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Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
* . /* This Magazine will in future be published for the PROPRIETOR by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 , PATERNOSTERRow ; but may be had of all Booksellers in 'Town and Country , as well as in Scotland , Ireland , and America .
Erratum . Page 390 , the MASONIC PRECEPTS should have been stated as concluded , instead of continued . For our next Number , with which the Fourth Volume will commence , we have many Novelties iii preparation . No . I . of a Series of Papers under the Title of " THE FREEMASON ; " shall
appear in our next Number . The State cf Masonry in the County of Lincoln came too late for Insertion in the present Number , but shall appear in our next ; as will several other Contributions under the same Circumstance . Memoirs of a Freemason are under Consideration .
A fresh supply of the Masonic Tokens , which have been lately so much the Objects of Curiosity and Enquiry as pocket Pieces , has been just received , and may be had at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery Lane , London , in Parcels at is . each ; containing 24 . £ Sce an Engraving and a Description of them in P . 212 of this Volume . ]
Any of the PORTRAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . 6 d . each , by applying at the BRITISH LETTER-FOUNDRY , BREAM ' BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PROPRIETOR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . L Half-bound , Russia back - - ----20 Calf , lettered - - _ ---. __ -j 0 Ditto , gift - - - -------3 6 iJxtra , with Masonic Embellishments-- - 4 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
* . /* This Magazine will in future be published for the PROPRIETOR by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 , PATERNOSTERRow ; but may be had of all Booksellers in 'Town and Country , as well as in Scotland , Ireland , and America .
Erratum . Page 390 , the MASONIC PRECEPTS should have been stated as concluded , instead of continued . For our next Number , with which the Fourth Volume will commence , we have many Novelties iii preparation . No . I . of a Series of Papers under the Title of " THE FREEMASON ; " shall
appear in our next Number . The State cf Masonry in the County of Lincoln came too late for Insertion in the present Number , but shall appear in our next ; as will several other Contributions under the same Circumstance . Memoirs of a Freemason are under Consideration .
A fresh supply of the Masonic Tokens , which have been lately so much the Objects of Curiosity and Enquiry as pocket Pieces , has been just received , and may be had at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery Lane , London , in Parcels at is . each ; containing 24 . £ Sce an Engraving and a Description of them in P . 212 of this Volume . ]
Any of the PORTRAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . 6 d . each , by applying at the BRITISH LETTER-FOUNDRY , BREAM ' BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PROPRIETOR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . L Half-bound , Russia back - - ----20 Calf , lettered - - _ ---. __ -j 0 Ditto , gift - - - -------3 6 iJxtra , with Masonic Embellishments-- - 4 6