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Plan Of The Action Between The English And Dutch Fleets,
BRITISH . DUTCH . guns . gu '" ; A Russel - 74 » Delft " 5 ® B Monmouth 6 4 2 Alkmaar 56 C Montague 74 3 . Cerberus 68 t > Powerful 74 4 Haarlaem 68 Monarch 74 5 Jupi'cr 74
E F Veteran 6 4 6 Leyden 68 G Director 6 4 7 Mars - 44 H Lancaster 6 4 8 Batavia 56 I Agincotirt 64 9 States-Gen . 74 K Triumph 74 1 ° Hercules 6 4 L Venerable 74 " Wassenaer 6 4 X North Point . —Wind N . W .
BRITIStl . DUTCH . I guns . gntis . ' ! M Ardent 6 4 12 Liberty 74-j N Bedford 74 i ' 3 Brutus - 74 j O Belliqueux 6 4 14 Ad . ileVries 68 j P Adamant 5 ° ' 5 Beschermer $ & \ Q Isis - - 50 16 Gelyheid 6 4 K Speculator 17 Munikendam ^
S King George 1 S Daphne , sunk by the'Monai-chf T Beauiieu 44 19 Minerva U Merlin 20 Ajnx W Circe - 28 21 Minerva 22 AniUuscade
JOURNAL OF- THE PROCEEDINGS OF HIS MAJESTY ' S FLEET * UNDER . THE COMMAND OF ADMIRAL DtlNCAN , OCT . II , I 797 . At 8 o'clock A . M . the signal was made for the enemy being in sight . Ae , 0 min . past 8 , that the enemy ' s fleet consisted of sixteen sad of the line . At f , min . past 8 , the Admiral made the signal for the ships astern to make ' the 31 thrown out to i 0 r
more sail . At 5 » " »¦ P * t 9 < "S " , was prepare battle At 10 min . past 3 , for the Russel to close near the Admiral . At I ' rain , past 9 , to form line , starboard bearing S . S . E . At H mm . past 9 toalter course to port . At 33 min . past 9 , to form line , -starboard bearing N , E ' andS W Ati 6 min . past 9 , to make more sail . At 59 mm .-past 9 , ditto At 3 ' min . past 10 , to alter course to starboard S . _ At 1 2 mm ,. past ioi for chaceAt 18 minpast 10 the signal for the ships to
the signal a general . . , take stations , and engage as they come up . At 55 mm , past xo , to shorten sail , preserving order . Atn , the signal to take in two reefs 111 topsails . At 2 min . past 11 , to form line , starboard bearing . « t 4 mm . past u ta nrepareto haul wind on starboard tack—and in a minute alter to bring to . At 15 min . past 11 . to take stations as pendants are shewn . At 17 mm . min . pastu , the signal for the Powerful to be first 111 the line . Atiimm , past II , the Director , second . At 23 min . past 11 , the ships to windward to min 11 each ship to steer orarid
keep in the Admiral ' s wake . At 25 . past , ., ¦ cneao-e his opponent in the enemy ' s line . At 29 mm . past JI , the signal for bear ^ rp and sail at larae . At ^ min . past 11 , the signal for the lee . il . yision to enrage the enemy ' s rear 5 and in a minute after for the weather division to eiWe the enemy ' s centre . At 47 min . past 11 , the signal was made to break or pass through the enemy ' s line , and engage to leeward . At 49 min . past 11 , for the the ' signal ships astern to make more sail . The enemy waited with such steady , cool determination to dispute the honour of the day , that not a shot was fired till the British fleet crossed their line .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Plan Of The Action Between The English And Dutch Fleets,
BRITISH . DUTCH . guns . gu '" ; A Russel - 74 » Delft " 5 ® B Monmouth 6 4 2 Alkmaar 56 C Montague 74 3 . Cerberus 68 t > Powerful 74 4 Haarlaem 68 Monarch 74 5 Jupi'cr 74
E F Veteran 6 4 6 Leyden 68 G Director 6 4 7 Mars - 44 H Lancaster 6 4 8 Batavia 56 I Agincotirt 64 9 States-Gen . 74 K Triumph 74 1 ° Hercules 6 4 L Venerable 74 " Wassenaer 6 4 X North Point . —Wind N . W .
BRITIStl . DUTCH . I guns . gntis . ' ! M Ardent 6 4 12 Liberty 74-j N Bedford 74 i ' 3 Brutus - 74 j O Belliqueux 6 4 14 Ad . ileVries 68 j P Adamant 5 ° ' 5 Beschermer $ & \ Q Isis - - 50 16 Gelyheid 6 4 K Speculator 17 Munikendam ^
S King George 1 S Daphne , sunk by the'Monai-chf T Beauiieu 44 19 Minerva U Merlin 20 Ajnx W Circe - 28 21 Minerva 22 AniUuscade
JOURNAL OF- THE PROCEEDINGS OF HIS MAJESTY ' S FLEET * UNDER . THE COMMAND OF ADMIRAL DtlNCAN , OCT . II , I 797 . At 8 o'clock A . M . the signal was made for the enemy being in sight . Ae , 0 min . past 8 , that the enemy ' s fleet consisted of sixteen sad of the line . At f , min . past 8 , the Admiral made the signal for the ships astern to make ' the 31 thrown out to i 0 r
more sail . At 5 » " »¦ P * t 9 < "S " , was prepare battle At 10 min . past 3 , for the Russel to close near the Admiral . At I ' rain , past 9 , to form line , starboard bearing S . S . E . At H mm . past 9 toalter course to port . At 33 min . past 9 , to form line , -starboard bearing N , E ' andS W Ati 6 min . past 9 , to make more sail . At 59 mm .-past 9 , ditto At 3 ' min . past 10 , to alter course to starboard S . _ At 1 2 mm ,. past ioi for chaceAt 18 minpast 10 the signal for the ships to
the signal a general . . , take stations , and engage as they come up . At 55 mm , past xo , to shorten sail , preserving order . Atn , the signal to take in two reefs 111 topsails . At 2 min . past 11 , to form line , starboard bearing . « t 4 mm . past u ta nrepareto haul wind on starboard tack—and in a minute alter to bring to . At 15 min . past 11 . to take stations as pendants are shewn . At 17 mm . min . pastu , the signal for the Powerful to be first 111 the line . Atiimm , past II , the Director , second . At 23 min . past 11 , the ships to windward to min 11 each ship to steer orarid
keep in the Admiral ' s wake . At 25 . past , ., ¦ cneao-e his opponent in the enemy ' s line . At 29 mm . past JI , the signal for bear ^ rp and sail at larae . At ^ min . past 11 , the signal for the lee . il . yision to enrage the enemy ' s rear 5 and in a minute after for the weather division to eiWe the enemy ' s centre . At 47 min . past 11 , the signal was made to break or pass through the enemy ' s line , and engage to leeward . At 49 min . past 11 , for the the ' signal ships astern to make more sail . The enemy waited with such steady , cool determination to dispute the honour of the day , that not a shot was fired till the British fleet crossed their line .