Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
and his Britannic Majesty , the proposition cf Lord Malmesburv offers nothing but dilatory , or very distant , means of bringing the Negociation to a conclusion . The Directory observe , that if Lord Malmesburv would have treated separately , as he was formally authorized by the tenor cf his Credentials , the Negociation might have been considerably abridged ; that the necessity of balancing with the interest of these Powers , those of the Allies of Great Britain , multiplies the combination , increases the difficulties , tends to the formation of a Congress , the forms of which , it is known , are always tardy , and require the accession of powers ,
which hitherto have displayed no desire of accommodation , and have not given to Lord Maimesbury himself , according to his own declaration , any power to stipulate for them . Thus , without prejudging the intentions of Lord Maimesbury ; without draw ' ing any conclusion from the circumstance of his Declaration not appearing to accord with his Credentials without supposing that he had received any secret instructions , which would destroy the effect of his ostensible powers ; without pretending , in shortto assertthat the British Government have had a double object
, , in view—to prevent , by general propositions , the partial propositions of other Powers , and to obtain from the People of England the means of continuing the war , by throwing upon the Republic the odium of a delay occasioned by themselves—the Executive Directory cannot but perceive , that the Proposition of Lord Maimesbury is nothing more than a renewal , under more amicable forms , of the Propositions made last year by Mr . Wickham , and that it presents but a distant hope of peace . The Executive Directory farther observe , with regard to the principal of
Cession advanced by Lord Maimesbury , that such principle , presented in a vague and insolated manner , cannot serve as the basis of Negociation ; that the first points of consideration are the commmon necessity of a just and solid Peace , t . ' te political equilibrium which absolute Cessions inight destroy , and then the means which the Belligerent Powers may possess ; the one to retain conquests made at a time when it was supported by a great number of Allies now detached from the Coalition ; and the other to recover them at a time when those , who were at first its enemies , have , almost all , either become its Allies or neuter .
Nevertheless , the Executive Directory , animated with an ardent desire of ¦ putting a stop to the scourge of War , and to prove that they will not reject any means of reconciliation , declare , that as soon as Lord Maimesbury shall exhibit lo the Minister for Foreign Affairs , sufficient powers from the Allies of Great Britain , for stipulating for their respective interests , accompanied by a promise on their part to subscribe to whatever shall be concluded in their names , the Executive Directory will give a speedy answer to the specific prepositions which shall be submitted to them , and that the difficulties shall be removed , as far as may be . consistent with the safety and dignity of the French Republic . RCVEII . LEUE LEI ' EAUX , President . LAGASDS , General Secretary .
NOTE , SENT TO THE MINISTER FOR F . MSEIGN AFFAIRS EY LORD MAIMESBURY . The Undersigned did not fail to transmit to his Court the answer of the Executive Directory to the propositions which he was charged lo make , as an opening to a pacific Negociation . With regard to the offensive and injurious insinuations contained in that Paper , and-which arc only c .-rcttlafed to create new obstacles to the acccinricdaticn which the French Government professes to desire , the King has deemed it far beneath his dignity to permit an answer to be made to them on his partin any
, manner whatsoever . The progress and the result of the Negociation will sufficiently prove the Principles by which it will have been directed on either pari : and it is neither by revolting reproaches wholly unfounded , nor by reciprocal insults , that a sincere wish to accomplish the great task of Pacification can be evinced . The Undersigned then passes to the first object of discission , brought forward in the answer of the Executive Directory;—that of a separate Negociation , 'to
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Monthly Chronicle.
and his Britannic Majesty , the proposition cf Lord Malmesburv offers nothing but dilatory , or very distant , means of bringing the Negociation to a conclusion . The Directory observe , that if Lord Malmesburv would have treated separately , as he was formally authorized by the tenor cf his Credentials , the Negociation might have been considerably abridged ; that the necessity of balancing with the interest of these Powers , those of the Allies of Great Britain , multiplies the combination , increases the difficulties , tends to the formation of a Congress , the forms of which , it is known , are always tardy , and require the accession of powers ,
which hitherto have displayed no desire of accommodation , and have not given to Lord Maimesbury himself , according to his own declaration , any power to stipulate for them . Thus , without prejudging the intentions of Lord Maimesbury ; without draw ' ing any conclusion from the circumstance of his Declaration not appearing to accord with his Credentials without supposing that he had received any secret instructions , which would destroy the effect of his ostensible powers ; without pretending , in shortto assertthat the British Government have had a double object
, , in view—to prevent , by general propositions , the partial propositions of other Powers , and to obtain from the People of England the means of continuing the war , by throwing upon the Republic the odium of a delay occasioned by themselves—the Executive Directory cannot but perceive , that the Proposition of Lord Maimesbury is nothing more than a renewal , under more amicable forms , of the Propositions made last year by Mr . Wickham , and that it presents but a distant hope of peace . The Executive Directory farther observe , with regard to the principal of
Cession advanced by Lord Maimesbury , that such principle , presented in a vague and insolated manner , cannot serve as the basis of Negociation ; that the first points of consideration are the commmon necessity of a just and solid Peace , t . ' te political equilibrium which absolute Cessions inight destroy , and then the means which the Belligerent Powers may possess ; the one to retain conquests made at a time when it was supported by a great number of Allies now detached from the Coalition ; and the other to recover them at a time when those , who were at first its enemies , have , almost all , either become its Allies or neuter .
Nevertheless , the Executive Directory , animated with an ardent desire of ¦ putting a stop to the scourge of War , and to prove that they will not reject any means of reconciliation , declare , that as soon as Lord Maimesbury shall exhibit lo the Minister for Foreign Affairs , sufficient powers from the Allies of Great Britain , for stipulating for their respective interests , accompanied by a promise on their part to subscribe to whatever shall be concluded in their names , the Executive Directory will give a speedy answer to the specific prepositions which shall be submitted to them , and that the difficulties shall be removed , as far as may be . consistent with the safety and dignity of the French Republic . RCVEII . LEUE LEI ' EAUX , President . LAGASDS , General Secretary .
NOTE , SENT TO THE MINISTER FOR F . MSEIGN AFFAIRS EY LORD MAIMESBURY . The Undersigned did not fail to transmit to his Court the answer of the Executive Directory to the propositions which he was charged lo make , as an opening to a pacific Negociation . With regard to the offensive and injurious insinuations contained in that Paper , and-which arc only c .-rcttlafed to create new obstacles to the acccinricdaticn which the French Government professes to desire , the King has deemed it far beneath his dignity to permit an answer to be made to them on his partin any
, manner whatsoever . The progress and the result of the Negociation will sufficiently prove the Principles by which it will have been directed on either pari : and it is neither by revolting reproaches wholly unfounded , nor by reciprocal insults , that a sincere wish to accomplish the great task of Pacification can be evinced . The Undersigned then passes to the first object of discission , brought forward in the answer of the Executive Directory;—that of a separate Negociation , 'to