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Ode To Female Friendship.
AMBITIOUS throbs at length subside , No more my heart misled by pride Ideal bliss pursues ; To Friendship ' s sacred fane I bow , To her devote my ardent vow , And dedicate my Muse .
Blest Amity , thou child of Truth , Say , where must inexperienced youth . Thy halcyon seat explore ? Dwell ! st thou where gilded turrets rise , - Andiofty domes salute the skies , In all the pride of-pow ' r ? Caught with the glare of . and state
pomp , Croud ' st thou the levees of the great , Where servile Flatt ' ry fawns ; Where Int ' rest grants to venal'Gain The boon that . Merit asks in vain , And Independence scorns ? . Ah ! rather with indignant smiles ' Thou shunn ' st the false seductive wiles
Of . Envy and Deceit : Remote from Folly ' s gay parade , In rural life ' s sequester'd shade I seek thy soft retreat . Where Truth and Virtue stand contest Fix'd inmates both of Laura ' s breast , Thou reign ' st in all thy charms ;
Ease , Innocence , and Joy serene . Unvarying gi | ds the peaceful scene , And ev ' ry care disarms . When Grief invades and wounds the heart ; To thee 'tis giv ' n with lenient art Corroding pangs to heal ; Affliction hurls its darts in vain , By thee supported we sustain Each adverse stroke we feel .
Dull Apathy , the lazy guide Of Stoics petrify'd by pride , Shall ne ' er my actions frame ; Can real Virtue prompt the soul Its social duties to controul Or cancel Friendship ' s claim ? While suchunenvy'd in their flights
, , Still percli on Wisdom ' s frozen heights , Where Passions ne ' er ascend ; Let me with heartfelt ardour glow , To raise the joys , or share the woe , Of each deserving friend . MARIA ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ode To Female Friendship.
AMBITIOUS throbs at length subside , No more my heart misled by pride Ideal bliss pursues ; To Friendship ' s sacred fane I bow , To her devote my ardent vow , And dedicate my Muse .
Blest Amity , thou child of Truth , Say , where must inexperienced youth . Thy halcyon seat explore ? Dwell ! st thou where gilded turrets rise , - Andiofty domes salute the skies , In all the pride of-pow ' r ? Caught with the glare of . and state
pomp , Croud ' st thou the levees of the great , Where servile Flatt ' ry fawns ; Where Int ' rest grants to venal'Gain The boon that . Merit asks in vain , And Independence scorns ? . Ah ! rather with indignant smiles ' Thou shunn ' st the false seductive wiles
Of . Envy and Deceit : Remote from Folly ' s gay parade , In rural life ' s sequester'd shade I seek thy soft retreat . Where Truth and Virtue stand contest Fix'd inmates both of Laura ' s breast , Thou reign ' st in all thy charms ;
Ease , Innocence , and Joy serene . Unvarying gi | ds the peaceful scene , And ev ' ry care disarms . When Grief invades and wounds the heart ; To thee 'tis giv ' n with lenient art Corroding pangs to heal ; Affliction hurls its darts in vain , By thee supported we sustain Each adverse stroke we feel .
Dull Apathy , the lazy guide Of Stoics petrify'd by pride , Shall ne ' er my actions frame ; Can real Virtue prompt the soul Its social duties to controul Or cancel Friendship ' s claim ? While suchunenvy'd in their flights
, , Still percli on Wisdom ' s frozen heights , Where Passions ne ' er ascend ; Let me with heartfelt ardour glow , To raise the joys , or share the woe , Of each deserving friend . MARIA ,