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The Freemasons' Magazine: Or, General And Complete Library.
founded upon principles of architecture , for the use of population ., ' and edification in the knowledge and improvement of arts and sciences , as well as upon the principles of reli gious and mora } duties . ' I may venture to say , there is no society on earth yet established so nobly 7 patronized ; yet I cannot hel p drooping with the strongest impulse of afflictionto see the Grand Society * of Masonsunder the
, , disgraceful necessity of hiring of an inferior bod y , every year , rooms for entertaining , on St . John ' s day , the grand Convocation of Masons , led by their grand master , generally attended by several personages of the first rank , and three or four hundred of the brotherhood , I am also grieved to see ' the committees of charity , quarterly communicationsand grand lod held in tavernswhere
, ges , they have been disrespectfully treated , and drove from one to another . What contempt must this reflect on Great Britain , the grand local standard-of Masonry?—Is it . not our fault?—Are we not remiss then in our honor and dignity , not to perpetuate that standard , by a proper structure for that purpose ? This , brethren , was what 1 first opened to you , as my chiaf
justification , in giving you this trouble , and was an observation which our ever-memorable grand master , Earl Ferrers , watchful of the good and honour of the Craft , now more immediately under his care , had taken into his consideration ; and from the greatness of his mind , which irever inseparable from a heart truly ennobled , and the dignity of his trust , harmonized with the blazing light of true
Masonry , proposes to set on foot the best-approved plan to erect a proper building for the accommodation of the grand convocation , and grand lodges aforesaid , together with spacious rooms for a growing ' library , and school , for the qualifying and finishing twelve boys , sons of poor Masons , in the knowledge of some of the arts and sciences best adapted to their respective geniuses , in order to be put out in the world ; ' or otherwise to be regulated and founded ; as it should seem best to a committee of Masons delegated for that purpose .
" That the sum for this bunding be raised b y a general subscription , to be made ail the vyorld over , amongst kings , princes , and potentates that are royal brothers , and all lodges and Masons , to be paid into different bankers hands . ' ¦ ' That every brother , skilful in drawing , or in contriving a plan for such a building , would be so kind as to deliver his-proposals to the grand master to be examined and considered ; so that the
bestapproved plan mi ght be attended to , the expences calculated , and a sum notified adequate to the undertaking . " As such a collection will take up some time , the sooner the better a scheme for the purpose is settled . Many a foundation now flourishing , has begun with a much less prospect of succeeding ; and'I have the honour to inform you , that our most worthy grand master , Earl Ferrers , proposes to endow the scholastic part of the foundation - > vith an annual perpetuity of jol . as a beginning , to defray the ex ?
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The Freemasons' Magazine: Or, General And Complete Library.
founded upon principles of architecture , for the use of population ., ' and edification in the knowledge and improvement of arts and sciences , as well as upon the principles of reli gious and mora } duties . ' I may venture to say , there is no society on earth yet established so nobly 7 patronized ; yet I cannot hel p drooping with the strongest impulse of afflictionto see the Grand Society * of Masonsunder the
, , disgraceful necessity of hiring of an inferior bod y , every year , rooms for entertaining , on St . John ' s day , the grand Convocation of Masons , led by their grand master , generally attended by several personages of the first rank , and three or four hundred of the brotherhood , I am also grieved to see ' the committees of charity , quarterly communicationsand grand lod held in tavernswhere
, ges , they have been disrespectfully treated , and drove from one to another . What contempt must this reflect on Great Britain , the grand local standard-of Masonry?—Is it . not our fault?—Are we not remiss then in our honor and dignity , not to perpetuate that standard , by a proper structure for that purpose ? This , brethren , was what 1 first opened to you , as my chiaf
justification , in giving you this trouble , and was an observation which our ever-memorable grand master , Earl Ferrers , watchful of the good and honour of the Craft , now more immediately under his care , had taken into his consideration ; and from the greatness of his mind , which irever inseparable from a heart truly ennobled , and the dignity of his trust , harmonized with the blazing light of true
Masonry , proposes to set on foot the best-approved plan to erect a proper building for the accommodation of the grand convocation , and grand lodges aforesaid , together with spacious rooms for a growing ' library , and school , for the qualifying and finishing twelve boys , sons of poor Masons , in the knowledge of some of the arts and sciences best adapted to their respective geniuses , in order to be put out in the world ; ' or otherwise to be regulated and founded ; as it should seem best to a committee of Masons delegated for that purpose .
" That the sum for this bunding be raised b y a general subscription , to be made ail the vyorld over , amongst kings , princes , and potentates that are royal brothers , and all lodges and Masons , to be paid into different bankers hands . ' ¦ ' That every brother , skilful in drawing , or in contriving a plan for such a building , would be so kind as to deliver his-proposals to the grand master to be examined and considered ; so that the
bestapproved plan mi ght be attended to , the expences calculated , and a sum notified adequate to the undertaking . " As such a collection will take up some time , the sooner the better a scheme for the purpose is settled . Many a foundation now flourishing , has begun with a much less prospect of succeeding ; and'I have the honour to inform you , that our most worthy grand master , Earl Ferrers , proposes to endow the scholastic part of the foundation - > vith an annual perpetuity of jol . as a beginning , to defray the ex ?