Article COMMENTS ON STERNE. Page 1 of 9 →
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Comments On Sterne.
BY JOHN FERRIAR , M . D . [ Continued from Page 4 6 S . 3 FN Chap . 3 6 , Vol . vi . Sterne has picked out a few quotations from JJ _ Burton ' s Essay on Love-Melancholy * , which afford nothing
very remarkable except Sterne ' s boldness in quoting quotations . By help of another extract f fromBurton , Sterne makes a great figure as a curious Reader : " I hate to make mysteries of nothing;—" ' tis the cold cautiousness of one of those little souls from which Les" sins ( lib . 13 . de moribus divinis , ch . 24 . ) has made his estimate , " wherein he setteth forthThat one Dutch
milecubicallmul-, , y " tiplied , will allow room enough , and to spare , for eight hundred " thousand millions , which he supposes to be as great a number of " souls ( counting from the fall of Adam ) as can possibly be damn'd " to the end of the world . I am much more at a loss to know " what could be in Franciscus Ribera ' s head , who pretends that no "less a space than one of two hundred Italian milesmultiplied into
, "itself , will be sufficient to hold the like number—he certainly " must have gone upon some of the old Roman souls , " & c ; The succeedin g raillery is very well , but unfair with respect to the mathematical Theologist , as the original passage will prove .
" Franciscus Ribera , in cap . 14 . Apocalyps . will have Hell a material and local fire in the centre of the earth , 200 Italian miles in diameter , as he defines it out of those words , Exivit sanguis de terra—per Stadia mille sexcenta , & c . But Lessius , lib . . 13 . de moribus divinis , cap . 24 . will have ibis local bell far less , one Dutch mile in diameter , all filled with fire ancl brimstone ; because , as he there demonstrates , that space cubically multiplied will make a sphere able to bold ei ght hundred
thousand millions of damned bodies ( allowing each body six foot square J which will abundantly suffice . " [ I believe the damn'd , upon Lessius ' s scheme , would be less crouded , than the victims of the African Slave-trade have often been , on the middle passage . J " Cum certum sit , inquit , facta subductione , non futures centies mille milliones damnandorwn * . Againat the end of the same Chapter in Tristram Shand
, y ; " but where am I ? and into what a delicious riot of things am I " rushing ? I—I who must be cut short in tbe midst of my days , " & c . Burton concludes his Chapter " on Maids ' , Nunns ' , and Wi" dows'Melancholy , " in the same manner . " But where ami ? into " what subject bave I rushed ? What have I to do ? " § & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Comments On Sterne.
BY JOHN FERRIAR , M . D . [ Continued from Page 4 6 S . 3 FN Chap . 3 6 , Vol . vi . Sterne has picked out a few quotations from JJ _ Burton ' s Essay on Love-Melancholy * , which afford nothing
very remarkable except Sterne ' s boldness in quoting quotations . By help of another extract f fromBurton , Sterne makes a great figure as a curious Reader : " I hate to make mysteries of nothing;—" ' tis the cold cautiousness of one of those little souls from which Les" sins ( lib . 13 . de moribus divinis , ch . 24 . ) has made his estimate , " wherein he setteth forthThat one Dutch
milecubicallmul-, , y " tiplied , will allow room enough , and to spare , for eight hundred " thousand millions , which he supposes to be as great a number of " souls ( counting from the fall of Adam ) as can possibly be damn'd " to the end of the world . I am much more at a loss to know " what could be in Franciscus Ribera ' s head , who pretends that no "less a space than one of two hundred Italian milesmultiplied into
, "itself , will be sufficient to hold the like number—he certainly " must have gone upon some of the old Roman souls , " & c ; The succeedin g raillery is very well , but unfair with respect to the mathematical Theologist , as the original passage will prove .
" Franciscus Ribera , in cap . 14 . Apocalyps . will have Hell a material and local fire in the centre of the earth , 200 Italian miles in diameter , as he defines it out of those words , Exivit sanguis de terra—per Stadia mille sexcenta , & c . But Lessius , lib . . 13 . de moribus divinis , cap . 24 . will have ibis local bell far less , one Dutch mile in diameter , all filled with fire ancl brimstone ; because , as he there demonstrates , that space cubically multiplied will make a sphere able to bold ei ght hundred
thousand millions of damned bodies ( allowing each body six foot square J which will abundantly suffice . " [ I believe the damn'd , upon Lessius ' s scheme , would be less crouded , than the victims of the African Slave-trade have often been , on the middle passage . J " Cum certum sit , inquit , facta subductione , non futures centies mille milliones damnandorwn * . Againat the end of the same Chapter in Tristram Shand
, y ; " but where am I ? and into what a delicious riot of things am I " rushing ? I—I who must be cut short in tbe midst of my days , " & c . Burton concludes his Chapter " on Maids ' , Nunns ' , and Wi" dows'Melancholy , " in the same manner . " But where ami ? into " what subject bave I rushed ? What have I to do ? " § & c .