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Sketches Of Celebrated Characters.
( Called the MAGNIFICENT . ) HPHE celebrated family of the Medici of Florence owed the - " - origin of their grandeur to the wealth acquired by their extensive commerce . In the year 1379 , a member of it was elected to the office of Chief Magistrate of the Republic ; but it was John , the great grandfather of Lorenzowho laid the foundation of that
great-, ness which his descendants afterwards possessed . At his death , John was succeeded by Cosmo , whose character exhibits a combination of virtues and endowments rarely to be found united in the same person , both in public and private life . He'died in 146 4 , aged 75 , and was succeeded by his son Piero , who dying in 14 6 9 , exhausted b y bodily sufferings , and wearied by the arrogant conduct of
those who had espoused his cause , was succeeded by his son Lorenzo , whose glory eclipsed that of all his predecessors . Under his administration the Republic which he governed , rose , in spite of opposition , to the very zenith of greatness ; and he may be selected from all the characters of ancient and modern history , as exhibiting a remarkable instance of depth of penetrationversatility of talent
, , and comprehension of mind . Of the various occupations in which he engaged there is not one in which he was not eminently successful ; but he was most particularly distinguished in thosa which justly hold the first rank in human estimation . The facility with
which he turned from subjects of the hi ghest importance to those of amusement and levity , suggested to his countrymen the idea that he hat ! two distinct souls contained in one body . Even his moral character seems to have partaken , in some degree , of the same diversity ; and his devotional poems are as ardent as his lighter pieces are licentious . On all he touched , the extremes of the human character , and the powers of his mindwere onlbounded by that impenetrable
, y circle which prescribes the limits of human nature . As a statesman , Lorenzo de Medici appears to peculiar advantage ; uniformly employed in securing the peace , and promoting ' the happiness of his country , by just regulations at home , and wise precautions abroad , and teaching to the sundry governments those important lessons of political science on which the civilization and tranquility of nations
have since been found to depend . Though possessed of undoubted talents for military exploits , and of sagacity to avail himself of the imbecility of neighbouring powers , he was superior to that avariciousness of dominion , which , without improving what is'already acquired , blindly aims at more extensive possessions . The wars in which he engaged were . for security , not for territory ; and the riches produced b y the fertility of the soil and the industry and ingenuity of VOL , vii . ¦ ¦ S s
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sketches Of Celebrated Characters.
( Called the MAGNIFICENT . ) HPHE celebrated family of the Medici of Florence owed the - " - origin of their grandeur to the wealth acquired by their extensive commerce . In the year 1379 , a member of it was elected to the office of Chief Magistrate of the Republic ; but it was John , the great grandfather of Lorenzowho laid the foundation of that
great-, ness which his descendants afterwards possessed . At his death , John was succeeded by Cosmo , whose character exhibits a combination of virtues and endowments rarely to be found united in the same person , both in public and private life . He'died in 146 4 , aged 75 , and was succeeded by his son Piero , who dying in 14 6 9 , exhausted b y bodily sufferings , and wearied by the arrogant conduct of
those who had espoused his cause , was succeeded by his son Lorenzo , whose glory eclipsed that of all his predecessors . Under his administration the Republic which he governed , rose , in spite of opposition , to the very zenith of greatness ; and he may be selected from all the characters of ancient and modern history , as exhibiting a remarkable instance of depth of penetrationversatility of talent
, , and comprehension of mind . Of the various occupations in which he engaged there is not one in which he was not eminently successful ; but he was most particularly distinguished in thosa which justly hold the first rank in human estimation . The facility with
which he turned from subjects of the hi ghest importance to those of amusement and levity , suggested to his countrymen the idea that he hat ! two distinct souls contained in one body . Even his moral character seems to have partaken , in some degree , of the same diversity ; and his devotional poems are as ardent as his lighter pieces are licentious . On all he touched , the extremes of the human character , and the powers of his mindwere onlbounded by that impenetrable
, y circle which prescribes the limits of human nature . As a statesman , Lorenzo de Medici appears to peculiar advantage ; uniformly employed in securing the peace , and promoting ' the happiness of his country , by just regulations at home , and wise precautions abroad , and teaching to the sundry governments those important lessons of political science on which the civilization and tranquility of nations
have since been found to depend . Though possessed of undoubted talents for military exploits , and of sagacity to avail himself of the imbecility of neighbouring powers , he was superior to that avariciousness of dominion , which , without improving what is'already acquired , blindly aims at more extensive possessions . The wars in which he engaged were . for security , not for territory ; and the riches produced b y the fertility of the soil and the industry and ingenuity of VOL , vii . ¦ ¦ S s