Article THE CHARGE Page 1 of 4 →
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The Charge
DELIVERED TO THE SIGHT HONOURABLE AND RIGHT WORSHIPFULLORD BLANEY , When he was appointed M ASTER of the NEW L ODGE , at tbe Horn Tavern , Westminster .
ST THOMAS EDMONDES , Esq . Acting as Deputy Grand-Master for that Purpose .
RIGHT HON . AND RIGHT WOR . BROTHER , THE first and most essential requisite towards a right conduct in the great trust you are under , is to study the utility , as well as to enforce the practice of all religious , moral , and socialduties . Happy it is for yousirand for those selected into this lodge
, , tinder your care , that you are possessed with that personal greatness and firmness of spirit , so appurtenant to official duty , authoritative exercises , and that idio-pathetical knowledge in' the mysterious problems of the Craft , so necessary to support the dignity of the chair , and illustrate the judicious decisions and necessary regulations in this our new constitution .
Permit me , sir , to observe and admire , among those qualifications , the justice , equality , and sweetness of temper , which have Jong ornamented your conduct in life , and endeared you to your friends and acquaintance both in this and our sister kingdom , » particularly to your brethren of this lodge . .
Such lustre , like the sun rising in tbe East , never fails of encircling around it true rays of glory , serenity , and harmony . Another very useful requisite to a right conduct , is to know what particularly relates to yourself under this trust ; and by the influence of that knowledge , to rectify your consequent actions . This precept waswrote in letters of gold over the porch of the temple of Apollo , and professed as a principal maxim by all the sages of old . It is
the true philosophical and practical wisdom , which settles all matters right , within . It teaches us to regulate unguarded passions , delineates the true scope and system of human life , and is the only apparatus for becoming a pattern and a guardian to society . Power is most wisely and properly lodged in such hands . In you , sirievery brother may have an able friend and counsellor ( as the
visitors of Apollo had from his oracles ) not only to point out his errors ? but to be informed how they are to be corrected and reformed . Could every constitution be thus wisely delegated , it would be the most implicit guidance to certain honour and happiness ; for by you , sir , thus founded and enlightened , order , politeness , fortitude , wisdom , affability , friendship , benevolence , faith , hope , charity *
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The Charge
DELIVERED TO THE SIGHT HONOURABLE AND RIGHT WORSHIPFULLORD BLANEY , When he was appointed M ASTER of the NEW L ODGE , at tbe Horn Tavern , Westminster .
ST THOMAS EDMONDES , Esq . Acting as Deputy Grand-Master for that Purpose .
RIGHT HON . AND RIGHT WOR . BROTHER , THE first and most essential requisite towards a right conduct in the great trust you are under , is to study the utility , as well as to enforce the practice of all religious , moral , and socialduties . Happy it is for yousirand for those selected into this lodge
, , tinder your care , that you are possessed with that personal greatness and firmness of spirit , so appurtenant to official duty , authoritative exercises , and that idio-pathetical knowledge in' the mysterious problems of the Craft , so necessary to support the dignity of the chair , and illustrate the judicious decisions and necessary regulations in this our new constitution .
Permit me , sir , to observe and admire , among those qualifications , the justice , equality , and sweetness of temper , which have Jong ornamented your conduct in life , and endeared you to your friends and acquaintance both in this and our sister kingdom , » particularly to your brethren of this lodge . .
Such lustre , like the sun rising in tbe East , never fails of encircling around it true rays of glory , serenity , and harmony . Another very useful requisite to a right conduct , is to know what particularly relates to yourself under this trust ; and by the influence of that knowledge , to rectify your consequent actions . This precept waswrote in letters of gold over the porch of the temple of Apollo , and professed as a principal maxim by all the sages of old . It is
the true philosophical and practical wisdom , which settles all matters right , within . It teaches us to regulate unguarded passions , delineates the true scope and system of human life , and is the only apparatus for becoming a pattern and a guardian to society . Power is most wisely and properly lodged in such hands . In you , sirievery brother may have an able friend and counsellor ( as the
visitors of Apollo had from his oracles ) not only to point out his errors ? but to be informed how they are to be corrected and reformed . Could every constitution be thus wisely delegated , it would be the most implicit guidance to certain honour and happiness ; for by you , sir , thus founded and enlightened , order , politeness , fortitude , wisdom , affability , friendship , benevolence , faith , hope , charity *