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Masonic Extract From A Tour In Scotland.
BY J . LETTICE , B . D .
Elgin , Sept . 15 . 1793 . - ——O I'NCE we sat down to breakfast a paper has been brought us , {^> stating the project and plan of a Freemasons' Lodge about to be executed at Fores ; accompanied by a request of our contribution to the undertaking . Not having had the honour of initiation in the mysteries of that ancient Fraternity , and no connection with Fores beyond the momentwe have left the success of the scheme to the
, sympathy of the brotherhood . There was nothing , however , we hope , in our refusal , of that illhumour which some persons would have expressed upon this application , who seem piqued that their curiosity should never have been gratified with the Secret for so many ages . I have heard an old lady or two , in my life-time , particularly virulent against that pertinacity ¦
with which the Society have ever kept to themselves the Mysteries of ibeir Institution . It has appeared like avarice of a valuable possession ; the generous communication of which these ladies thought due , if not to the world , at least to themselves , so passionately fond of secrets . The Society is very numerous in North Britain , and has a great many respectable members there ; as indeed it has in most parts of Europe . That the different disgusted brethren , who have pretended
to discover the grand Arcana of Freemasonry in accounts- they have . published , have never really possessed them , there is reason to conclude from their inconsistency with one another . It has been commonly understood , that the Arcana of the Society , like those of the Jesuits , are imparted gradually to its members , according to their merits and improvements . As these , in any given time , will have been exhibited in various degreesaccording to the characters and
, abilities of the several novices , it may be supposed that some of them , even after long labour and some pretension , having never attained the due measure of excellence in the profession of Masonry , have grown impatient to be admitted into secrets to which they were not entitled , and becoming disgusted with a tedious novitiate , but just within the Mount ofthe Temple , have retreated in wrath , and
pretended to reveal the divine Secrets ofthe sanctuary itself . Some ofthe disgusted brethren may , perhaps , have passed the soreg or ballustrade , or possibly the first and second courts ; but , that they should have ascended the twelve steps beyond , into the very Temple itself , and still farther have lifted the veil of the sanctuary , and then , void of all grace and reverence , have brought themselves to divulge the grand Mystery of Mysteries , must appear incredible to all'sober VOL . V . ' Q q .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Extract From A Tour In Scotland.
BY J . LETTICE , B . D .
Elgin , Sept . 15 . 1793 . - ——O I'NCE we sat down to breakfast a paper has been brought us , {^> stating the project and plan of a Freemasons' Lodge about to be executed at Fores ; accompanied by a request of our contribution to the undertaking . Not having had the honour of initiation in the mysteries of that ancient Fraternity , and no connection with Fores beyond the momentwe have left the success of the scheme to the
, sympathy of the brotherhood . There was nothing , however , we hope , in our refusal , of that illhumour which some persons would have expressed upon this application , who seem piqued that their curiosity should never have been gratified with the Secret for so many ages . I have heard an old lady or two , in my life-time , particularly virulent against that pertinacity ¦
with which the Society have ever kept to themselves the Mysteries of ibeir Institution . It has appeared like avarice of a valuable possession ; the generous communication of which these ladies thought due , if not to the world , at least to themselves , so passionately fond of secrets . The Society is very numerous in North Britain , and has a great many respectable members there ; as indeed it has in most parts of Europe . That the different disgusted brethren , who have pretended
to discover the grand Arcana of Freemasonry in accounts- they have . published , have never really possessed them , there is reason to conclude from their inconsistency with one another . It has been commonly understood , that the Arcana of the Society , like those of the Jesuits , are imparted gradually to its members , according to their merits and improvements . As these , in any given time , will have been exhibited in various degreesaccording to the characters and
, abilities of the several novices , it may be supposed that some of them , even after long labour and some pretension , having never attained the due measure of excellence in the profession of Masonry , have grown impatient to be admitted into secrets to which they were not entitled , and becoming disgusted with a tedious novitiate , but just within the Mount ofthe Temple , have retreated in wrath , and
pretended to reveal the divine Secrets ofthe sanctuary itself . Some ofthe disgusted brethren may , perhaps , have passed the soreg or ballustrade , or possibly the first and second courts ; but , that they should have ascended the twelve steps beyond , into the very Temple itself , and still farther have lifted the veil of the sanctuary , and then , void of all grace and reverence , have brought themselves to divulge the grand Mystery of Mysteries , must appear incredible to all'sober VOL . V . ' Q q .