficiently heated , and which were then covered with a layer of green cocoa-nut tree leaveswhile
, the animal intended to be baked was carefully wrapt up in the leaves of the plantain , and placed in this oven . It was then covered with the hot embers , and on these were likewise placed yams and breadfruit , wrapt up in the same manner with leaves of the plantain , over which additional embers , hot stones with combustibles were-laid , and the heat preserved by ' covering the pit close . If the beast designed
thus to be drest is very large it is split , if not , it is put in whole . A stated time is allotted for the baking according to the size of the dish , which when expired they open the pit and take out the meat , which , as allowed by many navigators , is better dressed than if under the care of an English cook . Water being the chief drink of the island it was not much relished
by our English heroes , who frequently wished for spirits or wine , as by this time the liquors which they had on board were all used , except a little that was reserved for occasional drinking . Coleman was frequently upbraided for breaking the still , and as frequently courted to renew his labour ; but this he peremptorily refused , being too well convinced of the disposition of his partnerswhoif they had had an
, , opportunity , would certainly have indulged their intemperance . After dinner and supper they had sugar canes to chew , which ths natives used in the same manner . With this they were obliged to content themselves instead of a bottle and-glass .
The chief who had made Churchill his Tyo was now taken ill , and notwithstanding all the assistance that was administered to him ( for the people of this island are exceedingly skilful ) he died . Their cures in surgery arewonderfu ] , but their physical knowledge is more confined . The chief was attended . by one of the priests , who are also their physicians ; but after he applied the juice . of some herbs he shook his head in order to indicate that dissolution was inevitable .
The title and estate of this chief descended to Churchill according to the law of Tyoship ; and a day being appointed for the ceremonyj Churchill received all the . honours which are paid upon this occasions About this time several of the mutineers disagreed among themselves , and that jealousy and envy which Christian so much dreaded ; began now to spread their baneful influence among them , and be productive of continual dissention . The respect which the . natives paid to some more than others was the occasion of much private