Article TO READERS, CORRESPONDENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1
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To Readers, Correspondents, &C.
SKETCH of the Character of the Right Honourable EDMUND BURKE , from the Pen of a distinguished Literary Character , in our next . No . II . of the Essays on Subjects connected with History ancl Classical Learning , is come to hand . We rely on Brother S . of Edinburgh , sending us the Account he pror
rnised in his last . We regret that we have not heard from Brother S . of Scarborough , A variety of Favours are raider consideration . We beg to inform the Masonic Body in Great Britain and Ireland , that ( as our h ' tagasine is dedicated FIRST to the Craft ) all Articles relative t-9
Masonry will be particularly attended to . Accounts of" the Institution of New Lodges , of the Elections of Officers , of Festivals , and every article of Masonic Intelligence , will receive proper attention . At the same time we presume the Freemasons' Magazine will be found a valuable ami entertaining Miscek any to . Readers of every description .
This Magazine may now be had Complete in Six VOLUMES , bound according to the Taste of the Purchaser . A very few complete Setts remain on hand ; so that an early application is- recommended to such Persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under tiie denomination of Magazine . Sirr . scr . iBERS may have ( heir Volumes bound by sending them to fr . e British Library Strand .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . rf . Half-bound , Russia back -- - 20 Calf , lettered - - - 3 0 Ditto , gilt - - - - i g E ? tra , with Masonic Embellishments - 4 6
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To Readers, Correspondents, &C.
SKETCH of the Character of the Right Honourable EDMUND BURKE , from the Pen of a distinguished Literary Character , in our next . No . II . of the Essays on Subjects connected with History ancl Classical Learning , is come to hand . We rely on Brother S . of Edinburgh , sending us the Account he pror
rnised in his last . We regret that we have not heard from Brother S . of Scarborough , A variety of Favours are raider consideration . We beg to inform the Masonic Body in Great Britain and Ireland , that ( as our h ' tagasine is dedicated FIRST to the Craft ) all Articles relative t-9
Masonry will be particularly attended to . Accounts of" the Institution of New Lodges , of the Elections of Officers , of Festivals , and every article of Masonic Intelligence , will receive proper attention . At the same time we presume the Freemasons' Magazine will be found a valuable ami entertaining Miscek any to . Readers of every description .
This Magazine may now be had Complete in Six VOLUMES , bound according to the Taste of the Purchaser . A very few complete Setts remain on hand ; so that an early application is- recommended to such Persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under tiie denomination of Magazine . Sirr . scr . iBERS may have ( heir Volumes bound by sending them to fr . e British Library Strand .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . rf . Half-bound , Russia back -- - 20 Calf , lettered - - - 3 0 Ditto , gilt - - - - i g E ? tra , with Masonic Embellishments - 4 6