Article 1st EPISTLE OF ST. PETER, 17th VERSE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC PRECEPTS: Page 1 of 6 →
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1st Epistle Of St. Peter, 17th Verse.
: Again , Brotherly Love consists in the kind instruction- of thy Brother when he is in ignorance and difficulties . All have not abilities alike ; all have not equal privilege of education '; nor will all ever exercise an equal diligence . Let , therefore , the wise kindly instruct the ignorant . A dispersion of knowledge will at all times heighten the felicity of knowingnor is there an instancein which
, , we can more particularly experience the truth of that assertion " that it is more blessed to give than to receive , " ' than in this of teaching , the ignorant , and improving , the understanding and abilities of our fel-, low creatures . But let hot , your advice be as stripes , or your instructions as goads ; let brotherly kindness clothe your words , and let not theadministration of advice and instruction taste of the poi
. even -. son of bitterness and severity . . . Again , Brotherly Love consists of tender commiseration and relief , in sorrow and distress . Here , the eye , ; the ear , the heart , the hand , are all employed . The eye sees the wound , and drops the piteous tear ; thafis the true luxury , of a tear , when , we weep . ' with those who ' " *? £ e P . , T ! le ear hears the melancholy sighs of grief , and the bosom heaves with the
reciprocal sighs of love .. The heart participates the ' . 5 ? l ? n 1 : grp . an , and rnelts into soft compassion . From the-abundance ' of the heart the hand ' , is guided to act , as well as the mouth is taught , to speak ; and while the soft word of commiserating pity soothes the despairing soul of the afflicted ; , the benevolent hand of compassionate ' relief is liberally stretched out , to relieve the sorrows of penury and distress
. My Friends and Brethren , prove , yourselves Men , ' by the exercise , of humanity ; prove yourselves Christians ,, in this , bright imitation of your compassionate Master : yea , prove yourselves -Masons , in . the best sense -of Masonry , ' the sister of the Religion of the ' Gospel , by the constant , exercise of this exalted principle of ' humanitythis trait of this hi
; spiritual Christianity ; ghly finished jewel of Masonry , Brotherly Love . ¦ '"' ( To-be concluded in our next . ) . - .
Masonic Precepts:
... TRANSLATED . FROM THE GERMAN , FOR TPIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , , PREFACE . THQU ! whom we have initiated in the doctrines of wisdom
O , Son of virtue and friendship ! listen to us , and open thy heart to the serious precepts of truth . We will show thee the path to happiness of life , the way in which thou mayest please thy Creator ; how $ h m mayest employ with benign success , for the benefit of mankind ,
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1st Epistle Of St. Peter, 17th Verse.
: Again , Brotherly Love consists in the kind instruction- of thy Brother when he is in ignorance and difficulties . All have not abilities alike ; all have not equal privilege of education '; nor will all ever exercise an equal diligence . Let , therefore , the wise kindly instruct the ignorant . A dispersion of knowledge will at all times heighten the felicity of knowingnor is there an instancein which
, , we can more particularly experience the truth of that assertion " that it is more blessed to give than to receive , " ' than in this of teaching , the ignorant , and improving , the understanding and abilities of our fel-, low creatures . But let hot , your advice be as stripes , or your instructions as goads ; let brotherly kindness clothe your words , and let not theadministration of advice and instruction taste of the poi
. even -. son of bitterness and severity . . . Again , Brotherly Love consists of tender commiseration and relief , in sorrow and distress . Here , the eye , ; the ear , the heart , the hand , are all employed . The eye sees the wound , and drops the piteous tear ; thafis the true luxury , of a tear , when , we weep . ' with those who ' " *? £ e P . , T ! le ear hears the melancholy sighs of grief , and the bosom heaves with the
reciprocal sighs of love .. The heart participates the ' . 5 ? l ? n 1 : grp . an , and rnelts into soft compassion . From the-abundance ' of the heart the hand ' , is guided to act , as well as the mouth is taught , to speak ; and while the soft word of commiserating pity soothes the despairing soul of the afflicted ; , the benevolent hand of compassionate ' relief is liberally stretched out , to relieve the sorrows of penury and distress
. My Friends and Brethren , prove , yourselves Men , ' by the exercise , of humanity ; prove yourselves Christians ,, in this , bright imitation of your compassionate Master : yea , prove yourselves -Masons , in . the best sense -of Masonry , ' the sister of the Religion of the ' Gospel , by the constant , exercise of this exalted principle of ' humanitythis trait of this hi
; spiritual Christianity ; ghly finished jewel of Masonry , Brotherly Love . ¦ '"' ( To-be concluded in our next . ) . - .
Masonic Precepts:
... TRANSLATED . FROM THE GERMAN , FOR TPIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , , PREFACE . THQU ! whom we have initiated in the doctrines of wisdom
O , Son of virtue and friendship ! listen to us , and open thy heart to the serious precepts of truth . We will show thee the path to happiness of life , the way in which thou mayest please thy Creator ; how $ h m mayest employ with benign success , for the benefit of mankind ,