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Page The Man of Pleasure - - 291 Thoughts suggested by reading a Treatise on the " Origin of Language" - 293 Curious Transcripts from a book , printed in 1559 , entitled , Good Thoughts in bad Tim . s ,
togegether with Good Thoughts in worse Times , ' by T . Fuller , B . D . 295 On Seduction - -: - 296 Masonic Extract from a Tour in Scotland , by J . Lettice , B . D . 297 Funeral Oration on the most Wor-¦ shipful and Honorable Major-Greneral Richard CaswellGrand
, Master of the Masons of North Carolina , by Francis Xavier Martin - - ' - 298 Anecdote serving to shew the strict Discipline exacted from the Knights of the Hospital ofSt . John of Jerusalem - 301 Whimsical Dedication of an old
Sermon upon Industry - 303 A Chronological List of the Grand Masters of the Knights Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem 304 Uncommon Sentence : A Specimen ofthe Barbarity of the Times 306 Old Laws of King David I . of Scotland - - - 307
Anecdote of the late Earl Mount Eclgecuinbe - -.- , it .. Detached- Sentiments . No . II . . Masonry - - - - 30 S Anecdotes of the very Ancient Lodge of Kilwinning , by the Rev . Mr . Thomas Pollock ' , Minister of the Parish . Extracted
from Sir John Sinclair ' s " Sia" tistical Account of Scotland" 309 Inscriptions in the Church-Yard of Dunfermline . - - 310 . Particulars respecting the Slave Countries - - - 311 A Cure for a Sore Throat ; which , in Thirty Years experience , has never been known to fail - 315
Page Ceremony of a Gentoo Woman devoting herself on the Funeieal Pile of her dead Husband - 316 Dissertations on the Polite Arts . . No . V . Poetry - - 318 The Stage , by John Taylor , Esq . 323 A Leap Year Lost - - 32 ^ ,
On being asked , What was the Reason' that Philosophers and Mathematicians are less polite than other Men ? - - 325 An effectual Method of Relieving the Poor .. . - - - 326 Essay on the' Character of a Gentleman ¦ :- ' .- ' " " 327
Whatthen ? . A Salutary Memento 329 Sans Souci ; or , aParty to Windsor 330 Character of a real Philosopher 33 c A Chinese Tale , addressed to the Friends of War . Hastings , Esq . 333 Strictures on ii Plagiarist in the Freemasons' Magazine , - 335 An easy method of Destroying Bugs , ib .
Concerning the Origin ofthe Dagger in the" Arms of the City of _ London , - . - - 33 6 Instance of Delicacy and Presence of Mind , - - - . - ib . Receipt for Marking Linen so as not to Wash out again ' - ib . Masonic Intelligence - 337 Strictures Public Amusements
on 33 S Poetry ; including Invocation to . ; Masonry , by Mr . Thomas Dermody . Masonic Ode , by Mr . William Walker . On the -Epicurean , Stoic , and Christian Philosophy .. Atheism the only ground of Discontent .
Irregular Ode to Evening . Elegiac Stanzas , Sonnet to Delia , by Dr . Perfect . Peter Pindar to Dr . Sayers . On Fortitude . Song 331 Monthly Chronicle . Foreign Intelligence , -. - - 342 Ho me-News ' - - - ib . Promotions , & c . - - 43 S
London :
Printed for the PROPRIETOR ; Sold by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 . PATEKNOSTEII-ROW ; and may be had of all the Booksellers and Ncwscarricrj in Town and Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Page The Man of Pleasure - - 291 Thoughts suggested by reading a Treatise on the " Origin of Language" - 293 Curious Transcripts from a book , printed in 1559 , entitled , Good Thoughts in bad Tim . s ,
togegether with Good Thoughts in worse Times , ' by T . Fuller , B . D . 295 On Seduction - -: - 296 Masonic Extract from a Tour in Scotland , by J . Lettice , B . D . 297 Funeral Oration on the most Wor-¦ shipful and Honorable Major-Greneral Richard CaswellGrand
, Master of the Masons of North Carolina , by Francis Xavier Martin - - ' - 298 Anecdote serving to shew the strict Discipline exacted from the Knights of the Hospital ofSt . John of Jerusalem - 301 Whimsical Dedication of an old
Sermon upon Industry - 303 A Chronological List of the Grand Masters of the Knights Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem 304 Uncommon Sentence : A Specimen ofthe Barbarity of the Times 306 Old Laws of King David I . of Scotland - - - 307
Anecdote of the late Earl Mount Eclgecuinbe - -.- , it .. Detached- Sentiments . No . II . . Masonry - - - - 30 S Anecdotes of the very Ancient Lodge of Kilwinning , by the Rev . Mr . Thomas Pollock ' , Minister of the Parish . Extracted
from Sir John Sinclair ' s " Sia" tistical Account of Scotland" 309 Inscriptions in the Church-Yard of Dunfermline . - - 310 . Particulars respecting the Slave Countries - - - 311 A Cure for a Sore Throat ; which , in Thirty Years experience , has never been known to fail - 315
Page Ceremony of a Gentoo Woman devoting herself on the Funeieal Pile of her dead Husband - 316 Dissertations on the Polite Arts . . No . V . Poetry - - 318 The Stage , by John Taylor , Esq . 323 A Leap Year Lost - - 32 ^ ,
On being asked , What was the Reason' that Philosophers and Mathematicians are less polite than other Men ? - - 325 An effectual Method of Relieving the Poor .. . - - - 326 Essay on the' Character of a Gentleman ¦ :- ' .- ' " " 327
Whatthen ? . A Salutary Memento 329 Sans Souci ; or , aParty to Windsor 330 Character of a real Philosopher 33 c A Chinese Tale , addressed to the Friends of War . Hastings , Esq . 333 Strictures on ii Plagiarist in the Freemasons' Magazine , - 335 An easy method of Destroying Bugs , ib .
Concerning the Origin ofthe Dagger in the" Arms of the City of _ London , - . - - 33 6 Instance of Delicacy and Presence of Mind , - - - . - ib . Receipt for Marking Linen so as not to Wash out again ' - ib . Masonic Intelligence - 337 Strictures Public Amusements
on 33 S Poetry ; including Invocation to . ; Masonry , by Mr . Thomas Dermody . Masonic Ode , by Mr . William Walker . On the -Epicurean , Stoic , and Christian Philosophy .. Atheism the only ground of Discontent .
Irregular Ode to Evening . Elegiac Stanzas , Sonnet to Delia , by Dr . Perfect . Peter Pindar to Dr . Sayers . On Fortitude . Song 331 Monthly Chronicle . Foreign Intelligence , -. - - 342 Ho me-News ' - - - ib . Promotions , & c . - - 43 S
London :
Printed for the PROPRIETOR ; Sold by J . PARSONS , NO . 21 . PATEKNOSTEII-ROW ; and may be had of all the Booksellers and Ncwscarricrj in Town and Country .