Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
trarv , she has taken establishments and colonies of the highest importance , and of a value almost incalculable . But on the other hand , France has made , on the Continent of Europe , conquests , to which his Majestv can be the less indifferent , as the most important interests of his people , and the most ilacred engagements of his TJrown are essentiallv implicated therein . The magnanimity of the King , his inviolable good . faith , and his desire to restore repose to many nations , lead him , in this situation of affairs , to consider
the means of procuring ' terms of peace just and equitable for all the Belligerent Powers , and calculated to insure , in future , the general tranquility . It is on this footing , then , that he proposes to negociate , by offering to compensate . France by proportionable restitutions , for those arrangements , to which she will be called upon to consent , in order to satisfy the just demands of the King ' s Allies , and to preserve the political balance of Europe . Having made this first overture , his Majestv will , in the sequel , explain himself in a more extensive manneron the application ofthis principle to the
differ-, ent objects which may be discussed between the respective Parties . It is this application which will constitute the subject of those discussions into which his Majesty has authorized his Minister to enter , as soon as the principle to be adopted as the general basis of the Negociation is known . But his Majesty cannot dispense with declaring , that if his generous and equitable offer shall not be accepted ; or if , unfortunately , the discussions which may ensue , mav fail in this desired effect , neither this general proposition , nor those detailed which result froitshall be in
more mav m , regarded , any case , as points agreed upon or accorded to by his Majesty . t ¦ ¦ MALMESRIJRY . Minister Plenipotentiary from Paris , October 2 ± lh , no 6 . His Britanuic Majesty ;
REPORT TO THE DIRECTORT "BY THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS , THE 4 th BRUMAIRE ( OCTOBER 25 . ) The Executive Directory having furnished me with full powers to treat for Peace with Great Britain , I had yesterday ( 3 d Brumaire ) my first conference with Lord Malmesburv , Plenipotentiary Commissioner of His Britannic Majesty . He presented to me the original of his powers , sealed tvirh the seal of Great Britain , and certified the copy which he had before presented to me unsigned ,
and which I laid before the Directory . I reciprocally exhibited to him my powers , and gave him a certified copy . It was agreed that the originals should be exchanged upon the definitive settlement of the Articles , and before their signature . We entered into discussion . Lord Malmesburv presented to me the Memorial which I laid before the Directory . I observed to him that , speaking in the name of the Allies of Great Britain , and stipulating for their interests , he was , doubtless , furnished with their powers and instructions . He answered ine , that he was notbut that when the Direclorv should have lained itself the princile
; exp upon p ( aid down in his Memorial , he would expedite couriers to give to the different Courts , an account of the Negociation , and to receive their orders . I demanded of him if he could , at least , specify the principle of concession in what concerned the Republic of Great Britain ? He replied , that after the Directory should have explained itself , he would send a courier , and demand instructions on this point . I then thought it my duty to sav to Lord Malmesburv , that I would lay his Memorial before the Directory ; that I would take its orders , and impart to him it ' s answer . CIIA . DCCACHOIX .
ANSWER OF THE DIRECTORY . The Executive Directory orders the Minister for Foreign Affairs to make the following Answer to Lord Malmesburv . The Executive Directory sees with pain , that at the moment when thev had reason to hope for the very speedy return of Peace between the French Republic
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Monthly Chronicle.
trarv , she has taken establishments and colonies of the highest importance , and of a value almost incalculable . But on the other hand , France has made , on the Continent of Europe , conquests , to which his Majestv can be the less indifferent , as the most important interests of his people , and the most ilacred engagements of his TJrown are essentiallv implicated therein . The magnanimity of the King , his inviolable good . faith , and his desire to restore repose to many nations , lead him , in this situation of affairs , to consider
the means of procuring ' terms of peace just and equitable for all the Belligerent Powers , and calculated to insure , in future , the general tranquility . It is on this footing , then , that he proposes to negociate , by offering to compensate . France by proportionable restitutions , for those arrangements , to which she will be called upon to consent , in order to satisfy the just demands of the King ' s Allies , and to preserve the political balance of Europe . Having made this first overture , his Majestv will , in the sequel , explain himself in a more extensive manneron the application ofthis principle to the
differ-, ent objects which may be discussed between the respective Parties . It is this application which will constitute the subject of those discussions into which his Majesty has authorized his Minister to enter , as soon as the principle to be adopted as the general basis of the Negociation is known . But his Majesty cannot dispense with declaring , that if his generous and equitable offer shall not be accepted ; or if , unfortunately , the discussions which may ensue , mav fail in this desired effect , neither this general proposition , nor those detailed which result froitshall be in
more mav m , regarded , any case , as points agreed upon or accorded to by his Majesty . t ¦ ¦ MALMESRIJRY . Minister Plenipotentiary from Paris , October 2 ± lh , no 6 . His Britanuic Majesty ;
REPORT TO THE DIRECTORT "BY THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS , THE 4 th BRUMAIRE ( OCTOBER 25 . ) The Executive Directory having furnished me with full powers to treat for Peace with Great Britain , I had yesterday ( 3 d Brumaire ) my first conference with Lord Malmesburv , Plenipotentiary Commissioner of His Britannic Majesty . He presented to me the original of his powers , sealed tvirh the seal of Great Britain , and certified the copy which he had before presented to me unsigned ,
and which I laid before the Directory . I reciprocally exhibited to him my powers , and gave him a certified copy . It was agreed that the originals should be exchanged upon the definitive settlement of the Articles , and before their signature . We entered into discussion . Lord Malmesburv presented to me the Memorial which I laid before the Directory . I observed to him that , speaking in the name of the Allies of Great Britain , and stipulating for their interests , he was , doubtless , furnished with their powers and instructions . He answered ine , that he was notbut that when the Direclorv should have lained itself the princile
; exp upon p ( aid down in his Memorial , he would expedite couriers to give to the different Courts , an account of the Negociation , and to receive their orders . I demanded of him if he could , at least , specify the principle of concession in what concerned the Republic of Great Britain ? He replied , that after the Directory should have explained itself , he would send a courier , and demand instructions on this point . I then thought it my duty to sav to Lord Malmesburv , that I would lay his Memorial before the Directory ; that I would take its orders , and impart to him it ' s answer . CIIA . DCCACHOIX .
ANSWER OF THE DIRECTORY . The Executive Directory orders the Minister for Foreign Affairs to make the following Answer to Lord Malmesburv . The Executive Directory sees with pain , that at the moment when thev had reason to hope for the very speedy return of Peace between the French Republic