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Life Of The Duke Of Guise.
as she had done this , he went out of the room , having locked the door after him . . In three or four hours afterwards the Duke again paid her a visit , and , with an affected smile upon his countenance , said , " Madam , 1 am afraid that you have spent your time very unpleasantly since I left you ; I fear too that I have been the cause of this : judge then-Madamof all the time that you have made me pass as
unplea-, , santly as this . Take comfort , however ; you have , I assure you , northing to fear . I am willing to believe , in my turn , that I have nothing to be apprehensive of . But however , in future , if you pleate , we will avoid playing these tricks with one another . "
Singular Instance Of Facility In Literary Composition.
[ From the Same . ' } IT is said in the History of the Life of LOPE DE VEGA ( a Spanish writer ) , that no less , than 1800 comedies , the production of his pen , have been actually represented on the Spanish stage . His Autos Sacramenlales ( a kind of sacred drama ) exceed 400 ; besides which
there is a Collection of his Poems of various kinds in 2 , 1 ; vols . / j . to . . There was no public success on which he did not compose a panegyric ; no marriage of distinction without an epithalamium of his writing , or child , whose nativity he did not celebrate ; not a Prince died on whom he did not write an elegy ; there was no . Saint for whom he did not produce a hymn ; no public holiday that he did not distinguish ;
no literary dispute at which he did not assist either as Secretary or President . He said of himself ; that he wrote five sheets per day , which , reckoning by the time he lived , has been calculated to amount to . 133 , 225 sheets .. He . sometimes composed a comedy in two days which it would Jiaye been difficult for another man to have even copied in the same time . At Toledo he once wrote five comedies in fifteen days , reading them as he proceeded in a private house to Joseph de Valdevieso ... , \
Juan Perez de Montalvan relates , that a comedy being wanted for thc Carnival at Madrid , Lope . and he united to compose one as fast as . they could . Lope took the first act and Montalvan the second , which " they wrote in two days ; and the third , act they divided , taking eig ht sheets each . Montalvan , seeing that the other wrote faster than he could , says he rose at two in the morning , and having finished his part at . elevenhe went to look for Lopewhom he found in the
, , garden looking at an orange-tree that was frozen ; and on enquiring what progress he had made in the verses , Lope replied , " At five I began to write , and finished the comedy an hour ago ; since which I have . breakfasted , written 150 other . verses , and watered the garden , and am now pretty well tired . " He then read to Montalvan the ei ght sheets and the 150 verses .
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Life Of The Duke Of Guise.
as she had done this , he went out of the room , having locked the door after him . . In three or four hours afterwards the Duke again paid her a visit , and , with an affected smile upon his countenance , said , " Madam , 1 am afraid that you have spent your time very unpleasantly since I left you ; I fear too that I have been the cause of this : judge then-Madamof all the time that you have made me pass as
unplea-, , santly as this . Take comfort , however ; you have , I assure you , northing to fear . I am willing to believe , in my turn , that I have nothing to be apprehensive of . But however , in future , if you pleate , we will avoid playing these tricks with one another . "
Singular Instance Of Facility In Literary Composition.
[ From the Same . ' } IT is said in the History of the Life of LOPE DE VEGA ( a Spanish writer ) , that no less , than 1800 comedies , the production of his pen , have been actually represented on the Spanish stage . His Autos Sacramenlales ( a kind of sacred drama ) exceed 400 ; besides which
there is a Collection of his Poems of various kinds in 2 , 1 ; vols . / j . to . . There was no public success on which he did not compose a panegyric ; no marriage of distinction without an epithalamium of his writing , or child , whose nativity he did not celebrate ; not a Prince died on whom he did not write an elegy ; there was no . Saint for whom he did not produce a hymn ; no public holiday that he did not distinguish ;
no literary dispute at which he did not assist either as Secretary or President . He said of himself ; that he wrote five sheets per day , which , reckoning by the time he lived , has been calculated to amount to . 133 , 225 sheets .. He . sometimes composed a comedy in two days which it would Jiaye been difficult for another man to have even copied in the same time . At Toledo he once wrote five comedies in fifteen days , reading them as he proceeded in a private house to Joseph de Valdevieso ... , \
Juan Perez de Montalvan relates , that a comedy being wanted for thc Carnival at Madrid , Lope . and he united to compose one as fast as . they could . Lope took the first act and Montalvan the second , which " they wrote in two days ; and the third , act they divided , taking eig ht sheets each . Montalvan , seeing that the other wrote faster than he could , says he rose at two in the morning , and having finished his part at . elevenhe went to look for Lopewhom he found in the
, , garden looking at an orange-tree that was frozen ; and on enquiring what progress he had made in the verses , Lope replied , " At five I began to write , and finished the comedy an hour ago ; since which I have . breakfasted , written 150 other . verses , and watered the garden , and am now pretty well tired . " He then read to Montalvan the ei ght sheets and the 150 verses .