Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
He is , moreover , charged to demand of you , what are the dispositions to treat , on a just ancl equitable basis , of which his Majesty , the Emperor and King , ha & given to the French Government so striking a proof , at the very commencement of the Campaign . The Executive Directory is ignorant of it . —It was the Emperor and King who broke the armistice . Paris , 32 Brumaire ( Nov . 12 ) sth Year C 11 . DELACROIX . of the Republic , One and Indivisible .
LETTER TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIfrN AFFAIRS , BY LORD MALMF . SBURY . The Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty requests the Minister for Foreign Affairs to inform him whether he is to consider the Official Note which he received from him , yesterday evening , as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury delivered yesterday morning , to the Minister for Foreign A flairs , by order of his Court . He applies for this information , that the departure of his Courier may not be needlessly delayed . Paris , Nov . 13 , 179 6 . MALMESBI-IIY .
ANSWER OF THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO THE PRECEDING LETTER FROM LORD MAEMESF . URY , The Undersigned , Minister for Foreign Affairs , declares lo Lord Maimesbury , Minister plenipotentiary from his Britannic Majesty , that he is to consider trie Official Note sent to him yesterday as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury had addressed to him , on the morning of the same day . 23 Brumaire , 5 th Year . Cu . DELACROIX .
SECOND LETTER FROM LORD MAI . MESBURY TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS . Lord Maimesbury has . just received the an-wer of the Minister for Foreign Affairs , in which he declare ; lhat the Official Note which he sent to him yesterday , is to be considered as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury addressed to him , on the morning of the same day . Lord Malmesburv will transmit it , this day , to his Court , Paris , Nov . 13 , 1796 . MALMESBURV .
The following Note is a direct answer to the Letter which Charles Delacroix bad yestereday addressed to Lord Malsrnesbury , and in which he desired him 10 point out , without delay , r . The objects of reciprocal ' compensation , which he proposed ; 2 . What species of pacific intentions the Emperor had announced at the opening of the Campaign . > 'OTF . ADDRESSED BY LORD MAEMESBUItV TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS . The Undersigned does not hesitate a moment to answer the two questions
which you have been instructed by the Executive Directory to put to him . The Memorial presented this morning , by the Undersigned , proposes , in express terms , on the part of his Majesty the King of Great Britain , ' to compensate France , by proportionable lestitutions , for the arrangements to which she will be called upon to consent , in order to satisfy the just pretensions of the King's Allies , and to preserve the political balance of Europe . ' Before the formal acceptation cf this principle , or the annunciation , on the part of the Executive Directoryof any other principle whatever , which may
, equally serve as the basis of a Negociation for a general peace , the Undersigned could not he authorized to designate the objects of reciprocal compensation . As to the proof of the pacific dispositions given lo the French Government by his Majesty , the Emperor and King , at the opening of the Campaign , the Undersigned contents himself with a repetition of the following words contained in the Note of Baron D'Egleman , of the 4 th of June last . . ' The operations of the war will in no wise prevent his Imperial Majesty from being ever ready 10 concur , agreeably 10 any form of Negociation which shail he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
He is , moreover , charged to demand of you , what are the dispositions to treat , on a just ancl equitable basis , of which his Majesty , the Emperor and King , ha & given to the French Government so striking a proof , at the very commencement of the Campaign . The Executive Directory is ignorant of it . —It was the Emperor and King who broke the armistice . Paris , 32 Brumaire ( Nov . 12 ) sth Year C 11 . DELACROIX . of the Republic , One and Indivisible .
LETTER TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIfrN AFFAIRS , BY LORD MALMF . SBURY . The Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty requests the Minister for Foreign Affairs to inform him whether he is to consider the Official Note which he received from him , yesterday evening , as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury delivered yesterday morning , to the Minister for Foreign A flairs , by order of his Court . He applies for this information , that the departure of his Courier may not be needlessly delayed . Paris , Nov . 13 , 179 6 . MALMESBI-IIY .
ANSWER OF THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO THE PRECEDING LETTER FROM LORD MAEMESF . URY , The Undersigned , Minister for Foreign Affairs , declares lo Lord Maimesbury , Minister plenipotentiary from his Britannic Majesty , that he is to consider trie Official Note sent to him yesterday as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury had addressed to him , on the morning of the same day . 23 Brumaire , 5 th Year . Cu . DELACROIX .
SECOND LETTER FROM LORD MAI . MESBURY TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS . Lord Maimesbury has . just received the an-wer of the Minister for Foreign Affairs , in which he declare ; lhat the Official Note which he sent to him yesterday , is to be considered as the answer to that which Lord Maimesbury addressed to him , on the morning of the same day . Lord Malmesburv will transmit it , this day , to his Court , Paris , Nov . 13 , 1796 . MALMESBURV .
The following Note is a direct answer to the Letter which Charles Delacroix bad yestereday addressed to Lord Malsrnesbury , and in which he desired him 10 point out , without delay , r . The objects of reciprocal ' compensation , which he proposed ; 2 . What species of pacific intentions the Emperor had announced at the opening of the Campaign . > 'OTF . ADDRESSED BY LORD MAEMESBUItV TO THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS . The Undersigned does not hesitate a moment to answer the two questions
which you have been instructed by the Executive Directory to put to him . The Memorial presented this morning , by the Undersigned , proposes , in express terms , on the part of his Majesty the King of Great Britain , ' to compensate France , by proportionable lestitutions , for the arrangements to which she will be called upon to consent , in order to satisfy the just pretensions of the King's Allies , and to preserve the political balance of Europe . ' Before the formal acceptation cf this principle , or the annunciation , on the part of the Executive Directoryof any other principle whatever , which may
, equally serve as the basis of a Negociation for a general peace , the Undersigned could not he authorized to designate the objects of reciprocal compensation . As to the proof of the pacific dispositions given lo the French Government by his Majesty , the Emperor and King , at the opening of the Campaign , the Undersigned contents himself with a repetition of the following words contained in the Note of Baron D'Egleman , of the 4 th of June last . . ' The operations of the war will in no wise prevent his Imperial Majesty from being ever ready 10 concur , agreeably 10 any form of Negociation which shail he