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Country News.
Jiim with cords , and bring him back to the barn from whence he had eseapaiJ , where he continued in a sad state of distraction for two days , and then expired . The deceased was terribly bruised and lacerated by the falls he received in his flight across the fields . . Maidstone , Nov . i . There is now in the possession of Mr . Winder , collarmaker , at Lambherst ,. an uncommon large pear of the present year ' s growth , eleven inches long , fifteen inches round , and weighs two pounds three quarters .
He has several others from the same tree , little inferior in size . Ipswich , Nov . i . This week a sharper , who said his name was Newland , at-, tempted to swindle a farmer oiit of some barley he-bought of him at Stowmarket , which was to be delivered in at Ipswich . They accordingly met by appointment at the Great White Horse in this town ; from thence they went to the sign of the Waggon , when the sharper told the' farmer Fie must carry some hops back for him ; but on the latter asking who was to pay for them , and that he expected the
barley to be paid for before he delivered it , he said he would get the cash directly , and left him under that pretence , but did not think proper fo return again . Upon enquiry it was discovered that he-had sold the barley is . per comb cheaper than ne had agreed to give for it . . Last week an accident happened in Windcolmlee , near Hull , at which humanity shudders . A girl who was playing in one of the tar-yards there , and had the care of a young child , inadvertently set it upon the edge of a barrel which
had a short time before been filled with hot rosin , but had got a scum over it ; when the infant leaning back , fell into the barrel , and was so terribly scalded ai only to , survive about two hours . A few days ago a melancholy accident happened at Boroughbridge . A party from that place being on the water in a boat , the current proved so strong as to force the- boat down the cascade , by which accident Miss H . Hind , youngest daughter of Mrs . Hind of that place was unfortunately drowned . A few days , ago a potatoe , of the Irish kind , was dug up at Bridgton in the neighbourhood of Glasgow , which weighed 2 lb . 14 oz .
POMONA this year smiles upon autumn with more than common complacency , and every fruit-tree bears testimony Iff the assertion ; but in some places she seems to have doubled her favours , as may be instanced . In the garden of Mr . James Jones , clerk of the navigation , at Hqlloway Head , where a young stubbard , which was only planted last March , produced in tire summer a profusion of apples , and every branch of it is now again in blossom . An apple has lately been gathered in Mrs . Bossall ' s orchard , at Willerby , near Hullwhich measures in circumference fourteen inches and two tenthsand
, , weighs nineteen ounces . Last week an apple of uncommon size was gathered from a tree in the garden ofMr . Paine , of Hothly , in Sussex ; itmeasures in circumference sixteen inches , and weighs a pound and a half . It grew on the same twig with two others of smaller size , and is what the gardeners call a true broad-eyed pippin .
yy It v ; as our intention to have given a detail of the STATE TRIALS thai have taken , place in the course of the past month ; but as the event of each has been the ACQUITTAL' of the accused ( Mr . THOMAS HARDY and JOHN HORNE TOOKE , Esq . ) , and as the proceedings have alread y been laid before the public through so many channels , vie think our readers will be better pleased zvitb our usual variety of general information , than if we bad urouded our p ages-with ihe proceedings of tiv 0 trials ; one of lohich ( Mr . Hardy ' s ) occup ' ml eight ) the other ( Mr . Tuc-lte ' s ) six days titling ; . theformer ended on the $ tb , the latter nr , the 21 A cf Novembtr ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Country News.
Jiim with cords , and bring him back to the barn from whence he had eseapaiJ , where he continued in a sad state of distraction for two days , and then expired . The deceased was terribly bruised and lacerated by the falls he received in his flight across the fields . . Maidstone , Nov . i . There is now in the possession of Mr . Winder , collarmaker , at Lambherst ,. an uncommon large pear of the present year ' s growth , eleven inches long , fifteen inches round , and weighs two pounds three quarters .
He has several others from the same tree , little inferior in size . Ipswich , Nov . i . This week a sharper , who said his name was Newland , at-, tempted to swindle a farmer oiit of some barley he-bought of him at Stowmarket , which was to be delivered in at Ipswich . They accordingly met by appointment at the Great White Horse in this town ; from thence they went to the sign of the Waggon , when the sharper told the' farmer Fie must carry some hops back for him ; but on the latter asking who was to pay for them , and that he expected the
barley to be paid for before he delivered it , he said he would get the cash directly , and left him under that pretence , but did not think proper fo return again . Upon enquiry it was discovered that he-had sold the barley is . per comb cheaper than ne had agreed to give for it . . Last week an accident happened in Windcolmlee , near Hull , at which humanity shudders . A girl who was playing in one of the tar-yards there , and had the care of a young child , inadvertently set it upon the edge of a barrel which
had a short time before been filled with hot rosin , but had got a scum over it ; when the infant leaning back , fell into the barrel , and was so terribly scalded ai only to , survive about two hours . A few days ago a melancholy accident happened at Boroughbridge . A party from that place being on the water in a boat , the current proved so strong as to force the- boat down the cascade , by which accident Miss H . Hind , youngest daughter of Mrs . Hind of that place was unfortunately drowned . A few days , ago a potatoe , of the Irish kind , was dug up at Bridgton in the neighbourhood of Glasgow , which weighed 2 lb . 14 oz .
POMONA this year smiles upon autumn with more than common complacency , and every fruit-tree bears testimony Iff the assertion ; but in some places she seems to have doubled her favours , as may be instanced . In the garden of Mr . James Jones , clerk of the navigation , at Hqlloway Head , where a young stubbard , which was only planted last March , produced in tire summer a profusion of apples , and every branch of it is now again in blossom . An apple has lately been gathered in Mrs . Bossall ' s orchard , at Willerby , near Hullwhich measures in circumference fourteen inches and two tenthsand
, , weighs nineteen ounces . Last week an apple of uncommon size was gathered from a tree in the garden ofMr . Paine , of Hothly , in Sussex ; itmeasures in circumference sixteen inches , and weighs a pound and a half . It grew on the same twig with two others of smaller size , and is what the gardeners call a true broad-eyed pippin .
yy It v ; as our intention to have given a detail of the STATE TRIALS thai have taken , place in the course of the past month ; but as the event of each has been the ACQUITTAL' of the accused ( Mr . THOMAS HARDY and JOHN HORNE TOOKE , Esq . ) , and as the proceedings have alread y been laid before the public through so many channels , vie think our readers will be better pleased zvitb our usual variety of general information , than if we bad urouded our p ages-with ihe proceedings of tiv 0 trials ; one of lohich ( Mr . Hardy ' s ) occup ' ml eight ) the other ( Mr . Tuc-lte ' s ) six days titling ; . theformer ended on the $ tb , the latter nr , the 21 A cf Novembtr ,