Article MASONIC PRECEPTS: ← Page 2 of 6 →
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Masonic Precepts:
all the means which . Providence has entrusted thee with , and thus procure thyself the sticred pleasure of benevolence .
I . DUTY TOWARDS GOD AND R ELIGION . THY first homage thou owest to the Deity . Adore the Being of all beings , of which thy heart is full ; which , however , th y confined intellects can neither conceive nor describe . Look down With pity upon the deplorable madness of those that turn their eyes from the light , and wander about in the darkness of
accidental events .. Deeply sensible of the parental'benefactions of thy God , and witha heart full of gratitude , reject , with contempt , those shallow in-, ferences , that prove nothing but how much human reason degrades itself , when it wanders from its orig inal source . Oft elevate thy heart above sublunary things , and cast thy eye .
with ardour towards those higher spheres , which are thy inheritance . " Offer up in sacrifice . , to the Most Hig h thy * will and thy wishes , strive to deserve his animating influence , and obey the commands he has prescribed for thy terrestrial career . Let it be thy only happiness to please thy God . ; let it be thy incessant endeavour ,, the incitement to . all . thy actions , tp effect an
eternal union withhim . ' : .--.: But as thou art a'frail and ' sinful being that incessantly transgresses his commands , . and incurs . the displeasure of his sanctity , how couldst thou endure to come into his presence , if he had not sent thee a divine Saviour ? .. , . ..:... AWhere shouldst'thou discover the certainty of a beautified and
blessed futurity , ; weft-thpu left in the "labyrinth of thy reason ? what could" protect thee " against the justice of God , save a divine Mediator ? ' Thank therefore thy Saviour , bend thy knees and adore the incarnate Word , and praise Providence who caused thee to be born in the bosom of Christianity . Confess every where the divine religion of Jesus , and do not blush to belong-to him . - ' .-: ¦'"¦' ¦ •' '
The gospel is the foundation of all thy duties ; if thou didst notbelieve in it , thou wouldst cease to be a Freemason .: " Let every action be distinguished by an enlightened and active p iety , without bigotry or enthusiasm . .. .- - ' Relig ion does not consist of speculative truths ; exert thyself in fulfilling all those moral duties it prescribes , and then only thou shalt be happy ; thy contemporaries will bless thee , and with serenity thou
mayest appear before the throne of the Eternal . Particularly thou shouldst be penetrated by the feeling of benevo-. lence and brotherly love , the fundamental p illar of this holy religion . Pity him in error , without hating or persecuting him . Leave the judgment to God , but— "do thou love—and tolerate . " Masons ! Children of the same God ! Ye who are already Brethren through the universal faith in our Divine Saviour , bind closer
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Masonic Precepts:
all the means which . Providence has entrusted thee with , and thus procure thyself the sticred pleasure of benevolence .
I . DUTY TOWARDS GOD AND R ELIGION . THY first homage thou owest to the Deity . Adore the Being of all beings , of which thy heart is full ; which , however , th y confined intellects can neither conceive nor describe . Look down With pity upon the deplorable madness of those that turn their eyes from the light , and wander about in the darkness of
accidental events .. Deeply sensible of the parental'benefactions of thy God , and witha heart full of gratitude , reject , with contempt , those shallow in-, ferences , that prove nothing but how much human reason degrades itself , when it wanders from its orig inal source . Oft elevate thy heart above sublunary things , and cast thy eye .
with ardour towards those higher spheres , which are thy inheritance . " Offer up in sacrifice . , to the Most Hig h thy * will and thy wishes , strive to deserve his animating influence , and obey the commands he has prescribed for thy terrestrial career . Let it be thy only happiness to please thy God . ; let it be thy incessant endeavour ,, the incitement to . all . thy actions , tp effect an
eternal union withhim . ' : .--.: But as thou art a'frail and ' sinful being that incessantly transgresses his commands , . and incurs . the displeasure of his sanctity , how couldst thou endure to come into his presence , if he had not sent thee a divine Saviour ? .. , . ..:... AWhere shouldst'thou discover the certainty of a beautified and
blessed futurity , ; weft-thpu left in the "labyrinth of thy reason ? what could" protect thee " against the justice of God , save a divine Mediator ? ' Thank therefore thy Saviour , bend thy knees and adore the incarnate Word , and praise Providence who caused thee to be born in the bosom of Christianity . Confess every where the divine religion of Jesus , and do not blush to belong-to him . - ' .-: ¦'"¦' ¦ •' '
The gospel is the foundation of all thy duties ; if thou didst notbelieve in it , thou wouldst cease to be a Freemason .: " Let every action be distinguished by an enlightened and active p iety , without bigotry or enthusiasm . .. .- - ' Relig ion does not consist of speculative truths ; exert thyself in fulfilling all those moral duties it prescribes , and then only thou shalt be happy ; thy contemporaries will bless thee , and with serenity thou
mayest appear before the throne of the Eternal . Particularly thou shouldst be penetrated by the feeling of benevo-. lence and brotherly love , the fundamental p illar of this holy religion . Pity him in error , without hating or persecuting him . Leave the judgment to God , but— "do thou love—and tolerate . " Masons ! Children of the same God ! Ye who are already Brethren through the universal faith in our Divine Saviour , bind closer