Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 5 of 5
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Monthly Chronicle.
itlom ; the deposit to be forfeited if an adversary was not produced within that time . This proposal was immediately accepted by a gentleman of the Turf , who could perceive nothing Herculean in the appearance of any of the company ; but what was his surprize , when the proposer pulled out of the chimney-rcorner—an old man upzoar & s of go years of age , and as lig ht as a butterfly ' . The intrepid veteran , than whom nothing more fragile and shadowy ever yet appeared in a human form , readily undertook the contest if a suitable competitor could be found . But of this there seems to be very little chance ; for besides the
difficulty of procuring such another atom of a man , how can they expect to bring : a buffer of the last century at present on the stage ? A ludicrous circumstance lately occurred in the Castle-yard , Dublin : —A farmer some time since purchased of an old trooper a horse which was worn out in the Castle duty ; the beast being quiet , the farmer mounted his daughter on it , and . sent her to town with milk—she unluckily arrived at the Exchange at the time of relieving guardthe horse hearing the musicto which he had long been
ac-; , customed , became ungovernable by her , and trotting , snuffing , and snorting as he went into the Castle-yard , carried his rider and her pails into the midst of the ranks , to the great amusement of all present . There is a prevalent ( though we believe a very erroneous ) opinion , that if a widow is married without cloathing , except a chemise , her second husband will be freed from her debts ; a woman was about to try this delicate experiment latel at Manchester Collegiate Church ; the Clergymanhoweverstopped
y , , , the proceeding , and the couple were married , with proper exterior habits , at least "for better for worse . " The following article we have received from an anonymous correspondent—James Borrows , boot-closer , eat a turkey weighing seven pounds and a half , a hand of pork , weighing four pounds and a half , a two-penny loaf , a shilling's worth of oysters , two penny pies , and drank a gallon of porter , half a pint of gin , - and a shilling ' s worth of punchfor a wager of a guinea ; and performed the
, whole with ease in thirty-five minutes , at the Sun public-house , Charles-street , Westminster ,-October 20 . The Freeholders book for the county of Middlesex , from whence the Juries are drawn , is made up and delivered by an order of Sessions to the Sheriffs office , by virtue of a precept issued to the constables to return a list of ihe several j ersons qualified by law to serve on Juries within their respective districts of the county .
In consequence of Lord Macartney ' s Embassy , the Emperor has permitted all the Principals of his Court to appear-in the woollen cloths of the manufacture of this country ; from which circumstance , it is said , the Chinese merchants have increased their usual order to the East-India company several hundred thousand pounds . The marriage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Brunswick will not take place till after Christinas . In the mean time the arrangements in Carlton-House , the Slate Liveries , Equipages , & c . are all nearly
completed . His Royal Highness is very much complimented in the choice he has made of the ladies who are to form the establishment of the Household of his Royal consort ; as they are all of them related to the first families in the kingdom , and highly accomplished . It is said , that the Prince of Wales ' s Civil List is to be 150 , 000 ! . per annum ; 50 , 000 ! . of which is to be annually appropriated for the purpose of extinguishing his Royal Highness ' s debts . Lord Malmsbury is to have the honour of conducting the Princess of Wales to England . It is said , that an Act of Grace is to take place immediately after the marriage of tlie Prince of Wales .
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Monthly Chronicle.
itlom ; the deposit to be forfeited if an adversary was not produced within that time . This proposal was immediately accepted by a gentleman of the Turf , who could perceive nothing Herculean in the appearance of any of the company ; but what was his surprize , when the proposer pulled out of the chimney-rcorner—an old man upzoar & s of go years of age , and as lig ht as a butterfly ' . The intrepid veteran , than whom nothing more fragile and shadowy ever yet appeared in a human form , readily undertook the contest if a suitable competitor could be found . But of this there seems to be very little chance ; for besides the
difficulty of procuring such another atom of a man , how can they expect to bring : a buffer of the last century at present on the stage ? A ludicrous circumstance lately occurred in the Castle-yard , Dublin : —A farmer some time since purchased of an old trooper a horse which was worn out in the Castle duty ; the beast being quiet , the farmer mounted his daughter on it , and . sent her to town with milk—she unluckily arrived at the Exchange at the time of relieving guardthe horse hearing the musicto which he had long been
ac-; , customed , became ungovernable by her , and trotting , snuffing , and snorting as he went into the Castle-yard , carried his rider and her pails into the midst of the ranks , to the great amusement of all present . There is a prevalent ( though we believe a very erroneous ) opinion , that if a widow is married without cloathing , except a chemise , her second husband will be freed from her debts ; a woman was about to try this delicate experiment latel at Manchester Collegiate Church ; the Clergymanhoweverstopped
y , , , the proceeding , and the couple were married , with proper exterior habits , at least "for better for worse . " The following article we have received from an anonymous correspondent—James Borrows , boot-closer , eat a turkey weighing seven pounds and a half , a hand of pork , weighing four pounds and a half , a two-penny loaf , a shilling's worth of oysters , two penny pies , and drank a gallon of porter , half a pint of gin , - and a shilling ' s worth of punchfor a wager of a guinea ; and performed the
, whole with ease in thirty-five minutes , at the Sun public-house , Charles-street , Westminster ,-October 20 . The Freeholders book for the county of Middlesex , from whence the Juries are drawn , is made up and delivered by an order of Sessions to the Sheriffs office , by virtue of a precept issued to the constables to return a list of ihe several j ersons qualified by law to serve on Juries within their respective districts of the county .
In consequence of Lord Macartney ' s Embassy , the Emperor has permitted all the Principals of his Court to appear-in the woollen cloths of the manufacture of this country ; from which circumstance , it is said , the Chinese merchants have increased their usual order to the East-India company several hundred thousand pounds . The marriage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Brunswick will not take place till after Christinas . In the mean time the arrangements in Carlton-House , the Slate Liveries , Equipages , & c . are all nearly
completed . His Royal Highness is very much complimented in the choice he has made of the ladies who are to form the establishment of the Household of his Royal consort ; as they are all of them related to the first families in the kingdom , and highly accomplished . It is said , that the Prince of Wales ' s Civil List is to be 150 , 000 ! . per annum ; 50 , 000 ! . of which is to be annually appropriated for the purpose of extinguishing his Royal Highness ' s debts . Lord Malmsbury is to have the honour of conducting the Princess of Wales to England . It is said , that an Act of Grace is to take place immediately after the marriage of tlie Prince of Wales .