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The Freemasons' Magazine: Or, General And Complete Library.
disregarding the beauty of the science , and all that virtue which it is designed to teach , give themselves up to loose lives , and by this means disgrace themselves , and reflect dishonour upon MASONRY in general . It is the stupid wickedness of such has occasioned those severe reflections upon the C RAFT , which is now in the mouth of almost every old woman : But let such brethren know , of their
if I may call them by the name , that they are unworthy trust , and that they are in reality no Masons . MASONRY consists in virtuous actions , in cheerful innocent hours ; not in lewd debauchery or excess . Now , though unhappy brethren may thus transgress , ' tis no objection against the CRAFTnor can a wise man draw any argument
, from it against our Society ; for if the wicked lives of men was an argument against the religion which they profess , Christianity itself , With all its divine beauties , could not be true ; therefore , let us endeavour to reform ourselves , to reform these abuses which have crept in amongst us , and then MASONRY shall again shine out in its primitive lustre , and discover itself to be of a truly divine
orig inal . Bear with me , my -worthy and dear brethren , while I insist upon this , which can alone retrieve the ancient glory of the . CRAFT . Let your generous and good actions distinguish you as much from the rest of mankind , as the beauties of the princip les from whence they flow ; avoid whatever can give offence . If the world admire
your sanctity of manners , it will effectually reconcile it to true MASONRY . AS our order is founded upon harmony , and subsists by proportion , so let every passion be smoothed and subservient to reason : Let the soft pleasures of friendship harmonize your minds , banish sourness and ill-nature ; live like brethren , and let good humour prevail ; let no little party-jars divert your attention from brotherly loveor irit against one another ; mark
, sp you up such as create divisions ; they are unfit members of society ; all good order and all good laws oblige you to expel them : You are to cultivate your minds and store them with useful true knowledge : How beautiful are the ways of wisdom , and what pleasure attends the pursuit ! You oug ht to search into nature , the advantage you will will soon recompense the pain ; knowledge must be
atreap tained by degrees , nor is it every where to be found : Wisdom seeks the secret shade , the lonely cell designed for contemplation , there inthroned she sits , and there delivers her oracles ; seek her , pursue the real bliss , though the passage be difficult , the further we trace it , the easier it will become . You ought particularly to study that first and noblest of the sciences , I mean GEOMETRY ; by this
We shall improve ourselves indeed ; by this we curiously trace nature through her various windings , and to her most latent recesses ; hy this we can discover the power , wisdom , and the goodness of the Grand Parent of the universe , and see the beautiful proportions which connect and grace this vast machine ; by this we see how the planets roll , and why they move round the sun , their centre ; by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine: Or, General And Complete Library.
disregarding the beauty of the science , and all that virtue which it is designed to teach , give themselves up to loose lives , and by this means disgrace themselves , and reflect dishonour upon MASONRY in general . It is the stupid wickedness of such has occasioned those severe reflections upon the C RAFT , which is now in the mouth of almost every old woman : But let such brethren know , of their
if I may call them by the name , that they are unworthy trust , and that they are in reality no Masons . MASONRY consists in virtuous actions , in cheerful innocent hours ; not in lewd debauchery or excess . Now , though unhappy brethren may thus transgress , ' tis no objection against the CRAFTnor can a wise man draw any argument
, from it against our Society ; for if the wicked lives of men was an argument against the religion which they profess , Christianity itself , With all its divine beauties , could not be true ; therefore , let us endeavour to reform ourselves , to reform these abuses which have crept in amongst us , and then MASONRY shall again shine out in its primitive lustre , and discover itself to be of a truly divine
orig inal . Bear with me , my -worthy and dear brethren , while I insist upon this , which can alone retrieve the ancient glory of the . CRAFT . Let your generous and good actions distinguish you as much from the rest of mankind , as the beauties of the princip les from whence they flow ; avoid whatever can give offence . If the world admire
your sanctity of manners , it will effectually reconcile it to true MASONRY . AS our order is founded upon harmony , and subsists by proportion , so let every passion be smoothed and subservient to reason : Let the soft pleasures of friendship harmonize your minds , banish sourness and ill-nature ; live like brethren , and let good humour prevail ; let no little party-jars divert your attention from brotherly loveor irit against one another ; mark
, sp you up such as create divisions ; they are unfit members of society ; all good order and all good laws oblige you to expel them : You are to cultivate your minds and store them with useful true knowledge : How beautiful are the ways of wisdom , and what pleasure attends the pursuit ! You oug ht to search into nature , the advantage you will will soon recompense the pain ; knowledge must be
atreap tained by degrees , nor is it every where to be found : Wisdom seeks the secret shade , the lonely cell designed for contemplation , there inthroned she sits , and there delivers her oracles ; seek her , pursue the real bliss , though the passage be difficult , the further we trace it , the easier it will become . You ought particularly to study that first and noblest of the sciences , I mean GEOMETRY ; by this
We shall improve ourselves indeed ; by this we curiously trace nature through her various windings , and to her most latent recesses ; hy this we can discover the power , wisdom , and the goodness of the Grand Parent of the universe , and see the beautiful proportions which connect and grace this vast machine ; by this we see how the planets roll , and why they move round the sun , their centre ; by