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Curious Facts Relative To The Late Charles Stuart, The Pretender .
ancl protect him . " I own , " added Helvetius to me , " although I knew the danger to be greater of harbouring him at Paris than at Loudon ; and although I thought the family of Hanover not only the lawful sovereigns in England , but the only lawful sovereigns in Europe , as having the free consent of the people ; yet was I such a dupe to his flattery , that I invited him torn } ' house ; concealed him there , going
and coming , near two years ; had all his correspondence pass through my hands ; met with his partizans upon Pont Neuf ; and found at last that I had incurred all this danger aud trouble for the , most unworthy of all mortals : insomuch that I have been assured , when he went down to Nantz to embark on his expedition to Scotland , he took frightand refused to go on board ; and his attendantsthinking- the
, , matter gone too far , and that they would be affronted for his cowardice , -carried him in the night-time into the ship , pieds et mains lies . " I asked him , if he meant literally . " Yes , " said he , " literally : they tied him , and cairied him by main force . What think you now of this hero and conqueror r " ' Both Lord Marechal and Helvetius agree , that with all this strange
character , he was no bigot , but rather had learned from the philosophers at Paris to affect a contempt of all religion . You must know that both these persons thoughithey were ascribing to him an excellent quality . Indeed both of them used to laugh at me for my narrow way of thinking in these particulars . However , my dear Sir John , I hope you will do me the justice to acquit me .
' I doubt not but these circumstances will appear curious to Lord Plardwicke , to whom you will please to present my respects . I suppose his Lordship will think this unaccountable mixture of temerity and timidity in the same character not a littie singular . '
On The Music Of The Ancients.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREMASOTStS' MAGAZINE . T MUST acknowledge , Mr . Editor , that I have never been fully - " - convinced by the arguments advanced by Rousseau and other writerswho have decried the Grecian music , and have g iven a
, decided preference to the modern improvements in that delightful art . lam rather inclined to think , that we are now-incompetent to form a just judgment on this subject . Let us for a moment suppose , that the Greek and Latin languages had been totally and irrecoverably lost ; and that only some of their general rules of quantity and versification had been transmitted to usthrough the medium of some other
lan-, guage , without a single line of poetry to exemplify them . In such case , we should doubtless have been altogether at a loss to conceive how verse , constructed by such rules , could have been relished by persons of any taste or discernment : we should have wondered , par-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Curious Facts Relative To The Late Charles Stuart, The Pretender .
ancl protect him . " I own , " added Helvetius to me , " although I knew the danger to be greater of harbouring him at Paris than at Loudon ; and although I thought the family of Hanover not only the lawful sovereigns in England , but the only lawful sovereigns in Europe , as having the free consent of the people ; yet was I such a dupe to his flattery , that I invited him torn } ' house ; concealed him there , going
and coming , near two years ; had all his correspondence pass through my hands ; met with his partizans upon Pont Neuf ; and found at last that I had incurred all this danger aud trouble for the , most unworthy of all mortals : insomuch that I have been assured , when he went down to Nantz to embark on his expedition to Scotland , he took frightand refused to go on board ; and his attendantsthinking- the
, , matter gone too far , and that they would be affronted for his cowardice , -carried him in the night-time into the ship , pieds et mains lies . " I asked him , if he meant literally . " Yes , " said he , " literally : they tied him , and cairied him by main force . What think you now of this hero and conqueror r " ' Both Lord Marechal and Helvetius agree , that with all this strange
character , he was no bigot , but rather had learned from the philosophers at Paris to affect a contempt of all religion . You must know that both these persons thoughithey were ascribing to him an excellent quality . Indeed both of them used to laugh at me for my narrow way of thinking in these particulars . However , my dear Sir John , I hope you will do me the justice to acquit me .
' I doubt not but these circumstances will appear curious to Lord Plardwicke , to whom you will please to present my respects . I suppose his Lordship will think this unaccountable mixture of temerity and timidity in the same character not a littie singular . '
On The Music Of The Ancients.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREMASOTStS' MAGAZINE . T MUST acknowledge , Mr . Editor , that I have never been fully - " - convinced by the arguments advanced by Rousseau and other writerswho have decried the Grecian music , and have g iven a
, decided preference to the modern improvements in that delightful art . lam rather inclined to think , that we are now-incompetent to form a just judgment on this subject . Let us for a moment suppose , that the Greek and Latin languages had been totally and irrecoverably lost ; and that only some of their general rules of quantity and versification had been transmitted to usthrough the medium of some other
lan-, guage , without a single line of poetry to exemplify them . In such case , we should doubtless have been altogether at a loss to conceive how verse , constructed by such rules , could have been relished by persons of any taste or discernment : we should have wondered , par-