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A Chronological List Of The Grand Masters Of The Knights Hospitallers
157 ? . Jpl ? n L'Evesque de la Cassiere , ei ghth G . M . 1582 , Hugh , de Loubenx de Verdalle , ninth G . M . About this time Sir James Sandilands , Knight of Malta , was Grand Master of Scotland . 159 6 , Martin Gazez , tenth G . M . 1601 , Alofde Vignacourt , eleventh G . M . 1622 Luj's Mendez de Vasconcellostwelfth G . M .
, , 1623 , Anthony de Paule , thirteenth G . M . 16 3 6 , Paul Lascaris Castelard , fourteenth G . M . 16 57 , Martin de Redin , fifteenth G . M . 1660 , Annet de Clermont de Chattes Gesson , sixteenth G . M . 1660 , Raphael Cotoner , seventeenth G . M . 166 3 Nicholas Cotonereihteenth G . M .
, , g 1680 , Gregory Caraffa , nineteenth G . M . 16 90 , Adriande Vignacourt , twentieth G . M . 16 97 , Raymond Perelies de Roccaful , twenty-first G . M . 1720 , Mark Antonio Zbndodari , twenty-second G . M . 1722 , - D'Anthony Emanuel de Vilhena , twenty-third G , M .
Uncommon Sentence:
SOME years ago a brass collar was dragged out of the Forth , by a net , in the parish of Logie , with this inscription" on if : "ALEXANDER STTEVAR-T ,-foutid guilty ofdeathfor theft , at Perth , t ^ th December-1701 , and gi fted by the Justiciars as a perpetual servant to Sir JOHN , ARESKEN of ALVA . " This collar is now in the possession of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland , with the following copy of the
Justiciar ' s gift of another PERPETUAL servant , which-is taken from the ¦ ori ginal in the Duke of Athol ' s charter-house : ' ' " ¦ "AtPerth , - _ he 5 th day of December 170 .. The Commissioners of Justiciary ofthe south districts , for securing the peace in the Highlands ; considering that Donald Robertson , Alexander Stewart , John Robertson , and Donald M'Donald , prisoners within the tplbqpth , and indicted and tried at this Court , and , by virtue of the inquest , returned guilty of death ; and the commissioners have changed their
punishment of death fo perpetual servitude , and that the said pannels are at 'the court ' s disposal : therefore , the said commissioners have given and gifted , and hereby give and g ift , the said Donald M'Donalcl , one of the said prisoners , as a perpetual servant to the Right Honourable John Earl of Tullibard-ih ' e ; recommending ' to his Lordship to cause provide an collar of brass , iron , or copper , which , by his sentence or doomwhereof' an extract is delivered to the magistrates ofthe said
, burgh of Perth , is to be upon his neck with this inscription , " Donald M' Donald , found guilty ofdeathfor theft , at Perth , Dccanber 5 , 1701 , and gifted , as a perpetual servant to John Earl of Tullibardine : " and recommending also to his Lordship , to transport him from the said prison once the next week , And . the said commissioners l ^ ve
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Chronological List Of The Grand Masters Of The Knights Hospitallers
157 ? . Jpl ? n L'Evesque de la Cassiere , ei ghth G . M . 1582 , Hugh , de Loubenx de Verdalle , ninth G . M . About this time Sir James Sandilands , Knight of Malta , was Grand Master of Scotland . 159 6 , Martin Gazez , tenth G . M . 1601 , Alofde Vignacourt , eleventh G . M . 1622 Luj's Mendez de Vasconcellostwelfth G . M .
, , 1623 , Anthony de Paule , thirteenth G . M . 16 3 6 , Paul Lascaris Castelard , fourteenth G . M . 16 57 , Martin de Redin , fifteenth G . M . 1660 , Annet de Clermont de Chattes Gesson , sixteenth G . M . 1660 , Raphael Cotoner , seventeenth G . M . 166 3 Nicholas Cotonereihteenth G . M .
, , g 1680 , Gregory Caraffa , nineteenth G . M . 16 90 , Adriande Vignacourt , twentieth G . M . 16 97 , Raymond Perelies de Roccaful , twenty-first G . M . 1720 , Mark Antonio Zbndodari , twenty-second G . M . 1722 , - D'Anthony Emanuel de Vilhena , twenty-third G , M .
Uncommon Sentence:
SOME years ago a brass collar was dragged out of the Forth , by a net , in the parish of Logie , with this inscription" on if : "ALEXANDER STTEVAR-T ,-foutid guilty ofdeathfor theft , at Perth , t ^ th December-1701 , and gi fted by the Justiciars as a perpetual servant to Sir JOHN , ARESKEN of ALVA . " This collar is now in the possession of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland , with the following copy of the
Justiciar ' s gift of another PERPETUAL servant , which-is taken from the ¦ ori ginal in the Duke of Athol ' s charter-house : ' ' " ¦ "AtPerth , - _ he 5 th day of December 170 .. The Commissioners of Justiciary ofthe south districts , for securing the peace in the Highlands ; considering that Donald Robertson , Alexander Stewart , John Robertson , and Donald M'Donald , prisoners within the tplbqpth , and indicted and tried at this Court , and , by virtue of the inquest , returned guilty of death ; and the commissioners have changed their
punishment of death fo perpetual servitude , and that the said pannels are at 'the court ' s disposal : therefore , the said commissioners have given and gifted , and hereby give and g ift , the said Donald M'Donalcl , one of the said prisoners , as a perpetual servant to the Right Honourable John Earl of Tullibard-ih ' e ; recommending ' to his Lordship to cause provide an collar of brass , iron , or copper , which , by his sentence or doomwhereof' an extract is delivered to the magistrates ofthe said
, burgh of Perth , is to be upon his neck with this inscription , " Donald M' Donald , found guilty ofdeathfor theft , at Perth , Dccanber 5 , 1701 , and gifted , as a perpetual servant to John Earl of Tullibardine : " and recommending also to his Lordship , to transport him from the said prison once the next week , And . the said commissioners l ^ ve