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BROTHER WILLIAM PRESTON * j PiM . of the Lodge of Antiquity , No . I .
Mii . \| OT the fictions of Greece , nor the dreams of old Rom & j Shall with visions mislead , or with meteors consume : ' No Pegasus' wings my short soarings misguide ; Nor raptures detain me on Helicon ' s side . All clouds now dissolve ; from the East beams the day-
-Truth rises in glory and wakens the lay . The Eagle-ey'd Muse—sees the light—fills the grove With the song of Free Masons , of Friendshi p and Love I Inspir'd with the theme , the Divinity flies ; And thron'd on a rainbow---before her arise PAST , PRESENT , and FuTURE---with splendid arrayj In Masonic successiontheir treasures display . ' :
, She views murder'd Merit by ruffian-hand fallj And the grave gives its dead up , at fellowship ' s call ! While the Craft , by their badges , their innocence prove j And the song of Free Masons is Friendship and Love ! From those ages remote , see the Muse speeds her way . To join in the glories , the PRESENT display . In freedom and friendship , she sees the true band ,
With their splendor and virtues illumine the land . Religion ' s pure beam breaks the vapours of night , And from darkness mysterious , the Word gives the light ! While the Lodge here below , as the choirs from above , join the song of Free Masons in Friendship and Love . That the FUTURE mig ht keep what the Present bestows In rapture prophetic the goddess arose
, At she sung through the skies , angels echo'd the sound ; And the winds bore the notes to the regions around 1 The kind proclamation our song shall retain : 'Twas— - * That Masonry long may its lustre maintain : ' And till Time be no more , our Fraternity prove , . * That the objects we aim at , are Friendshi p and Love 1 *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BROTHER WILLIAM PRESTON * j PiM . of the Lodge of Antiquity , No . I .
Mii . \| OT the fictions of Greece , nor the dreams of old Rom & j Shall with visions mislead , or with meteors consume : ' No Pegasus' wings my short soarings misguide ; Nor raptures detain me on Helicon ' s side . All clouds now dissolve ; from the East beams the day-
-Truth rises in glory and wakens the lay . The Eagle-ey'd Muse—sees the light—fills the grove With the song of Free Masons , of Friendshi p and Love I Inspir'd with the theme , the Divinity flies ; And thron'd on a rainbow---before her arise PAST , PRESENT , and FuTURE---with splendid arrayj In Masonic successiontheir treasures display . ' :
, She views murder'd Merit by ruffian-hand fallj And the grave gives its dead up , at fellowship ' s call ! While the Craft , by their badges , their innocence prove j And the song of Free Masons is Friendship and Love ! From those ages remote , see the Muse speeds her way . To join in the glories , the PRESENT display . In freedom and friendship , she sees the true band ,
With their splendor and virtues illumine the land . Religion ' s pure beam breaks the vapours of night , And from darkness mysterious , the Word gives the light ! While the Lodge here below , as the choirs from above , join the song of Free Masons in Friendship and Love . That the FUTURE mig ht keep what the Present bestows In rapture prophetic the goddess arose
, At she sung through the skies , angels echo'd the sound ; And the winds bore the notes to the regions around 1 The kind proclamation our song shall retain : 'Twas— - * That Masonry long may its lustre maintain : ' And till Time be no more , our Fraternity prove , . * That the objects we aim at , are Friendshi p and Love 1 *