Article TO READERS, CORRESPONDENTS , &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME. Page 1 of 1
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To Readers, Correspondents , &C.
% Vith the Magazine for December , which will be published on the First of January 1756 , will be given , over and above the usual Quantity of Letterpress , No . II . of the MASONIC DIRECTORY , of which the First Number was published with the Magazine for June 1795 . Such Brethren as are desiroua of having their Names inserted are requested to send , before the 20 th of December , their Christian and Surnames , Places of Abode , Trade or Profession , the
Number of tbe Lodge to which they belong , and the OJjice ( if any ) which they bold therein , to the Proprietor at the British Letter Foundry , Bream's Buildings , Chancery Lane , London , where Names are registered at fid . each . —Particulars of the Plan and Design of this DIRECTORY will be found in our Magazine for February I 79 S . P- « 7 , ' and at the end of Vol . IV . The Proprietor hopes in the course of next Month to be favoured with some
Particulars of the NEW SCHOOL HOUSE in St . George ' s Fields , to accompany and illustrate the accurate ENGRAVINGS given of that Building in our last ant ! present Numbers .
At the desire of several of our Subscribers and Correspondents , we have determined on discontinuing in this Work The PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES . It is obvious that as our Work embraces two Objects , the Elucidation of the Subject of Freemasonry , and General Instruction and Entertainment , it is incompatible with our wish of furnishing the necessary Variety on those Topics , to allot any Portion of the Magazine to Senatorial Reports ; and when it is
considered how very brief and vnsattsfaclory we must necessarily have been on that head , and how late in the Information contained , we hope to meet with the Approbation of our Readers in omitting it altogether in future . A Registry of all Bills that receive the Royal Assent from time to time shall be regularly given in our Chronicle of Intelligence ; which Article , as well as the Strictures on Public Amusements , will by the above omission be considerably augmented .
Any ofthe PORTRAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . 6 d . each , by applying- at the BRITISH LETTER-FOUNDRY ,, BREAM ' S BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PR 6-PRIETQR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
Prices Of Binding Per Volume.
x , i . Half-bound , Russia back - --20 Calf , lettered - - - - . - 30 Ditto ,. gilt - - - - . 3 a Extra , with Masonic Embellishments » 46
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To Readers, Correspondents , &C.
% Vith the Magazine for December , which will be published on the First of January 1756 , will be given , over and above the usual Quantity of Letterpress , No . II . of the MASONIC DIRECTORY , of which the First Number was published with the Magazine for June 1795 . Such Brethren as are desiroua of having their Names inserted are requested to send , before the 20 th of December , their Christian and Surnames , Places of Abode , Trade or Profession , the
Number of tbe Lodge to which they belong , and the OJjice ( if any ) which they bold therein , to the Proprietor at the British Letter Foundry , Bream's Buildings , Chancery Lane , London , where Names are registered at fid . each . —Particulars of the Plan and Design of this DIRECTORY will be found in our Magazine for February I 79 S . P- « 7 , ' and at the end of Vol . IV . The Proprietor hopes in the course of next Month to be favoured with some
Particulars of the NEW SCHOOL HOUSE in St . George ' s Fields , to accompany and illustrate the accurate ENGRAVINGS given of that Building in our last ant ! present Numbers .
At the desire of several of our Subscribers and Correspondents , we have determined on discontinuing in this Work The PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES . It is obvious that as our Work embraces two Objects , the Elucidation of the Subject of Freemasonry , and General Instruction and Entertainment , it is incompatible with our wish of furnishing the necessary Variety on those Topics , to allot any Portion of the Magazine to Senatorial Reports ; and when it is
considered how very brief and vnsattsfaclory we must necessarily have been on that head , and how late in the Information contained , we hope to meet with the Approbation of our Readers in omitting it altogether in future . A Registry of all Bills that receive the Royal Assent from time to time shall be regularly given in our Chronicle of Intelligence ; which Article , as well as the Strictures on Public Amusements , will by the above omission be considerably augmented .
Any ofthe PORTRAITS contained in this Work may be had in Frames , handsomely gilt and glazed , at 3 s . 6 d . each , by applying- at the BRITISH LETTER-FOUNDRY ,, BREAM ' S BUILDINGS , CHANCERY-LANE , where Communications for the PR 6-PRIETQR will be thankfully received . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
Prices Of Binding Per Volume.
x , i . Half-bound , Russia back - --20 Calf , lettered - - - - . - 30 Ditto ,. gilt - - - - . 3 a Extra , with Masonic Embellishments » 46