Article 1st EPISTLE OF ST. PETER, 17th VERSE. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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1st Epistle Of St. Peter, 17th Verse.
Thus far , however , as a Man , a Mason , and a Christian minister , I am commissioned to reveal , and always ready to . assert ; that in all the depths of that secresy by which we , in full or in local union , distinguish ' ourselves from the rest of the world , there is so far from being any thing inconsistent with the sentiments and practice of our text , that , as a peculiar family or people , the love of the Brotherhood ; candidate
as s for eternity , the fear of Gcd ; and , as citizens of an earthly kingdom and nation , the honour of the King , ' are three , of our bri ghtest jewels ; three of our richest ornaments ; three of our first and most universally prevailing principles . That they were not all Israelites who called themselves of Israel , was an apostolical reproof to some wicked Jews ; that they are not allChristians who
bear the name of Christ , is , I believe , all will confess , a daily cause for Christian lamentation . Is it any wonder , then , my friends , oris it any true stigma upon Masonry , " that you may sometimes have known some Masons , who , like Jews and Christians ,-abusing a good profession , neither love the Brotherhood , fear God , nor honour the King ? Methinks there cannot be mind in this
a congregation either i gnorant or illiberal enough to give , at least immediately , and without some reflection , an affirmative decision upon this question ; and if you do consider before you answer , 1 am sure you must have the liberality to confess , that the ill conduct of one , of ten , or of an hundred individuals , can be no true cause of stigma upon any profession or community . For instanceshall the
profes-, sion of physic be discarded and despised , because an ignorant or careless practitioner poisons instead of cures his patients ? Shall that excellent code of laws of our constitution be condemned , wholly condemned as unconstitutional , because there are rapacious barristers and petty-fogging attorneys ? Again , shall the church be styled a brothel , and a nursery of covetousness and idleness , because there
are some clergymen who are unholy , unclerical , covetous , and lascivious ? Shall the Gospel , in-all its " spirit of holiness , be styled a deception and priestcraft , because many of its members are hypocrites , enthusiasts , and deceivers ? Surely , no ! Surely you all have a better judgment ! And shall , then , Masonry be condemned , despised , and ridiculedbecause someprofessing themselves Masonshave
, , , practised a conduct unworthy their hi gh calling and profession ? Surely , no ! Rather let the Order remain as it ought to remain , unimpeached , and every defective member , either hi gh or low , either rich or poor , as of every other profession , order , and community , take much shame to himself , as being by his ill conduct guilty of a " threefold evil , i . c . that of disgracing him ' self , bringing dishonour upon the profession or
community of which he is so unworthy a member , and of hindering its profitable progress in the world . And you , Brethren , without imagining that I suspect you to be other than , as a Brother , I would wish you , or as Masonry properly studied and practised must undoubtedl y make you , suffer the word of exhortation which is contained in our text , and which is so congenial to the spirit and practicecf our excellent Order .
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1st Epistle Of St. Peter, 17th Verse.
Thus far , however , as a Man , a Mason , and a Christian minister , I am commissioned to reveal , and always ready to . assert ; that in all the depths of that secresy by which we , in full or in local union , distinguish ' ourselves from the rest of the world , there is so far from being any thing inconsistent with the sentiments and practice of our text , that , as a peculiar family or people , the love of the Brotherhood ; candidate
as s for eternity , the fear of Gcd ; and , as citizens of an earthly kingdom and nation , the honour of the King , ' are three , of our bri ghtest jewels ; three of our richest ornaments ; three of our first and most universally prevailing principles . That they were not all Israelites who called themselves of Israel , was an apostolical reproof to some wicked Jews ; that they are not allChristians who
bear the name of Christ , is , I believe , all will confess , a daily cause for Christian lamentation . Is it any wonder , then , my friends , oris it any true stigma upon Masonry , " that you may sometimes have known some Masons , who , like Jews and Christians ,-abusing a good profession , neither love the Brotherhood , fear God , nor honour the King ? Methinks there cannot be mind in this
a congregation either i gnorant or illiberal enough to give , at least immediately , and without some reflection , an affirmative decision upon this question ; and if you do consider before you answer , 1 am sure you must have the liberality to confess , that the ill conduct of one , of ten , or of an hundred individuals , can be no true cause of stigma upon any profession or community . For instanceshall the
profes-, sion of physic be discarded and despised , because an ignorant or careless practitioner poisons instead of cures his patients ? Shall that excellent code of laws of our constitution be condemned , wholly condemned as unconstitutional , because there are rapacious barristers and petty-fogging attorneys ? Again , shall the church be styled a brothel , and a nursery of covetousness and idleness , because there
are some clergymen who are unholy , unclerical , covetous , and lascivious ? Shall the Gospel , in-all its " spirit of holiness , be styled a deception and priestcraft , because many of its members are hypocrites , enthusiasts , and deceivers ? Surely , no ! Surely you all have a better judgment ! And shall , then , Masonry be condemned , despised , and ridiculedbecause someprofessing themselves Masonshave
, , , practised a conduct unworthy their hi gh calling and profession ? Surely , no ! Rather let the Order remain as it ought to remain , unimpeached , and every defective member , either hi gh or low , either rich or poor , as of every other profession , order , and community , take much shame to himself , as being by his ill conduct guilty of a " threefold evil , i . c . that of disgracing him ' self , bringing dishonour upon the profession or
community of which he is so unworthy a member , and of hindering its profitable progress in the world . And you , Brethren , without imagining that I suspect you to be other than , as a Brother , I would wish you , or as Masonry properly studied and practised must undoubtedl y make you , suffer the word of exhortation which is contained in our text , and which is so congenial to the spirit and practicecf our excellent Order .