Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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House Of Commons.
winch has done more to destroy every thing dear to us , than in beiter days would have entered the mind ofau-Eiiglishrnan to attempt . He considered the last Parliament as a curse to this country ; its principle of action was that which leads to complete despotism—unlimited confidence in the Minister . ; of the Croivn . liy the measures which Ministers propo-e , ire see the dangerous state to which that Confidence has brought us . After rjprobaling the way in which ive were about to provide against Invasion ; after slto . ring that Ministers might upon every alarm of their own creating call
out the enormous force intended to be raised : aud after pointing out the possibility of their making a dangerous application of so much military power , Mr . Fox declared , that he thought the idea of Invasion as visionary as that ol its success . — But supposing that the French have such desperate intentions , what ought this House to do ¦ To cherish the spirit of freedom in the people ; to restore to them that for which their ancestors have bled ; to give them back the right of popular discussion ; to allow them to state their grievances freely ; and to repeal the laws which have robbed them of their dearest rights . These are the means
of calling forth the enargyof the people of England— -These are our real resources—the rest are all imaginary . —He- concluded by saying , that though he ' should give no opposition to the plan in its present stage , ihere were parts , which in detail he should think it his duty to oppose . Mr . Pitt made a variety of remarks upon the arguments of Mr . Fox and Mr . Sheridan , asserting that they materially overthrew each other's reasoning ; and that every sentence uttered by the former was confuted by lhat which , preceded it . The internal order of battle , said he , seems to be completely subverted , and rtte arguments of the Hon . Gentlemen meet themselves in hostile encounter . Mr . Fox , in explanation , revejted to the observations he had before made upon
the insults offered to our Constitution ; I , said he , apprehend no danger from Invasion ; the danger I deprecate , is from the prosecution of the war , wfnch cannot fail to bring ruin upon our credit , our commerce , and our constitution . The Right Hon . Gentleman opposite affects to smile at my saying that 'he Constitution lias been impaired : he certainly thought so himself at one time ; but since he came into power he has never thought of repairing it . He triumphs in the idea , that notwithstanding the number of new Members , I do not appeal to them by demanding a vote ; but I remember the time , when that Right Kon . Gentleman
used to say , that calling for the vote of . this House , was not taking the sense of the boroughs , cities , and counties of Great ' Britain ; but of Bengal , hahar , and Orixa . He concluded by remarking , that such of the Allies only as had abandoned iho Minister and his measures had escaped ruin ; and that if Parliament continued its blind confidence , ruin to us would also be the consequence . Mr . Pulteney thought the proposed augmentation of force too small , merely a half measure . General Tarleton thought it totally unnecessary , the military force in Britain
amounting already to 100 , 000 men . Mr . Curtven said , that the real traitors were those who surrounded the throne . Serjeant Adair declared that the name of Apostate should not deter him from defending the principle of the Bills in question . Mr . Pitt then moved , —ist . " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for raising a Supplementary Corps of Militia , 10 be embodied and called forth in the necessary defence of these kingdoms . 2 d . " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for raising a Sody of Cavalry , according to regulations therein proposed , and to be called forth in the necessary defence of these kingdoms . " These Resolutions were carried without a division ,
Wednesday , 19 , A Petition was presented from Xhomas Blake Hbwel , Esq . against the Election for the borough of Cirencester . Mr . Pitt brought up a Bill for enabling his Majesty to rais , e a certain number of men from the different counties in England , and from the shires , stewartic ?^ towns , and boroughs of Scotland , for the service of the Army and Navy , which was read a first time , and . orderrd to be read a second time the following day . In a Committee of Ways and Means the annual Land and MaltTaxes were voted for the ensuing year .
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House Of Commons.
winch has done more to destroy every thing dear to us , than in beiter days would have entered the mind ofau-Eiiglishrnan to attempt . He considered the last Parliament as a curse to this country ; its principle of action was that which leads to complete despotism—unlimited confidence in the Minister . ; of the Croivn . liy the measures which Ministers propo-e , ire see the dangerous state to which that Confidence has brought us . After rjprobaling the way in which ive were about to provide against Invasion ; after slto . ring that Ministers might upon every alarm of their own creating call
out the enormous force intended to be raised : aud after pointing out the possibility of their making a dangerous application of so much military power , Mr . Fox declared , that he thought the idea of Invasion as visionary as that ol its success . — But supposing that the French have such desperate intentions , what ought this House to do ¦ To cherish the spirit of freedom in the people ; to restore to them that for which their ancestors have bled ; to give them back the right of popular discussion ; to allow them to state their grievances freely ; and to repeal the laws which have robbed them of their dearest rights . These are the means
of calling forth the enargyof the people of England— -These are our real resources—the rest are all imaginary . —He- concluded by saying , that though he ' should give no opposition to the plan in its present stage , ihere were parts , which in detail he should think it his duty to oppose . Mr . Pitt made a variety of remarks upon the arguments of Mr . Fox and Mr . Sheridan , asserting that they materially overthrew each other's reasoning ; and that every sentence uttered by the former was confuted by lhat which , preceded it . The internal order of battle , said he , seems to be completely subverted , and rtte arguments of the Hon . Gentlemen meet themselves in hostile encounter . Mr . Fox , in explanation , revejted to the observations he had before made upon
the insults offered to our Constitution ; I , said he , apprehend no danger from Invasion ; the danger I deprecate , is from the prosecution of the war , wfnch cannot fail to bring ruin upon our credit , our commerce , and our constitution . The Right Hon . Gentleman opposite affects to smile at my saying that 'he Constitution lias been impaired : he certainly thought so himself at one time ; but since he came into power he has never thought of repairing it . He triumphs in the idea , that notwithstanding the number of new Members , I do not appeal to them by demanding a vote ; but I remember the time , when that Right Kon . Gentleman
used to say , that calling for the vote of . this House , was not taking the sense of the boroughs , cities , and counties of Great ' Britain ; but of Bengal , hahar , and Orixa . He concluded by remarking , that such of the Allies only as had abandoned iho Minister and his measures had escaped ruin ; and that if Parliament continued its blind confidence , ruin to us would also be the consequence . Mr . Pulteney thought the proposed augmentation of force too small , merely a half measure . General Tarleton thought it totally unnecessary , the military force in Britain
amounting already to 100 , 000 men . Mr . Curtven said , that the real traitors were those who surrounded the throne . Serjeant Adair declared that the name of Apostate should not deter him from defending the principle of the Bills in question . Mr . Pitt then moved , —ist . " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for raising a Supplementary Corps of Militia , 10 be embodied and called forth in the necessary defence of these kingdoms . 2 d . " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for raising a Sody of Cavalry , according to regulations therein proposed , and to be called forth in the necessary defence of these kingdoms . " These Resolutions were carried without a division ,
Wednesday , 19 , A Petition was presented from Xhomas Blake Hbwel , Esq . against the Election for the borough of Cirencester . Mr . Pitt brought up a Bill for enabling his Majesty to rais , e a certain number of men from the different counties in England , and from the shires , stewartic ?^ towns , and boroughs of Scotland , for the service of the Army and Navy , which was read a first time , and . orderrd to be read a second time the following day . In a Committee of Ways and Means the annual Land and MaltTaxes were voted for the ensuing year .